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Happy New Year's!


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It's a solo new year's eve for me, so let me live vicariously through all of you! Any fabulous party plans, special meals, weird rituals, creative resolutions ?

My other half is going to east TX to visit a friend he very rarely gets to see, so it'll be me, Titos, and probably the Planet of the Apes marathon on AMC. Maybe calling the constables on my neighbors when the guns start going off. I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. :mellow:

Edited by crunchtastic
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East end report:

Fireworks: these people don't screw around. Big money shots!

Gunfire: two noticable incidents, both followed by sirens and 2 constables driving through.

Fireworks still going; time to visit with neighbors and drink beers and Jaegers.

Happy New Year, Haifers,

A big kiss to all of you!

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It's a solo new year's eve for me, so let me live vicariously through all of you! Any fabulous party plans, special meals, weird rituals, creative resolutions ?

Drove to Austin in the afternoon to say goodbye to my grandfather, who's not long for this world. Had dinner with him and my grandmother. Then drove back to Houston, dodging drunks along the way.

In a matter of hours, hopefully, I'll be able to accompany an uncle of mine on a trip to an undisclosed location in Madison County, where an encampment of Republic of Mexico troops were resupplied back in the day. Gonna poke around for artifacts they might've dropped.

Just a regular day in the life of TheNiche. A digit rolls over, so what?

Edited by TheNiche
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I'll be able to accompany an uncle of mine on a trip to an undisclosed location in Madison County, where an encampment of Republic of Mexico troops were resupplied back in the day. Gonna poke around for artifacts they might've dropped.

That sounds cool!

Yes. Within the first few minutes. But you won't be able to tell for a little while.

No. I can barely keep up with the one skin I have now.

How do skins work? I have been looking for them.

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my new year's eve consisted of a twelve hour day that ended at 7PM. canceled early dinner plans with friends. had a few glasses of svedka and diet coke and hit the hay by 11:30pm. woke up this morning at 7:30 well rested and am enjoying the serenity of a quiet morning in grogan's mill (not the norm).

looking forward to the new year and a new haif.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 years later...

I lost my six-pack and need to get my beer gut back.  :P


Drive the new Grand Parkway segment.  Didn't get to do that like planned earlier this week.


Take the train from Fannin South to Northline and back just for my own amusement.


Do a bike tour of the new construction in the energy corridor. 


Do some bike tours of other places around town.  If anyone's got suggestions, let's hear them.

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Lol, i see what you did there :lol:

Ive been riding the north line like a madman lately, you gotta check it out!


I'll be checking it out sometime in the near future, though just for amusement as there's no real reason for me to use it.  I'll have to map out a "tourist" plan and jump on and off up and down the line to check out restaurants, bars and such.  Saw a pawn shop in the video posted elsewhere.  Could be worth a look.  May tie it with my next visit to MFAH.


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  • 11 months later...

Monarch - Wrong section buddy.


But Happy New Years to you too, I expect to see you at the Champagne toast in your purple suede penguin-tail tux, cane, matching top hat, and all your Umpa Lumpas!

montrose1100 - there is no new years section.  therefore, i improvised a bit!  urbannizer, shall fix it...


happy new year to you as well.  however, i shop at some of the best stores / boutiques around.  i am always very well attired... no purple people eater here my pal...

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Monarch is right. Houston in 2015 will rock.

Know why?

Cause a Grand Parkway will expand 38 miles all the way to Kingwood! Hooray to the Great Suburban Sprawl Movement of 2015 lol

BTW - Happy New Years to all.

Edited by tigereye
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  • The title was changed to Happy New Year's!

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