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Materene last won the day on December 23 2010

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About Materene

  • Birthday 08/31/1948

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    Livonia LA
  • Interests
    Out Living Jane Fonda

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  1. I've been gone for over 45 years, but I did ride trail in a club before then and our rides even came in from north to south along south main. I forget where the turn was made but post oak was definitely one of the major crossings. It was legal then and not just restricted to the beginning of the Fat Stock Show which it was called then. Most were out north of Houston as far as FM 1960.
  2. Sounds like you probably saw the annual Stock show riders, was this during the Fall you saw those riders. Myself I never heard mention of the Hermann sawmill. I read up on his history and he actually served in the civil war under the confederacy. He died in 1914 leaving his fortune made in many ventures oil timber and other things to build the hospital. Hermann hospital I am familiar with being 75 years old. I searched all over and could not find any photos in that era of his properties. Rice Photo library has a lot of old Houston photos. I love looking at those old photos. Houston had a lot of History including the pre WWI Army base there in the Memorial area. Even Galveston had a large Army base in the very early days. Getting back to topic I would think his sawmill would be in that general area of the old stable. It would have had to be near a water outlet unless they were taking down very local timber and moved it by horse or mule or both. One thing I found on reading his history was his per luck chance of buying land in Humble and it having oil. That of course made his fortune. To me it comes as a remembrance of being 5 years old and my grandmother and her best friend taking we two kids out to Humble in the oil field back roads for a early afternoon snack of Shipley's Doughnuts and cold milk. We all sat on a blanket and it was so peaceful and pretty in the early 50s. We would pick blackberries and of course the elders called them dew berries, but we would find buckets and buckets of berries. There was no people living out that way so few people knew about the berries. Lots of cows out there at the time and my family was old time folks that would also go out there and pick poke salad. It had to be on pastured land to find it. It was almost like spinach but prepared the same way and in the 50s canning was a part of living. My Great Grandfather worked at a water powered sawmill and I have a photo of him on the saw mill . It had to be in the late 1800s, another job he had and was photoed was him riding herd on livestock in Cisco Texas. I have that picture also. I will have to try one day and scan those two old photos and post them here.
  3. I live 3 hundred fifty miles from Houston but I have found a map quest location of the stables, I never knew about the lumber mill but I would assume it was in that same area. I will see what I can find and pass along anything I find. About the Blvd Trees I really don't know the purpose of the planting but since it borders the University I always thought they were responsible for planting the trees. There are some excellent photos taken from the top of the Warwick Hotel looking down onto the Blvd shortly after they were planted and that was around 28 I believe. The University of Houston was the library I saw them on the internet. Those photos show a different Houston than all of us living today ever saw, it was flat and few buildings going south, except for the Hospital and medical building further out. Endless trees and nothing ha. Here is the map quest street view and naming of the stable area. https://www.mapquest.com/us/texas/hermann-park-stables-439522721
  4. That area has changed so much in only my lifetime I hardly recognize it. My first time to be in that area was when I was about 5 at the zoo. All the things I remember in the 70s are gone. Now you might search the Rice or UH Historical photos, they have a lot of really old stuff donated over the decades. I still remember all the old downtown buildings in the 60s were still for the most part non air conditioned because they had been standing for so long. It is easy to still spot any still standing because they all have those really high windows that open, it was the only way to stay almost cool in summer. Oh before I forget I was going to say a very close friend of my ex wife and myself told me about 17 years ago that her Late Father had planted all those first batch of trees lining the South Main Blvd in the 20s. Some are still standing even with the street widening and other improvements. The Lady belonged to one church that was 90 years old when I left Houston in 2008, she had died a few days before I left and she was almost 80. Sadly her church closed forever when it became impossible to draw people to church, but that was after her death so at least she was spared of the bad news. My old church Baptist Temple did the same and sold off all of the church property except one small office. In 1955 the church consumed two city blocks and the entire area across the street for church parking. It was full every sunday.
  5. Two flights from Hobby for me in 75 years. First flight was to Fort Ord Ca. Monterey. Infantry Training Feb 1966. The second flight was from Hobby to San Diego Ca to drive a rented U Haul back to Louisiana. I had to remember the timeline a bit because I kept thinking about the travel to RVN in late 67. I mistakenly thought I had left Hobby for Fort Lewis and departure from there. It was DFW I left from to Fort Lewis. At any rate I scarcely remember it as it looked so long ago. I look at the freeway shots and recognize nothing today. I remember 59 starting at the northern end of Jensen Drive but previous to becoming 59 it was a narrow blacktop 2 lane. 1960 off 45 was Jack Rabbit Road, nothing but pines trees. On the weekends we would drive out to 1960 and picnic and shoot a 22 rifle into the woods. Left the service in Aug 70 and I had been away for 5 years so when we were landing at Intercontinental I looked out my window and was wondering where to heck are we ? I never even knew there was a new airport. I do know in the very early fifties and late forties on the eastern side of the airport authority land was the old North Houston Speedway, a small dirt auto racing track. It was surrounded by cow pastures then. Typical old wooden bleachers. Just a few years ago you could still see the oval impression of the old track which has been gone for decades. I enjoyed the photos, thanks so much to the poster
  6. So sorry to be almost 3 years late saying thank you, that happens often once you're over 70. ;0) I look back on the old photos and remember a time long long ago. Sadly most of the people in my world back then are gone now. I knew a lot of people in 1970 who all met there at the drive inn nightly. They also would hang out at the old McDonald's Drive Inn, not to be confused with the soon to be world known McDonald's but the original private independent owned Houston business. Interestingly the new up and coming McDonald's sued that owner and lost I suppose they had no calendar. I think it is now a Burger King on the same location but smaller due to street widening.
