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Everything posted by Texasota

  1. The strings would be pretty minimal for interior changes. The main thing it would add is time.
  2. It's a cute little house, but I just can't understand the knee-jerk anti-apartment response. Apartments are good! More neighbors are good!
  3. I feel pretty confident that diagram is just two circles with little or no overlap. I'm sure there's someone somewhere who wants to get rid of parking requirements but objects to road diets, but that person is not (in my experience) representative of anything but themselves.
  4. If there were something in that blank ground floor corner (like a little shop) that would help.
  5. I have no idea what's going on in that top photo/who that is, but... I hate it.
  6. Oh man those 1 bedrooms are rough. ...legalize point access blocks!!!
  7. They do have a certain "fake brand created for a TV show" vibe to them.
  8. There's some real potential in downtown Rosenberg, and a (even just daily) train stop could help spur something interesting.
  9. Admittedly what I *actually* think is that most Houston parking lots, spaces, and lanes are oversized. Though I never had a problem parking a Focus hatchback (the correct size for a car) in this lot.
  10. If you think that parking lot has narrow spaces and narrow lanes then that says more about what kind of oversized car you drive then it does about the (perfectly normal) parking lot.
  11. I had to park at the Medical Center a couple weeks ago and it was cheap enough that I didn't notice the price (so cheaper than downtown at least).
  12. Eh, Bravery is also doing fine. Both Post and Bravery have a higher quality tenant list *and* Post is distinctive enough to serve as its own draw. There's a ton of parking so people use it, but I actually don't think that's really the reason it's overall doing well.
  13. I think Common Bond clearly overexpanded, but this one is a shame because this location was unique. I really think if they moved to better hours/open on the weekends they could have done better.
  14. No one who had anything to do with that bike rack has ever ridden a bike.
  15. The problem with that block is that it's completely vacant except for that corner store. So you have the combination of a store that provides a useful service for people with limited/inconsistent means, a covered area that provides (at least some) shelter, and few reasons for other people to be there. Yes, you have the SB station, but the stations are so closely spaced downtown that it's not very inconvenient to go up to Central Station. There is so much more activity north of Rusk that I just don't think it's a comparable situation, but even look just one block north (Lamar to McKinney) or the west side from McKinney to Walker. Do you see the same homeless concentration there?
  16. What are you talking about? Main Street downtown is really the only area anywhere in the city that's been pedestrianized like this. I genuinely have no idea what other streets you could be referring to, but these seven blocks have the advantage of lots of foot traffic and more weekend/evening foot traffic in particular than the rest of downtown. Encampments seem pretty unlikely, and, though I have mixed feelings about this, I think it's safe to say that the Downtown Management District will do everything in their power to keep any from forming on this stretch.
  17. If that connection were intentional, then I would expect them to go for more of a late Deco/midcentury style, rather than pomo colonial garbage.
  18. Hmmm. I still don't like Washington Corridor being lumped in with the Heights but this isn't the solution I had in mind...
  19. Calling this "mixed-use" is lunacy. It's two pad sites, a strip mall, and a completely separate apartment building. A single developer building multiple uses next to (but in no way interacting with) each other is not "mixed-use".
  20. I know they're not in town yet, but they operate stores of the same size as Aldi (and in my opinion are better). Whenever they *do* start opening stores further west Houston is a logical first choice because of the port.
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