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HAIF Nano Contest


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It's interesting that this topic should come up, because we're having a HAIF contest right now. The prize is this:


How do you enter? You don't. If you're logged in, you're already entered. I've picked a magic post number. If you happen to be the user who makes that post, you win the iPod. Naturally, it's in HAIFy blue and will have HAIF engraved on the back.

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It's interesting that this topic should come up, because we're having a HAIF contest right now. The prize is this:


How do you enter? You don't. If you're logged in, you're already entered. I've picked a magic post number. If you happen to be the user who makes that post, you win the iPod. Naturally, it's in HAIFy blue and will have HAIF engraved on the back.

This should be one of the poll options, since I would not pay those prices for ANY of them, but I would surely accept a FREE one with HAIF engraved on it. :)

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No, but I would just say my parents entered. When I was little, my dad would buy like four lottery tickets and let my older sister and brother and me fill our own out.

now that your scheme is all out in the open, i'm sure you're screwed now. ;)

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It's interesting that this topic should come up, because we're having a HAIF contest right now. The prize is this:


How do you enter? You don't. If you're logged in, you're already entered. I've picked a magic post number. If you happen to be the user who makes that post, you win the iPod. Naturally, it's in HAIFy blue and will have HAIF engraved on the back.

Wow, how do you do something like that (a custom iPod). I already have a 30 GB one (with about 10 GB's left to fill).

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It's interesting that this topic should come up, because we're having a HAIF contest right now. The prize is this:overview-hero.jpgHow do you enter? You don't. If you're logged in, you're already entered. I've picked a magic post number. If you happen to be the user who makes that post, you win the iPod. Naturally, it's in HAIFy blue and will have HAIF engraved on the back.
That is a great prize ($199!).But you have to admit, this may increase spam and silly response posts so that people can get their post count up.
which completely useless thread starter are you?
Well, I at least put this in the proper section, and hey, we have a contest now! :P
This should be one of the poll options, since I would not pay those prices for ANY of them, but I would surely accept a FREE one with HAIF engraved on it. :)
Done! B)

Anyone else notice we are on the verge of 200,000 posts total! I am making a wild guess this milestone might be it, but that is just me thinking out loud! :huh:

Edited by Pumapayam
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Apparently there's some magic post # and if it's you, you win the iPod. So I guess that should encourage all of you to post random unnecessary messages on this forum until we find out who wins! :)

Count me in then. Wait, does this point count? If so, then I guess I'm in!

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Hello there. I am the boy with "Sucker" tattooed across his forehead. I shelled out for the new iPhone the week it came out, and I got to use it for all of three weeks before leaving the country, so the phone part is now turned off. Although I thought the iPhone was great in just about every way, the music capacity is less than my old iPod. And to top it off, they just cut the price $200. Grrrr. Grrrrr. * Subdude kicks self *
Don't kick hard. Apple is giving ALL existing iPhone owners $100 store credit to make up for the price drop. How's THAT for customer service.I'm probably going to use my wife's credit toward the purchase of an iPhone for myself. Woo hoo! That means I'll only pay $299!
So hear me out, between the (2) touch screen models, I can't justify paying $100 more for twice the memory.I really just want a functional media player and I think 8GB should be more than enough for my small library of music (I only have around 500 mp3's)So what do you think, should I save $100 bucks or pay the 33% premium for the same functionality for the 16 GB one?Right now, I am thinking 8 GB is great and the $299 price point is even greater.
Here's one way to look at it -- is your music library likely to grow or shrink? Buying a larger one will help future-proof yourself so you won't want a larger one so soon in the future.
Wow, how do you do something like that (a custom iPod).
All iPods purchased online come with free engraving.
Anyone else notice we are on the verge of 200,000 posts total! I am making a wild guess this milestone might be it, but that is just me thinking out loud! :huh:
A logical assumption, but wrong. You've got to work a little harder than that to get this prize.And it shouldn't cause lots of silly posts, because the prize is not awarded based on the number of posts a person has made.
Are you going to secretly inform the winner or announce it for everyone to see? Even if I don't win, I'd like to see who does.
It will be announced publicly. Remember the last big contest (100,000 posts) we gave away a gift basket from Texas and the Territories.
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Probably your typical engraving. It's free? So?

Just don't take it to the engraver in the basement of the galleria. I was more outraged at the price engraving ($40) my daughter's name (15 letters) than the price of the damned IPOD ($400, I think).

I'm STILL kinda' peeved by that and that was 3 months ago!

That's a bummer, but editor sure does have a nice manicure. :P just kidding


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Come on lucky #37 !!

Has Haif had a contest like this before... If so, what was the winning # ?

Is this going to be resolved in a week or so or are we going to be droning on for thousands of posts before the winner is revealed.

The cynical side of me wants to know what if someone ticks off editor, then later gets the winning #.... how do we know the winning # won't change +1 to award someone else.

Or what if the editor responds, loses track of the the thread count, then accidentally responds on the magic # ?

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Has Haif had a contest like this before... If so, what was the winning # ?Is this going to be resolved in a week or so or are we going to be droning on for thousands of posts before the winner is revealed.The cynical side of me wants to know what if someone ticks off editor, then later gets the winning #.... how do we know the winning # won't change +1 to award someone else.Or what if the editor responds, loses track of the the thread count, then accidentally responds on the magic # ?
It was 100,000 posts last time. Each post is tracked, so I don't think he will lose track of it.
Come on lucky #37 !!

BTW, it is the total posts in the entire forum, not just this thread.

Edited by Pumapayam
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The cynical side of me wants to know what if someone ticks off editor, then later gets the winning #.... how do we know the winning # won't change +1 to award someone else.

Yeah, there should be some sort of accountability, shouldn't there. I'll disclose the details to the mods and let them verify the results when the time comes.

Something similar actually happened with one of our other contests. I remember I was giving away random prizes based on post number and the winner didn't respond to my PMs and the e-mail address was invalid, so I ended up having to give the prize to the next poster in line which ended up being someone I didn't like. They're gone now. I don't know what ever happened to the winner, either.

Or what if the editor responds, loses track of the the thread count, then accidentally responds on the magic # ?

I won't lose track. The system counts the posts for me. Also, I'm not eligible to win (I have a zillion iPods anyway). The mods are eligible to win, though, since they are not actually employees or shareholders of the Artefaqs Corporation. I think a mod won something not too long ago.

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I know it's not based on total number of posts, but the more often we post, the more likely we are to win, right? :) Because the more chances we have of making that magic post #.

Out of curiosity, do you have any idea when that number might be reached? I don't mean exactly... I mean is it days, or weeks, or months?

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