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Most Hated People


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Although I agree with you that many Americans hate, it's still my belief that "hating" is Un-American. -_-

What is "American"?

Hate is an aspect of American culture. So is love.

Family values are an aspect of American culture. So is pedophilia. Sucks to admit it, but it happens. (Is it unAmerican to say so? :shrug:)

Warmongering is an aspect of American culture. So is war protesting.

Voluntarily joining the military is an aspect of American culture. So is fleeing to Canada during a draft...or just because someone is fed up with things.

Religion is an aspect of American culture. So is a rabid adherence to principles of the separation of church and state, and oftentimes the two notions aren't even mutually exclusive. Secularism is also an aspect of American culture.

Inflammatory partisan political rhetoric MOST CERTAINLY is an aspect of American culture. And if you think that Rush Limbaugh has some kind of monopoly on it or was the first person to ever get large numbers of people to listen to his political rants, you're crazy. There are all kinds of crazy-ass radio personalities that *some* of their listeners take seriously. And actually the activity predates radio. Baseless propaganda can be traced back to before the revolution.

Blind intolerance and even the uninformed persecution of other people such as that are different from or that disagree with you is an aspect of American culture. ...and so is the attitude that disagreements are not conflicts between people who should be hated, shunned, or persecuted, but conflicts between ideas that ought to be reasoned, argued, and even compromised upon at times.

^And this last comparison is also a knock at someone who would fly a gay flag (which I always have had to be careful about not having on the screen if I'm HAIFing at work, btw), an affront to those that might hate and persecute you. And yet you are all too willing to turn around and hate on others, making it personal, exhibiting no apparent tolerance of them as individuals.

I'm not religious, but my take is a spin on an old Christian adage: If you're going to hate on something, hate the thought and not the thinker. Also, it helps to be able to express why you hate the idea (in more than just vapid platitudes).

Edited by TheNiche
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I view Rush Limbaugh as an entertainer, not a person I look to for news. Just as others view Keith Olbermann. They're both interesting characters, and I'm sure they ham it up to get ratings, but I wouldn't take either of them seriously.

My question is this:

If Rush is filled with hate and therefore behaving in an un-American fashion, what would you say about the latest youtube clip of Jay-Z on the night of Obama's election? Is he filled with hate and therefore by your definition un-American also?

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Latest additions to the list...

Rosey O'donnell

Roseanne Barr

Arnold (the wusy husband)

Pippi Longstocking

Mork & Mindy

The WHOLE cast of Happy Days (pathetic Cunningham clan) yes, Fonzie too!


That lizard from Geico commerials

Ben Stiller

Newer cast from SNL that later become obnoxious film stars.

All baseball players that denied taking steroids (you know who you are) :angry:

Gansta wannabes that try to make Houston like LA or NYC

Sister Betrille

Gilligan (for continously screwing up all attempts to rescue the rest of the gang

John Lydon of PIL

Sandy Duncan

Paulie Shore


Ok I be tired y'all :blush:

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You're watching it wrong. Here's the right way: spend the night at a rave, mix real acid with real ecstasy, drink plenty of water, come home at 6am, and watch the Teletubbies while listening to Harold Budd. They aren't creepy; they're transformative.

No sir, Mr. Water is not you friend when on ecstasy. Infact, any liquid is bad. Drink too much, and you'll die.

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Here are more...

Howey Mandell

Michael Keaton

Brenda from 90210 (there was a website dedicated solely to hating her) Ha

Tori Spelling

George Lopez

Howard The Duck

William Shatner (should have stayed on the Starship Enterprise)

Charlie Sheen (wake up your not 18 anymore) :angry:

Emilio Estevez

Grace Under Fire woman/person

Olson Twins

Drew Barrymore

Ford Fairlane (jerk/dude)

Wayne Newton

Beach Boys

This is getting fun people!

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I view Rush Limbaugh as an entertainer, not a person I look to for news. Just as others view Keith Olbermann. They're both interesting characters, and I'm sure they ham it up to get ratings, but I wouldn't take either of them seriously.

My question is this:

If Rush is filled with hate and therefore behaving in an un-American fashion, what would you say about the latest youtube clip of Jay-Z on the night of Obama's election? Is he filled with hate and therefore by your definition un-American also?

yes ha ha ;)

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worthy of mention:

Ashton Crotcher

OJ (throat slasher) Simpson


Duece Bigelow (actor)

John Bobbitt

Scott Peterson

Joey Buttafuco

That loud jerk from Home Makover


Whoopee Cushion

Most has-been celebs that do info-mmercials :D

Thank heaven for remote controls!

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worthy of mention:

Ashton Crotcher

OJ (throat slasher) Simpson


Duece Bigelow (actor)

John Bobbitt

Scott Peterson

Joey Buttafuco

That loud jerk from Home Makover


Whoopee Cushion

Most has-been celebs that do info-mmercials :D

Thank heaven for remote controls!

Exactly, I can't think of anyone that I actually hate, that takes a lot of energy. How about using that remote to change channels. I personally am very selective about my tv and movie viewing so I don't watch people that I find distasteful. I cannot imagine thinking about all the people who I have met or heard of that I do not enjoy engaging. Think positive please. We have no need to hate anyone.

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Whoa! I LOVE Sham-Wow guy!

I agree. I have been so close to buying me some sham-wow lots of times.

Back to hate, I hate everyone who uses a public restroom and somehow manages to piss on the floor, wall, anywhere but the toilet. Judging by some roadside stops I've had to make, it must be everyone except for me.

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I agree. I have been so close to buying me some sham-wow lots of times.

Back to hate, I hate everyone who uses a public restroom and somehow manages to piss on the floor, wall, anywhere but the toilet. Judging by some roadside stops I've had to make, it must be everyone except for me.

And for that very reason, I HATE sitting on public toilets on the rare occasion I can't wait until I am home to do #2!

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As noted my selections are mostly irritating people that media/paparrazzi has run into the ground. I don't hate any one honest. :rolleyes:

Two more to add:

The woman in the commercial of the 2 angels sitting around up in the clouds. The blue eyed on is very unusual and strange the way she lusts after the somewhat unsuspecting blond angel. Just creepy. :mellow:

The two goonish guys in the Sonic commercials, they are funny but whats the deal there.

That red hair-dyed woman in The Room Store commercials. Way too perky and annoying. Too much bright color.

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Mine are generalities.. no one specific...

Ghetto-ass people (of all races) because of how they act in public, and treat other peoples property.

Parents with undisciplined, annoying and spoiled children. Although it's the kids that annoy me initially, its not their fault, and therefore its the parents that end up annoy me and that I blame.

Other motorists... namely those who change lanes without signaling / obsessive lane changers / people who poorly plan their drive and have to stop, drive extra slow, or lane change across 4 freeway lanes at the last minute / everyone on a cell phone either talking and especially texting (I just named myself on that one, my resolution is to stop it) / people not paying attention for whatever reason / coinciding with the last one, people that refuse to let you over a lane for no good reason / people who do bad park jobs / anyone with the audacity to drive without insurance / SUVs in general, but really just those driven by one person whom doesn't need seating for 8, that just wants to be a road hog / HID lights! Yea, these are nice when you're driving on a pitch black country road, but when you're in the city, they just blind other drivers / noisy vehicles... I'm all for sport exhausts, but there's a limit being crossed from performance to just trying to have the loudest vehicle on the road / If anyone can name more, go for it!

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