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Someburger Stand At 745 E. 11th St.


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Thank you for your post Princess, but as this article should show, there are sometimes more important things than just "jobs and revenues".


I don't believe the posters on this thread are envious of Mr. Fertitta's success. However, they do appreciate the many flavors that make up this diverse city. Corporate restaurants, by their very defintion, are not diverse. They spend untold amounts of time and money to insure that the guest receives the same food and service at every store...every time. Those of us that choose to live in the city, as opposed to master planned developments, have chosen to embrace the very diversity that a chain restaurant does not provide. We want to know the owner, the chef, the manager, the waiter....and we enjoy the fact that we knows whose bank account our money is going into. We are rooting for the little guy.

Mr. Fertitta was the little guy at one time. He is no longer. I'm sure he rooted for the gymnast with the broken ankle, just like we did. He understands why we don't root for him, now. He doesn't need our help.

BTW, you're not Page, are you?

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he probaby understands the community concerns of fitting in an area and how it would reflect the area respectfulness

You mean blending into the surroundings like he did downtown with all the gaudy, garish, glowing blue lights? Not only are those lights an eyesore, they are nearly blinding at night. I can

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I don't believe the posters on this thread are envious of Mr. Fertitta's success.  However, they do appreciate the many flavors that make up this diverse city.  Corporate restaurants, by their very defintion, are not diverse.  They spend untold amounts of time and money to insure that the guest receives the same food and service at every store...every time.  Those of us that choose to live in the city, as opposed to master planned developments, have chosen to embrace the very diversity that a chain restaurant does not provide.  We want to know the owner, the chef, the manager, the waiter....and we enjoy the fact that we knows whose bank account our money is going into.  We are rooting for the little guy.

Mr. Fertitta was the little guy at one time.  He is no longer.  I'm sure he rooted for the gymnast with the broken ankle, just like we did.  He understands why we don't root for him, now.  He doesn't need our help.

BTW, you're not Page, are you?

i agree whole-heartedly

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  • 4 months later...


this was posted in response to a post of mine. i felt compelled to add it here b/c a lot of people (who never posted here) followed this thread.

i thought nothing would drive me out of the heights, but a landry's restaurant 3 blocks from my house just might.

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It's kind of snobby for heights residents to pretend that they are above a certain type of establishment.

So what if Fertita wants to build a restraunt. He's buying the land and he's following the rules.

If the heights residents should be mad at someone, they should be mad at the owner of Someburger or the land it sits on.

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I noticed Tilman the other night on the local news during a wrap-up of Game 2. The reporter was interviewing Gov. Perry and his look-alike, Clay Walker, up in one of the enclosed sky boxes in Chicago, where everyone was warm and dry. Tilman was in all the shots, but the reporter never interviewed him or mentioned his name, strange. It made me wonder if maybe Tilman has switched political parties, he used to be such a staunch Democrat, wining and dining with the Clintons....

BTW, the Grotto in the Woodlands (I think that's the name) is hurting financially, according to mgmt. there.

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I noticed Tilman the other night on the local news during a wrap-up of Game 2. The reporter was interviewing Gov. Perry and his look-alike, Clay Walker, up in one of the enclosed sky boxes in Chicago, where everyone was warm and dry. Tilman was in all the shots, but the reporter never interviewed him or mentioned his name, strange. It made me wonder if maybe Tilman has switched political parties, he used to be such a staunch Democrat, wining and dining with the Clintons....

BTW, the Grotto in the Woodlands (I think that's the name) is hurting financially, according to mgmt. there.

Mr. Tilman J Fertitta

President, C.E.O & Chairman Of T

Landry's Restaurants, Inc.

George W. Bush

$2,000 1510 W Loop South (map)

Houston, TX 77027


it's a businessman supporting a businessman (or whatever), right :blink:

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It's kind of snobby for heights residents to pretend that they are above a certain type of establishment.

So what if Fertita wants to build a restraunt. He's buying the land and he's following the rules.

If the heights residents should be mad at someone, they should be mad at the owner of Someburger or the land it sits on.

oh, we are.

Edited by heights_yankee
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Speak for yourself, heights yankee. No one on my street is upset at Someburger, nor will any of us be dumb enough to move if Fertitta builds a restaurant on Studewood. We may never eat there, but we won't move either. Frankly, given the amount of money he normally spends on a place, it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.

Now, the food that he serves and the prices he charges for it are another story.

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I wonder if he'll start a restraunt that won't use generic food and concoctions and have an actually chef on hand.

I'm with you Red, Tilman building a restraunt is no reason to leave your neighborhood.

That same line of thought means he should have moved out when developers were building the little victorian mansions everywhere. They changed the Heights much more than one restraunt will.

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BTW, the Grotto in the Woodlands (I think that's the name) is hurting financially, according to mgmt. there.

that's too bad. the service and the food at this location are spot on. everyone i've spoken to who's eaten there has had a great experience.

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Blah, blah, blah - BLAH! I suppose you boycott Wal-Mart, too.

I guess I don't eat at Tilman places either, but I don't wear it as a pride-badge on my chest, either.

So silly, and so sad.

Did she give a reason that she didn't frequent Tilman's establishments?

No. You just assume.

"So silly, and so sad."

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but I don't wear it as a pride-badge on my chest, either.

Me neither, Coog, just stating a simple fact...

Oh, and since you mentioned Wal-mart, I may not agree with their business ethics or how they treat their suppliers or workers, but they DO have good value for their products, which in my opinion, nothing owned by Tilman Fertitta does. So, I'm sorry if that appears silly or sad to you, but there it is, my friend... ;)

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A fact that you don't eat somewhere? Then I have 9,810 other facts for you about my eating habits.

Try antoher one, and this time, be honest.

FYI - like I said, I don't eat there either. But you have an agenda, and that's clear.

But I undertand your angst, considering you live in the Land of Chains!

Edited by MidtownCoog
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ehhh...everyone makes these choices subconsciously or not when it comes to patronization of an establishment - whether it is because the owner is some disney-esque business mogul, or because the food tastes like poo, and so forth

Edited by sevfiv
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