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Yeah i hate that especially when you wear khaki pants and its before meeting. I also hate when you lean on the sink counter top and theirs that rim of water at the edge of it. Then you are soaked with water. I hate when that happens.

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No particular order:
  • The 4400
  • Dr. Who
  • Torchwood
  • Heroes
  • Monk
  • House
  • Iron Chef (not the American version even though it has gotten better)

I just saw the 3rd season Doctor Who, and it's amazing. Torchwood really disappointed me, but I heard it gets better.

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What channel do all those shows come on? Not network stations, do they?

The 4400 is on USA

Heroes is on NBC

Dr. Who and Torchwood are on BBC America; I think they are also on SciFi at times ...

House is on Fox or F/X (I forget)

Monk is on USA


Iron Chef is on (or was) Food TV

Edited by houstonmacbro
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Hmmm. We have the basic Dish Network package. I wonder if we have BBC America?Didn't the original Office come on there? If so, do they still show it? I heard it's much funnier than ours.

This show comes out in Channel 29 Comcast Discovery Channel.
Oh, ok. I'm not much of a tv person anymore. I usually turn it on to watch sports or just for background noise while I'm online. I'm more of a internet guy
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Torchwood is a really different show that Dr. Who. It takes a bit of getting used to as it is darker and a lot more moody.

That's what I was hoping for, but the writing isn't as good for some reason. The plots are all lifted from sci-fi and horror films, the characters are flat and their motivation seems contrived. I just about worship Russell T. Davies, so I can't figure out how Torchwood ended up so bad.

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Oh, ok. I'm not much of a tv person anymore. I usually turn it on to watch sports or just for background noise while I'm online. I'm more of a internet guy

Thats right the only live tv i watch is sports but i found this machine that god made called TIVO or DVR and now i watch all of the shows i recorded on thursday night back to back.

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Hmmm. We have the basic Dish Network package. I wonder if we have BBC America?Didn't the original Office come on there? If so, do they still show it? I heard it's much funnier than ours.Oh, ok. I'm not much of a tv person anymore. I usually turn it on to watch sports or just for background noise while I'm online. I'm more of a internet guy

Not really sure. I have more channels than I can name with AT&T U-verse (awesome by the way). But I think BBC America is on the basic cable subscription.

Never seen The Office.

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Thats right the only live tv i watch is sports but i found this machine that god made called TIVO or DVR and now i watch all of the shows i recorded on thursday night back to back.

I actually like live tv instead of a DVR. I find myself more engaged when live. I don't really have any shows that I've just gotta see every week. The closest thing I have to that are Texans and UT football games.

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Thats right the only live tv i watch is sports but i found this machine that god made called TIVO or DVR and now i watch all of the shows i recorded on thursday night back to back.

Isn't DVR awesome. I am not sure how I survived television without it!

I love being able to watch what I want to watch when I want to watch it. My problem now, I have so much stuff recorded that I cannot reasonably watch it all.

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I actually like live tv instead of a DVR. I find myself more engaged when live. I don't really have any shows that I've just gotta see every week. The closest thing I have to that are Texans and UT football games.

I can't STAND live TV. When I'm watching TV at somebody else's house I find myself reaching for the fast forward button when a commercial comes on...even if they don't have a DVR....

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Hmmm. We have the basic Dish Network package. I wonder if we have BBC America?Didn't the original Office come on there? If so, do they still show it? I heard it's much funnier than ours.Oh, ok. I'm not much of a tv person anymore. I usually turn it on to watch sports or just for background noise while I'm online. I'm more of a internet guy

Comcast carries BBC America, not sure about Dish. The original Office played there, and still does sometimes. I haven't seen the US version, but the original is very funny.

Torchwood also plays on HDNet, a week or two later, but in high def.

I'm with Serrano on the DVR thing. Any time I want to watch TV, there are hours of good shows waiting for me, and no commercials.

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I actually like live tv instead of a DVR. I find myself more engaged when live. I don't really have any shows that I've just gotta see every week. The closest thing I have to that are Texans and UT football games.

