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Someburger Stand At 745 E. 11th St.


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Bach- I wouldn't know, we don't frequent anything owned by Tilman.

I have to ask WHY ? The man single-handedly revitalized a whole town. KEMAH ! I have to admit, I don't eat at Joe's. I do go to Jimmy Walker's every chance I get though. The man has done nothing but good in this town. Made an Aquarium for the kiddos and enjoys a profit at the same time. Please tell me what the hang-up is with him. I find myself valueing your opinion Pineda, because you are so deeply involved in your community, but I have to call B*LL____ on this one. :lol:

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Man, Coog, you're funny; "guise" "transparent" "agenda" "street smarts", come on...

You make me sound like some sort of restaurant industry counter-intelligence spy!

So, I don't eat at anything Tilman owns, don't care for the man or his restaurants, so what?

If you're wondering if Tilman has any connection to the Grand Parkway, not that I know of...

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Ok Ok, I'm starting to get the picture here. Pineda won't endorse or contribute to BIG BUSINESS. Am I getting warm ? Or, is it something on a personal level ? If so, well, I won't ask you to go into that. I'll pester you to tell me though. C'mon Pineda, spill the beans, were you an ex-girl friday for Tillman, and a torrid office romance ensued, and he dumped you like day old donuts ? Oh you poor thing, that is terrible ! C'mon Pineda, you can tell me, I won't judge you (much). If at all possible, that you could elaborate as to why you are doing yourself a disservice by not eating at Jimmy Walker's in Kemah, I could perhaps have a better understanding and closure to this riddle. ;)

I only had to ride the short bus once though, Coog needed my help. It was alot less crowded on there. The only real problem I had was Coog trying to hit me with his safety helmet, but we got through it. ^_^:D

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I only had to ride the short bus once though, Coog needed my help. It was alot less crowded on there. The only real problem I had was Coog trying to hit me with his safety helmet, but we got through it. ^_^:D

I was hoping someone would clear that up.

You finally did, and for that, I respect you. :lol:

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Why must The Heights pretend that it is Berkeley?

It just looks silly.

coog, from a lot of your responses, it seems that you don't like the character of the heights, the fact that residents work to preserve that character or the people that choose live there. why are you here? aren't there people for you to criticize on some midtown thread?

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I like The Heights. But moving "I am moving becase of Tillman" is simply too much to resist. Kinda like I am moving to Canada if Bush wins. Notice all those fools still live here?

Wirless laptops are wonderful for multi-tasking around the house. You should try one. Alt+Tab, and then you can watch the game stats real-time.

And FWIW, I have two tickets for game 5.

Talk about sad!

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Hopefully for you Coog, the Astros will display a little of that clutch hitting and pitching that got them here. Aside from hating to see a sweep, if you got the tics, I hope you get to use them.

I still cry over the fact that I sold my Game 1, 2 and 6 seats in 1986, waiting for that Game 7 clincher with Mike Scott on the mound, that never came. :(

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I see a lot of posts on this topic that look suspiciously close to the time the Astros were playing last night....

"so silly, and so sad." :lol:

At 12:30am I truly thought that if i quit watching, that my boys could pull it out. I get off the computer, go back into the den and BOOM ! 6-5 white sux, I turned off the TV and went to bed.

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I'll take 740AM and Milo anyday vs. those Bozos on Fox. Listening is better than watching IMHO.

Since MMP is a hot spot, maybe I should bring my Palm Pilot to the game!

IF there is a game!

Coog, don't you know MMP is an excellent "meat market" ? Tons of good looking women, and for the ladies, you got guys like myself to choose from. AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH !, I got hit with a lightning bolt ! Take the palm pilot only for taking phone #'s down. :DB)

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I am happy that this string was brought back to action, since I was not around when it started. This subject is something that I feel strongly about...

First, let it known I am NOT a Tillman fan. I try to stay away from anything he is involved in. I do admit I have taken my kids to some of his restaurants because they like them. I even went to the Aquarium last year downtown to see what all the fuss was about..(took me a while to succumb) because again, my kids wanted to go. Personally, I think the food is nasty at his restaurants and these amusement places are a total rip-off.

But besides that, I know people who have some business dealings with Tillman and from what I heard he can be a very demanding jerk, to the point it is ridiculous. Of course these people were jumping through the hoops that Tillman was demanding just to do business with him, so I do not have respect for them either.

