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Houston mayor's race 2009


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I guess that it about time for the crazy, mudslinging news stories to come out about one or two of the top candidates. Remember the one about Fred Hofheinz getting caught in a gay bar with a dress on, well maybe he wasn't in a dress but perhaps his hands were, and the other one about Sylvester Turner on the eve of his election. I don't remember what that one was about but I think that it was something weird.

Edited by gto250us
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She's got the personality of an accountant?

In all seriousness though, I don't think her being a lesbian has been a big deal to most potential voters. Her lackluster personality on the other hand...

It's more of an issue than you think. As soon as voters get into a voting booth... that's when the animus comes out. Here's a real conversation in my office:

Co-worker: "The chronicle is a liberal paper. All about gays and blacks. Did they endorse anyone yet, for mayor?..."

Me: "Yes. Annise Parker and Gene Locke."

Co-Worker: "See what I mean!"

Second co-worker: "Is Annise... "

Me: "Yes."

Neither co-workers have much interest in either of these two candidates...

Something like 36% don't have any idea who they are going to vote for...

I want to see Annise Parker win. Because and only because she is a qualified LESBIAN. Everything else with these candidates is indistiuishable (all the top canidates are equally qualified otherwise)....

Annise would make history being elected mayor. Not so much any of the others. But it will be hard. And I would not be surprised if she does not win, given this city.

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It's more of an issue than you think. As soon as voters get into a voting booth... that's when the animus comes out. Here's a real conversation in my office:

Co-worker: "The chronicle is a liberal paper. All about gays and blacks. Did they endorse anyone yet, for mayor?..."

Me: "Yes. Annise Parker and Gene Locke."

Co-Worker: "See what I mean!"

Second co-worker: "Is Annise... "

Me: "Yes."

Neither co-workers have much interest in either of these two candidates...

Something like 36% don't have any idea who they are going to vote for...

I want to see Annise Parker win. Because and only because she is a qualified LESBIAN. Everything else with these candidates is indistiuishable (all the top canidates are equally qualified otherwise)....

Annise would make history being elected mayor. Not so much any of the others. But it will be hard. And I would not be surprised if she does not win, given this city.

Well... aside from the mouth-breathers you work with, I feel confident most Houstonians will vote based on issues rather than who our candidates have sex with. The fact Annise Parker hasn't distiguished herself as being different from the other two frontrunners (other than simply that she's the "lesbian candidate") is worse for her campaign than her lesbianism.

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I guess that it about time for the crazy, mudslinging news stories to come out about one or two of the top candidates. Remember the one about Fred Hofheinz getting caught in a gay bar with a dress on, well maybe he wasn't in a dress but perhaps his hands were, and the other one about Sylvester Turner on the eve of his election. I don't remember what that one was about but I think that it was something weird.

"Shoot the queers" has to be my all time favorite. That's what Louis Welch said when asked: "What would you do about AIDS?" He did not know the cameras were still rolling. T-Shirts came out shortly thereafter that read "Louis, don't shoot!". The candidates are too boring for anything this entertaining to come out now. We can always hope, though.

Still interested in what KW looks like now. I'm not going to shell out a minimum of $250 at Tony's tomorrow for Annise's fundraiser. Hopefully, (musicman) CH2 will cover it. :lol:

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I want to see Annise Parker win.

what has she done to support neighborhoods in general besides talk? i'm quite frankly tired of hearing about the deed restriction database that has not been funded since before bill white but yet it's in her campaign literature.

Still interested in what KW looks like now. I'm not going to shell out a minimum of $250 at Tony's tomorrow for Annise's fundraiser. Hopefully, (musicman) CH2 will cover it. :lol:

her hair's a lot longer.


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what has she done to support neighborhoods in general besides talk? i'm quite frankly tired of hearing about the deed restriction database that has not been funded since before bill white but yet it's in her campaign literature.

her hair's a lot longer.


She's looking good! She's saying "hahahahaha! You chumps voted against transit 25 years ago. I'm in Hawaii now and you're still debating the same old crap!"

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She's looking good! She's saying "hahahahaha! You chumps voted against transit 25 years ago. I'm in Hawaii now and you're still debating the same old crap!"

i'm thinking she's handcuffed to a sex offender so she won't show her right hand.

Hopefully, (musicman) CH2 will cover it. :lol:

no you did not associate me with dominique!!!

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Run off between Brown and Parker. I would guess nearly 50-50 split between those two candidates during the run off. I still believe it will be difficult for Annise. Money and the obvious.

I think the endorsement from Larry Johnson of the Kansas City Chiefs will seal the deal for Annise.

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I think I’ve finally decided on who to vote for in the Mayoral race. As an architect I was always supposed to vote for Peter Brown – it’s just expected of us. The more I think about it, the more I think I’ll do my duty.

