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The SOB may finally get executed today


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Prison officials moved Jose Ernesto Medellin from his death row cell to another just steps from Texas' death chamber Monday.

He's been on death row longer then one of the girls he savagely tortured lived her life. Thank god we have a governor with some balls that recognized the UN as the joke that they are. Now let's get it over with so the victim’s families can go about their life. This was to me the most brutal crime in Houston's history.

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Yea... pretty tricky situation politically, with legal experts predicting retaliation against US citizens who commit crimes in other countries.

I will say that while I believe the justice system cannot inherently be trusted to carry out the death penalty in a equitable way across primarily the socio-economic spectrum -- but, also the racial spectrum -- and thus is morally bankrupt as a form of crime deterrance, after reading about the Medellin gang crime, all six of these guys deserved to die.

That was a long sentence. :huh:

Outrageous quote from other Medellin story:

But on his Web site, posted by a Canadian anti-death penalty group, he claims: "I'm where I am because I made an adolescent choice. That's it!

"My life is in black and white like old western movies," he wrote. "But unlike the movies, the good guys don't always finish first."

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as for retaliation against US Citizens in other countries......in most countries where that would be a concern US citizens have never been treated fairly in the past once they were charged or convicted of a crime much less in the future.......so that is a hollow concern

like suddenly a US citizen will not be shaken down or railroaded by a Mexican police officer because we let this guy get yet another trial.....yea right keep dreaming :rolleyes:

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While Medellin is a bad man, why not make him suffer forever?

Put him in solitary confinement. Will he become an insane, drooling blank slate?

Oh, you mean like "good time" Charlie Manson ? C'mon Vic.

Hell No, because sometimes a thinning of the herd is necessary. Some people just "got to go!"

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Because it cost more of my tax dollars to keep him, instead let's follow the ruling of the court and give him the juice.

many coddlers of criminals claim it cost less to keep them because of all the appeals in death cases.....of course they also live in a pretend world where we HAVE to give retrial after retrial for people that have admitted guilt or give appeals to people like the latest one I read where a guy claims he is too fat for lethal injection and his fatness will make it too hard to hit a vein and will make the chemicals not work as well

plus you add in the show on MSNBC where they were in prison with a known admitted killer and he was spared from his death sentence.....only to have people start up a case to have his sentence reduced on the goal of getting him freed one day......and some stupid 20yo girl was coming down from Canada to visit him (her prison penpal) and her parents were OK with it

totally disgusting......maybe he will grab that girl one day and choke her to near death so they can all get a HUGE wake up......sadly he will probably get out and harm some innocent person instead of one of his criminal enablers that deserve it

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If anyone deserved to be executed it would be this scumbag and all the rest of the gang. What a horrific crime that was. I have a hard time comprehending how anyone could do that to another human being and then call himself the "good cowboy" or whatever nonsense he was spouting. What goes through one's head to actually be able to commit such a terrible crime?

VERY brutal description here, if you have the stomach for it. You have been warned.

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This was waaaaay too long over due. Should have been done years, yes, year's ago. :angry:

This crime was by far one of the most if not worst ever in our city. They should have at least let the families of these girls castrate them all in public and stomped on thier heads. It was disgusting what they did. Pure animals and major COWARDS. Sickens me to even see them on TV.

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No...Jesus said we will all be judged one day for all of our sins. Putting this guy's execution on Pay-Per-View....what an ignorant comment. Sure, he committed the crime and paid his dues. His death was actually more humane than that of the girls they killed. I'm sure the parents will rest easy now...one more to go and then what....they'll have peace? It'll bring their daughter's back?


This crime was by far one of the most if not worst ever in our city.

I don't agree with you.......Andrea Yates. She killed 5 innocent babies that never had the chance to defend themselves from the person who should have protected them the most. Why is this scumbag and her spineless husband still stealing my oxygen???? Oh, I forgot, she's white.

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No...Jesus said we will all be judged one day for all of our sins. Putting this guy's execution on Pay-Per-View....what an ignorant comment. Sure, he committed the crime and paid his dues. His death was actually more humane than that of the girls they killed. I'm sure the parents will rest easy now...one more to go and then what....they'll have peace? It'll bring their daughter's back?


This crime was by far one of the most if not worst ever in our city.

I don't agree with you.......Andrea Yates. She killed 5 innocent babies that never had the chance to defend themselves from the person who should have protected them the most. Why is this scumbag and her spineless husband still stealing my oxygen???? Oh, I forgot, she's white.

But....but....Andrea Yates teh was crazy!!!

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No...Jesus said we will all be judged one day for all of our sins. Putting this guy's execution on Pay-Per-View....what an ignorant comment. Sure, he committed the crime and paid his dues. His death was actually more humane than that of the girls they killed. I'm sure the parents will rest easy now...one more to go and then what....they'll have peace? It'll bring their daughter's back?


This crime was by far one of the most if not worst ever in our city.

I don't agree with you.......Andrea Yates. She killed 5 innocent babies that never had the chance to defend themselves from the person who should have protected them the most. Why is this scumbag and her spineless husband still stealing my oxygen???? Oh, I forgot, she's white.

No it doesn't bring Peace it brings closure.

And Yates should go next in my book, but I wasn't on the Jury, so she got a pass. Race has nothing to do with it, so don't try and make it that way.

But for the record of the 410 people executed since the reinstatment of the death penalty the numbers are:

180 Black

162 White

62 Hispanic

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No...Jesus said we will all be judged one day for all of our sins. Putting this guy's execution on Pay-Per-View....what an ignorant comment. Sure, he committed the crime and paid his dues. His death was actually more humane than that of the girls they killed. I'm sure the parents will rest easy now...one more to go and then what....they'll have peace? It'll bring their daughter's back?


This crime was by far one of the most if not worst ever in our city.

I don't agree with you.......Andrea Yates. She killed 5 innocent babies that never had the chance to defend themselves from the person who should have protected them the most. Why is this scumbag and her spineless husband still stealing my oxygen???? Oh, I forgot, she's white.

God told Andre Yates to kill her children. If she hadn't been a religious fanatic she probably wouldn't have done what she did. And she didn’t torture them for hours before she killed them.

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No...Jesus said we will all be judged one day for all of our sins. Putting this guy's execution on Pay-Per-View....what an ignorant comment. Sure, he committed the crime and paid his dues. His death was actually more humane than that of the girls they killed. I'm sure the parents will rest easy now...one more to go and then what....they'll have peace? It'll bring their daughter's back?


This crime was by far one of the most if not worst ever in our city.

I don't agree with you.......Andrea Yates. She killed 5 innocent babies that never had the chance to defend themselves from the person who should have protected them the most. Why is this scumbag and her spineless husband still stealing my oxygen???? Oh, I forgot, she's white.

Pot...........meet Kettle. :rolleyes:

Talk about "ignorant" !

Welcome to the forum Mack.

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No joke. I just have absolutely no sympathy for scumbags. If it was up to me he would have been tortured before he was executed. Just like his victims.

Andrea PIA Yates should be roasting in hell right now....but at least Medellin is there and justice was served.

Maybe these damned illegal aliens will think twice about committing such an attrocity in the future!

Medellin shouldn't have been here to begin with! That's the big white elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.

Yes, I am for shipping em out and building a wall to rival the Great Wall of China!

And I'm proud of it!

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