  7. The only thing that's missing is a Train stop right smack in the middle of the Lobby. Looking at the photos of current progress I think all the initial planning was tossed out a few years ago. I wish I could be around 50 years from now to read about the 3rd or 4th revival.
  8. Anyone happen to have or know of any old photos of the old Bill Williams Drive Inn , the MD Anderson Cancer Center now sits on the old location. It appears the street was filled in and removed for the new center to be built. I am not sure what year this happened since I have been gone from Houston since 82. It was a typical drive in but had indoor eating also. In 1970 it was a street racing scene hang out. I did find some old menus and historical images a few years ago but no actual location photos. Thanks
  9. Simply because starting in the early 70s all store fronts that were plate glassed became favorite targets for the thieves and they were literally stealing merchants like Sears into bankruptcy. They became eyesores once the massive bricking took place, you would have to be born in my era to appreciate the vast difference in the mindset of America in just a few short years, I hope that explains it.
  10. Ellington will outlive me I think, both locations mentioned in this post have very old relevance to me, for one when I was still pretty young around 5 or 6 I had medical care there at the Field as many other dependents of servicemen did. At the time my Father was stationed on the USS Los Angeles Heavy Cruiser ported in Long Beach so that is one thing I will forever remember. The other memory is the old Sears store and after I returned to civilian life after the Army I went to work for Al Parker Buick and I purchased my very first tools at that Sears location because Al Parker service department had a charge account and this was a time your employers looked after veterans and servicemen going out of their way to help you get a foot hold back into your life. Strange how a few things reconnect when so many others have all but faded and disappeared forever. I think it is nice both of these places will be around for a very long time and someone else will remember them 65 or more years later and they might tie a different memory to the both of them. I don't live in Houston any longer and only get bits and pieces of information now , reading this forum has been very useful and insightful to me.
  11. Remember the market from many decades ago, in the fifties the market was always on my families shopping list. We still had a mule drawn produce wagon in the Heights circa 1956 that would cover the entire area. An old Black man must have been in his 80s and I suppose the man did this until he finally died. Really was pretty quiet and peaceful back in the day. Of course most homes already had fruit trees in their backyards, it was just something that survived the old depression era where people had to grow their own things. Our old place had an apple tree, fig trees, and plums not to forget the large Pecan trees which by the way are still there on the property. Its nice to look at the old place and it still survives and especially the tall Pecan in the front yard. I can remember my Grandmother using a very long cane fishing pole and burning out the worm nest up high in that Pecan tree. My last time to visit that market mentioned in the post was way back in 67 and I was home one weekend on leave from the Army while stationed in the Dallas Fort Worth Air Defense, I tried to drive home every weekend I could and one trip I went to the market to get a few things, can't remember the details it was a long time ago and of course looked a lot different than it does today with so many changes over the decades.
  12. I really can't remember if there was a smaller building on that eastern grass plot, to enter the Training center you would park in front and enter thru front doors to walk down a long hall that had a the class rooms separated. To the right nearer the entrance was a very large cafeteria area that was every bit as large as a regular middle school. In 70 there was not a lot going on at the center as I recall, I'm sure they may have scheduled division classes as they had instructors available for each. I actually ran into another engineer 30 years later here in La who had personally known the instructor I had in 70. Things changed drastically in the 80s with divisions starting to share components so they naturally down sized training to only two or three divisions or less. It would be nice to see a photo of the original building as it appeared, also the old Al Parker Buick downtown on Milam, no photos of it to be seen anywhere. I know for a fact that the day after Mrs Parker had died her son sold the dealership which was then located on I-10 and the Mercury dealership owner purchased it and all the property it was located on. In 2005 just a couple of the old people I had worked with were still working there at the new dealer. It was a super good place to work for in the early years when Mr Parker was alive and I suspect it remained the same after his son took over upon his death. Thanks for your information
  13. I am pretty certain this is the property of what was once the GM training center for Houston. That long driveway coming off Richmond ave is a dead give a way simply because that was how it was laid out and each division class room had a roll up door so the drive way serviced the entire complex. The main building was actually on that grassy area that is all grown over. I remember just coming out the drive and turning right to hit the freeway to head North and this photo is looking due north. Everything I knew of my home town is gone now, even the Buick Dealership I was working at while going here to the center is gone with another building occupying the space. All my schools have been razed and new ones built on the same properties. There was no divider there on Richmond as I remember but it has been almost 47 years so I might be wrong and there would have been no trees at that time for sure. My Instructor was a Buick engineer retired and I specifically remember going out to the ship channel where all the Opel imports were stored and having to jack up 250 cars and replace one stinking motor mount on the driver side before they could be sold ;0( and it was cold out there too !
  14. Would any members know what happened to the old GM Training Center on Richmond Ave, there was a Fred Astaire Dance Studio across the street in a large shopping center. I have no idea when it finally closed but it was open until the 80s although at that time it had been reduced to one class rather than all of the divisions having a separate class room. As I remember it was very near the intersection of the freeway.
  15. I wonder if there is still a lingering smell from the stink bomb that was thrown in the theater in 58, it made the perfect setting for watching a couple monster movies back then. There was once a seedy pool hall just a couple doors down towards the west, and back the opposite direction there was a large 5 and dime store same side of the street. I could find a heck of a lot of junk to buy for a quarter in those days '0)
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