We architects are creative, and creativity can do great things for a City. Consider how architect-mayor Jamie Lerner revolutionized Curitiba Brazil. The first thing he did as mayor in 1972 was to close a downtown road to cars. Businesses fought him at first, until they saw how many new customers it brought in. Subways are all the rage in Brazil, but Curitiba built the world’s first Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT). The city also created green areas and recycling programs decades before they came into vogue. In the 1980s, Curitiba was the “ecological capital of Brazil.”

Houston can’t continue with business as usual. And we can’t just copy things like Smart Growth and New Urbanism. We need solutions that are creative, and uniquely Houstonian. Who better than an architect to come up with this kind of answer? It worked in Curitiba.

Oh yeah, and The New York Times picked up on Houston’s race for Mayor. An interesting read.

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I think I’ve finally decided on who to vote for in the Mayoral race. As an architect I was always supposed to vote for Peter Brown – it’s just expected of us. The more I think about it, the more I think I’ll do my duty.

We architects are creative, and creativity can do great things for a City. Consider how architect-mayor Jamie Lerner revolutionized Curitiba Brazil. The first thing he did as mayor in 1972 was to close a downtown road to cars. Businesses fought him at first, until they saw how many new customers it brought in. Subways are all the rage in Brazil, but Curitiba built the world’s first Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT). The city also created green areas and recycling programs decades before they came into vogue. In the 1980s, Curitiba was the “ecological capital of Brazil.”

Houston can’t continue with business as usual. And we can’t just copy things like Smart Growth and New Urbanism. We need solutions that are creative, and uniquely Houstonian. Who better than an architect to come up with this kind of answer? It worked in Curitiba.

Oh yeah, and The New York Times picked up on Houston’s race for Mayor. An interesting read.

I'm going to base my decision off who has the most qualified sounding name.

Peter Brown is pretty bland but a bit gay if you reverse the order of his first and last name. Annise Parker reminds me of a spice cabinet. Gene Locke sounds awfully close to John Locke, the Enlightenment political philosopher whose writings influenced the direction of our very own national constitution.

Based on name alone, Locke wins this by a landslide.

Just sayin', if we're voting for arbitrary reasons and all...

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I think I’ve finally decided on who to vote for in the Mayoral race. As an architect I was always supposed to vote for Peter Brown – it’s just expected of us. The more I think about it, the more I think I’ll do my duty.

Houston can’t continue with business as usual. And we can’t just copy things like Smart Growth and New Urbanism. We need solutions that are creative, and uniquely Houstonian. Who better than an architect to come up with this kind of answer? It worked in Curitiba.

what has he done as councilmember that isn't business as usual?

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I'm going to base my decision off who has the most qualified sounding name.

Peter Brown is pretty bland but a bit gay if you reverse the order of his first and last name. Annise Parker reminds me of a spice cabinet. Gene Locke sounds awfully close to John Locke, the Enlightenment political philosopher whose writings influenced the direction of our very own national constitution.

Based on name alone, Locke wins this by a landslide.

Just sayin', if we're voting for arbitrary reasons and all...

...there are plenty of "educational videos" on the internet, even the opposite sex variety, that can be viewed to debunk such claims.... nevermind. let's not go there.

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...there are plenty of "educational videos" on the internet, even the opposite sex variety, that can be viewed to debunk such claims.... nevermind. let's not go there.

I once read a statistic on the internet (the veracity of which is obviously beyond doubt due to its source) that said the net was approximately 95% educational videos and pictures.

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This sure has been a yawner of a mayoral campaign season. Who's going to win??

I guess I need to pull up a ballot somewhere because I have no idea who or what else to vote for on the other races.

It will be Parker and Brown in a run off.

You know, Mayor White has been rather popular and if it were not for term limits I suspect that he would win again. Is there anything to stop him from running 2 years from now? I know he is running for Hutchison's senate seat, but I am not so sure that he can pull that off.

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It will be Parker and Brown in a run off.

You know, Mayor White has been rather popular and if it were not for term limits I suspect that he would win again. Is there anything to stop him from running 2 years from now? I know he is running for Hutchison's senate seat, but I am not so sure that he can pull that off.

The way I understand it is you can only be mayor for three consecutive terms. Therefore, it is conceivable he could run again in the next election.

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They have been showing this race a lot on CNN. every time they say Houston, they add Texas to the end. Like if you don't no one will know where it is.

I think they're emphasizing that the largest city in Texas could get a gay mayor. They're also talking up the fact that Atlanta may get its first white mayor in 35 years. However, I doubt they're adding on the Georgia part.

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...or Houston, Tennessee.

There's also a Philadelphia, MS, but you don't see them sticking Pennsylvania on the end, every time they say Philadelphia.

Houston, Tennessee and Houston, Mississippi are also named after Sam Houston. Bukka White (bluesman) is from the Mississippi Houston. I can see why CNN clarifies our city as being in Texas. They're all practically mirror images of each other.

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If Parker wins, we can count out any continued develop to the city core. No money for museums, no support for metro rail, no support for the dynamo stadium. etc...

as a lackluster controller who's ignored the budget problems for years, it's now coming back to bite us all.

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