And I do not think the man gives anything back to the community. Perhaps someone here can convince me otherwise. I feel like he rapes and plunders where ever he goes. What he did to Kehma should be against the law. Then Galveston... and now he wants in the Heights!

Someone convince me this man is a good person, because I just do not believe it.

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I am happy that this string was brought back to action, since I was not around when it started. This subject is something that I feel strongly about...

First, let it known I am NOT a Tillman fan. I try to stay away from anything he is involved in. I do admit I have taken my kids to some of his restaurants because they like them. I even went to the Aquarium last year downtown to see what all the fuss was about..(took me a while to succumb) because again, my kids wanted to go. Personally, I think the food is nasty at his restaurants and these amusement places are a total rip-off.

But besides that, I know people who have some business dealings with Tillman and from what I heard he can be a very demanding jerk, to the point it is ridiculous. Of course these people were jumping through the hoops that Tillman was demanding just to do business with him, so I do not have respect for them either.

And I do not think the man gives anything back to the community. Perhaps someone here can convince me otherwise. I feel like he rapes and plunders where ever he goes. What he did to Kehma should be against the law. Then Galveston... and now he wants in the Heights!

Someone convince me this man is a good person, because I just do not believe it.

I can't convince you, Martha-because I pretty much feel the same way. Why don't you and I go to the MytiBurger on 43rd and talk about the Someburger on 11th? I could never decide which is better-and I've been eating at both since I attended OF Elem. [and we both know how long ago that was!] :lol:


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Being a demanding jerk, is how you get business done ! Do you think Martha Stewart coddles her people, she demands that they know their jobs and is extremely bossy. Donald Trump, he looks real chummy on TV. That guy is a Pitbull. Bill Gates, that guy is a shark, the ones who stand out the most are the ones who demand that things get done right. They may not have the best people skills, but their management skills are second to none. Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. If Tillman had a sweatshop going in the back of one of his Landry's, I could see someone being upset with him. What is so bad about Kemah, that town would have been bankrupt in 5 years if he hadn't decided to revitalize it. City of Houston sure wasn't going to build an Aquarium, we are a Gulf Coast town, how can we not have one, Now we have one. Are you upset because he charges admission ? Sea World charges admission, I don't see you upset about SHAMU ! ;) I realize I have already said all this, I just haven't seen any examples how this guy has negatively effected your personal lives.

Edited by TJones
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Meanwhile-back on topic:

Does anyone know if he bought the entire frontage on Studewood from 11th to 11 1/2?

The place next door to the Someburger was bought recently. Does anyone know if he bought that as well?

If he just bought the land under Someburger that would give him a lot size of about 50' x 125'.

Not alot of room for a building and parking.


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As I understand it, Fertitta did NOT buy the building next to Someburger. I also understand that he did not buy Someburger, but the lot behind it, fronting 11 1/2, strictly as an investment.

We shall see.

If he only bought the land behind Someburger there is almost no chance of a Fertitta restaurant going there. Not enough room. And the building next store isn't going anywhere. Whoever bought it is doing some work on it. Hope it's retail w/upper floor apartments or maybe offices. That intersection is ripe for some revitalization. Hopefully when the the work on Studewood finally gets done.

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Bach- I wouldn't know, we don't frequent anything owned by Tilman.

ok, before anyone gets the idea that i like tilman fertita's establishments (aquarium, joes, rain forest cafe), i must make a point irrelevant to this thread. :lol:

fortunately for grotto, the concept was originated by tony vallone (of tony's, la griglia, etc). tilman must have retained key employees because the service and food have never been better. i hate to help him (fertita) make a profit but good food and service are good food and service.

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After reading the many posts on the alleged sale of Someburger to the Demonic Tilman, we went to Someburger and ordered a couple of burgers. While we waited, I talked to the long-time manager and she said he did not buy Someburger. A realty company bought the building next door. If the Evil Baby Killer Tilman did buy anything to erect his Castle of Hell, it must be the small parcel on the corner of 11 1/2 and Studewood.

All sarcasm aside, if you people don't care for the crap Tilman pretends is food, ignore him. We do.


They're just socialists - you know, anti-big business. No big deal though, right?

Not socialists...just Liberals with good taste.


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