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Happy New Year's!


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I'm new to Houston, so you veterans are going to have to let me know what there is to do on New Year's Eve. I've been invited to this Forbidden Cities Party: FBC NYE Party downtown in Sam Houston Park. Anyone know if I'll be able to see any fireworks from there? What are the standard big parties thrown here? Is there any street action like NO, NYC or LV? Let me know where to go, when to be there and what to expect. Thanks!

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I don't know anything about any big public fireworks displays in Houston for New Year's. Traditionally I don't think we've really had any, although I might be wrong. I do know there are big parties at several places downtown, including the one you mentioned in the park, as well as at the Hyatt and Hilton Hotels. The Hyatt party used to be the really big one but I'm sure the Hilton will be trying to out-do them this year.

As for me, I think I'll be staying home alone, watching movies, eating pizza. Sadly that's all the budget allows this year. Either that or going with my best friend to his sister's house but it's all the way up in Atascocita and I'm just not sure I want to deal with driving up there. Oh well. New Year's Eve has not been a big party holiday for me since I graduated high school anyway.

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  • 11 months later...
what star?

Funny you should mention that!

This morning, good ol' Channel 2 news reported on their 6am newscast that the only public celebration in Houston would be the lowering of a star at the Binz Building "Located at Main Street and Prescott (sic), downtown."

So I called Channel 2, and let them know that the street's name is actually Preston. Not Prescott. They thanked me.

At eleven, the story was repeated, but this time with a different anchor (Linda Lorelle). Again, "Main and Prescott, downtown."


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Funny you should mention that!

This morning, good ol' Channel 2 news reported on their 6am newscast that the only public celebration in Houston would be the lowering of a star at the Binz Building "Located at Main Street and Prescott (sic), downtown."

So I called Channel 2, and let them know that the street's name is actually Preston. Not Prescott. They thanked me.

At eleven, the story was repeated, but this time with a different anchor (Linda Lorelle). Again, "Main and Prescott, downtown."


To make matters worse, the Binz Building is at the corner of Main and TEXAS! :lol:

Oh well, Prescott (sic) is only a block away.

BTW, why would they lower a star from THAT ugly-assed building....Shamrock wasn't available?

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Funny you should mention that!

This morning, good ol' Channel 2 news reported on their 6am newscast that the only public celebration in Houston would be the lowering of a star at the Binz Building "Located at Main Street and Prescott (sic), downtown."

So I called Channel 2, and let them know that the street's name is actually Preston. Not Prescott. They thanked me.

At eleven, the story was repeated, but this time with a different anchor (Linda Lorelle). Again, "Main and Prescott, downtown."


Here's the Chronicle story on the Rising Star

It seems pretty low key with plenty of potential. It's better than nothing.

In downtown Houston tonight, a 9-foot star will be hoisted atop a building at the stroke of midnight, an event that ambitious organizers hope will become the city's annual, signature celebration on New Year's Eve.

Nice to see that there are people out there that are trying to hype up Houston

for New Years

I remember about four years ago New Years eve was foggy and bit rainy. A friend from out of town and I drove around Downtown looking for a place to hang out maybe catch a fire works display. There was nothing, don't know if it was the rain or fog that affected the crowd or fireworks show but the city was dead. It was a bit embarrassing. I told her it wasn't always like that....it must of been the weather

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To make matters worse, the Binz Building is at the corner of Main and TEXAS! :lol:

BTW, why would they lower a star from THAT ugly-assed building....?

It kind of makes sense when you see it. There is a gigantic blank wall facing north over the bar area that they they can use as a screen and a backdrop for the star. When I was there earlier they were rigging up the hoist.

I'm wondering how well the rising star idea will catch on.

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You know, I can appreciate that those guys are hoping that the Rising Star idea will evolve into a tradition and the Central Time Zone bellwether for New Years, and I wish them luck, but I can't help thinking that the star is a little....trite.

So here's my idea: Resurrect Bubba the Neon Roach from storage, and raise him up the side of the building instead. It would look like he was scaling the wall, kind of like the neon cockroach version of King Kong. Now I can almost guarantee that using Bubba instead of a star would get us that nationwide media coverage! :D

Happy New Year everyone!


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Just walked up Main Street about half an hour ago. They've got the strobe lights going and they were setting up one of the gigantic spotlights so they're at least putting on their game face. Naturally, the crowd will be huge regardless by about 11:00 due to the clubs and the fact that they had the Houston Bowl earlier but at least it looks like they're setting up for something a little "extra" tonight.

I plan to be rarin' to go by about 9:30 myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...


have you seen the star?

i havn't. Thanks for your reply


don't be lazy to correct post next time B)

have a nice new year


I hope that you didn't need your knife :wacko:


i liked your idea

happy new year to you too

The great hizzy

when I read your reply first time, I thought 9:30 was too early. Later, I think that I should have gone early .

Houstonian in Iraq

I hope you could spend next Eve in your home

say Hi to all iraqis.


welcome again. I didn't see any star. I was the star :)

maube I was at wrong place

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