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Houston mayor's race 2009


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Brown endorses Parker

City Councilman Peter Brown today endorsed City Controller Annise Parker today in the mayoral runoff contest.

Brown's announcement at downtown's Tranquility Park is expected to be followed by one from three of his major backers that they are supporting former City Attorney Gene Locke in the runoff. The three — Rev. Bill Lawson, Pastor D.Z. Cofield and Bishop James Dixon — had formed a major piece of Brown's support among the city's African-American voters.

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That was unexpected. But what's more surprising is the generally lack of hateful comments on the chron.com article. I guess they're too busy with the Obama-related news articles.

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If I moved into the city after the registration cutoff for the general election, am I eligible to register for the runoff?

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If I moved into the city after the registration cutoff for the general election, am I eligible to register for the runoff?

You have between now and Thursday to register to vote. If you do it before Thurs, you will get your card in the mail before the run off. Must be 30 days before any election. Go to the courthouse and fill out a registration form now!

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Not looking good for Annise Parker:


Gene Locke’s campaign has released the first poll taken since November 3. The poll was conducted Monday and Tuesday nights (November 9 & 10) by Paul Maislin, who also polled for Lee Brown and Bill White. The poll showed Parker leading by a 43-39% with 18% undecided. The margin of error was 4%.

The poll shows that Parker and Locke are splitting Peter Brown votes fairly evenly with most white Democrats shifting to Parker and Brown’s African-American supporters moving to Locke. The undecided voters at this point are mostly suburban, white and Republican leaning. The suburban-white-Republican-leaning voters that have made up their minds about the race are breaking strongly in Locke’s favor by about a 70-30 margin. This group is primarily been responsible for Locke moving from 10% down in the election to within the margin of error of Parker.

This is going to be a tight, close race. The alarms are starting to sound: "Beware of gay take-over" of houston city gov't if Parker wins. This campaign is going to turn negative and nasty. With primary emphasis being on Parker's sexual orientation. And that will be a shame.

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Sad, just sad. Way to promote and spread the discrimination.

Anti-gay effort targeting Parker motivates conservatives

Group opposes a lesbian in office

A cluster of socially conservative Houstonians is planning a campaign to discourage voters from choosing City Controller Annise Parker in the December mayoral runoff because she is a lesbian, according to multiple ministers and conservatives involved in the effort.

The group is motivated by concerns about a “gay takeover” of City Hall, given that two other candidates in the five remaining City Council races are also openly gay, as well as national interest driven by the possibility that Houston could become the first major U.S. city to elect an openly gay woman.

Another primary concern is that Parker or other elected officials would seek to overturn a 2001 city charter amendment that prohibits the city from providing benefits to the domestic partners of gay and lesbian employees.

“The bottom line is that we didn't pick the battle, she did, when she made her agenda and sexual preference a central part of her campaign,” said Dave Welch, executive director of the Houston Area Pastor Council, numbering more than 200 senior pastors in the Greater Houston area. “National gay and lesbian activists see this as a historic opportunity. The reality is that's because they're promoting an agenda which we believe to be contrary to the concerns of the community and destructive to the family.”


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Locke + Hotze = ♥


A band of socially conservative activists and ministers has injected intolerance into Houston's mayoral election. As reported Saturday by the Chronicle's Bradley Olson, the group plans to discourage voters from supporting City Controller Annise Parker in the Dec. 12 runoff because she is a lesbian, and because they're worried about a “gay takeover” of City Hall.


But Locke has also been courting the support of Dr. Steven Hotze, a conservative power broker and apparently one of the prime movers behind the effort to smear Parker. Hotze was the man behind the 1985 Straight Slate, a roster of City Council candidates he recruited to run on an anti-gay platform. (They all lost.)

According to a Hotze mouthpiece, he's thinking about stirring up his distasteful stew with a mailing inspired by Parker's sexuality.

Houston deserves better. Our city has a well-earned reputation for tolerance and openness. We don't need inflammatory appeals to folks' worst instincts.

We've been here before. In 1997 a small-minded ballot initiative would have ended the city's affirmative action program that helped minority and women contractors. Mayor Bob Lanier went on the air in an ad that bluntly stated his opposition to a proposal that would “turn back the clock to the days when guys who look like me got all the city's business.”

Lanier couldn't have been more clear: Discrimination is just not right.


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People like Hotze and Welch are likely not too excited by having to choose between a woman and a black man. If they had their way, that guy who came in last (I forgot his name, but he was the most conservative of the bunch) would be their man, but now they have no other choice and they don't want Parker. They'll probably go for Locke, but in the debate, Locke said that he favors overturning an amendment in the city charter that prohibits the domestic partners of city workers from receiving benefits. You know Hotze doesn't like that one bit. They say that Hotze never misses out on voting in a mayoral election, but maybe he'll make an exception this year.

Edited by JLWM8609
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People like Hotze and Welch are likely not too excited by having to choose between a woman and a black man.

Probably their vision of the Apocalypse. I must admit to a perverse pleasure watching them swallow hard and back Locke, though that makes me that much more likely to vote for Parker.

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I wasn't sure of which candidate I would vote for until I received the flyer in the mail. I assume it was Hotze's group behind it? That thing was beyond nasty. I guess I received it because of my zip code. Hopefully there will be a backlash to it.

Parker has my vote now.

If Locke is willing to kiss up to Hotze, I'd hate to see what he'd do behind closed doors.

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Just a reminder that early voting for the runoff elections started yesterday and goes through December 8th. Here is the schedule with locations:


November 30th - December 4th

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

December 5th

7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

December 6th

1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

December 7th - December 8th

7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

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