The good thing about DVR/Tivo is that you can schedule shows you want to watch but normally aren't home for, or do not want to watch when they are broadcast. I also like a few shows that I am simply not up for when they air. Also you can record who seasons of shows without a lot of hassle.

With DVR, I can watch them on those rainy afternoons when I am sick of homework.

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Torchwood is a really different show that Dr. Who. It takes a bit of getting used to as it is darker and a lot more moody.

Late one night I watched three Torchwood episodes back-to-back. Maybe I'm missing some history, but why does the main character (a Welshman) speak with the forced American accent? He's really trying too hard to sound like Tom Cruise.

Although there is some nice CGI, I find Torchwood's stories to be really thin. You only have to watch the first ten minutes to know how the rest of the episode is going to go.

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Anyone got a funny joke?

Three engineering students were discussing the possible designers of the human body.

One said, "It had to be a mechanical engineer, look at all the joints."

Another said, "No, it had to be an electrical engineer, the nervous system is just a marvel of millions of electrical connections."

The third said, "Actually, it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline right through a recreational area?"


There was this Spanish guy, this Chinese guy and this Russian guy all working for the same construction company.

At the beginning of the day the boss comes out and says to the Spanish guy, "You''''re in charge of the cement." The Spanish guy nods, "Si."

Then he said to the Russian guy, "You''''re in charge of the dirt." The Russian guy nods, "Da."

Then he said to the Chinese guy, "You're in charge of the supplies." The Chinese guy nods, "Shi."

Then he said, "I'm gonna be back at the end of the day to check on your work. It better be good or you''re fired."

So they all go off to go get their work done.

At the end of the day, the boss comes back to check on their work. He looks at the big pile of cement and goes, "Good work," to the Spanish guy. Then he looks at the big pile of dirt and says, "Good work," to the Russian guy. He looks around for the pile of supplies that would be needed for the next day's work, but can't find it, so he starts getting pretty steamed and hollers "Hey! Where's my supplies?!"

Suddenly, the Chinese guy jumps out from behind the big pile of dirt and yells, "SUPPLIES!"

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Three engineering students were discussing the possible designers of the human body.

One said, "It had to be a mechanical engineer, look at all the joints."

Another said, "No, it had to be an electrical engineer, the nervous system is just a marvel of millions of electrical connections."

The third said, "Actually, it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline right through a recreational area?"


There was this Spanish guy, this Chinese guy and this Russian guy all working for the same construction company.

At the beginning of the day the boss comes out and says to the Spanish guy, "You''''re in charge of the cement." The Spanish guy nods, "Si."

Then he said to the Russian guy, "You''''re in charge of the dirt." The Russian guy nods, "Da."

Then he said to the Chinese guy, "You're in charge of the supplies." The Chinese guy nods, "Shi."

Then he said, "I'm gonna be back at the end of the day to check on your work. It better be good or you''re fired."

So they all go off to go get their work done.

At the end of the day, the boss comes back to check on their work. He looks at the big pile of cement and goes, "Good work," to the Spanish guy. Then he looks at the big pile of dirt and says, "Good work," to the Russian guy. He looks around for the pile of supplies that would be needed for the next day's work, but can't find it, so he starts getting pretty steamed and hollers "Hey! Where's my supplies?!"

Suddenly, the Chinese guy jumps out from behind the big pile of dirt and yells, "SUPPLIES!"

The first one was funny but the second one made me laugh out loud. Nice.

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Late one night I watched three Torchwood episodes back-to-back. Maybe I'm missing some history, but why does the main character (a Welshman) speak with the forced American accent? He's really trying too hard to sound like Tom Cruise.

Do you mean John Barrowman (who plays Captain Jack Harkness)? He isn't Welsh. He was born in Scotland but lived in the US from from the age of 8 until he graduated from college. He speaks with a US accent (which doesn't sound forced to me) when not in character.

His character was really interesting on Doctor Who, but he's just an ass on Torchwood.

Although there is some nice CGI, I find Torchwood's stories to be really thin. You only have to watch the first ten minutes to know how the rest of the episode is going to go.

And if you've seen the movie they are ripping off, you can predict the first ten minutes from the preview.

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