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Howard Huge

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Everything posted by Howard Huge

  1. Those three surface lots in the foreground by Toyota center are PRIME residential lots.If I was a developer with money, Id throw up a bunch of resi towers surrounding the Rockets home base. Or that grassy lot next to 59 could make a nice pocket park, with the other lots being resi.
  2. Fair enough, but it wasn't even this particular issue or project that aggravated me.It's swtsig's recent attitude. Like I said, I liked him, he is a valuable contributor, and I was the main guy defending him when that idiot was calling him a fraud and trying run him off the board. But his flurfty attitude has got to go. We all try to get along here, theres no need to constantly derail threads with pompous insults to other members. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  3. There are projects on the board, securing financing, and more to come, all in this climate.The statement "no one is going to get a project off the ground in this environment" is simply not true. Don't believe me let's just wait, we shall see....
  4. Uhhhhhh, how bout any of the numerous developers who HAVE taken the DLI and ran with it and have started or are about to start construction, right now, in our current "awl crash" climate?Or better yet, nevermind, you're right, because of the oil crash, NO ONE IS BUILDING ANYTHING IN DOWNTOWN RIGHT NOW, all those cranes are a mass hallucination because according to you, "who is going to get a project off the ground in this environment? I'll give you a hint. NO ONE." Seems like you're the one living in a fantasy world. You know swtsig, I used to like you as a poster, you had good inside info, you added content to threads. Not any more. Now it seems like all you do is follow people around in threads, quoting them and telling them how stupid they are, all in a pissy little manner. It's gotten old.
  5. Oh for the love of God, man I swear I can name a few people who need to have their freakn Downtown Living Initiative qualification REVOKED.You know who, Im tired of speaking the other guys name...
  6. Looks like they might not make it, just a wild guess, dont quote me on that....
  7. Ermergherd! Therse perctures ere ERESOME!!!
  8. Too late. They know the drill already. I tried buying a tiny old, beat up 750 sq ft by Fulton from an old Mexican lady.The house was appraised ~$55,000, she was not fielding any offers lower than $170,000. They know what they have.
  9. Unfortunately, as someone hit on earlier, you've missed the bus on the east end and third ward, even small plots of land with a 90 year old shotgun house on it is gonna run you $100,000 plus.When you said "where would you buy land" I took you literally, thats why I said downtown. If I had a couple million Id buy one of the few remaining surface lots and then hold out until some developer came along and offered me meal ticket. And while I was waiting I would just convert the lot to surface parking and charge extravagant rates to park there for work, ball games etc...
  10. Downtown of course.Do you realize what downtown is going to look like in 5 years, when all the new buildings and thousands of new apartments come online? It is going to start a chain reaction that is going to suck in more apartments, more retail, more parks, etc etc. With the shrinking number of parking lots, the value of land is just going to keep rising up up and away....
  11. Yes they do.And tell 'em Howard Huge doesn't make requests, he gives orders.
  12. Ahhh, look at the beauty that is Esperson back there, sigh.I wish I wish I wish that Houston had gotten at least 5 or 6 more Art Moderne/Art Deco gems like this in the 20's and 30's. This is where NYC and Chicago absolutely destroy our skyline, with their plethora of older structures. Most of our skyline is from the oil boom of the 70's and 80's.
  13. Well I'll be damned.That explains all the projects in Houston that come out with an initial rendering that could qualify as the 9th wonder of the world, only to later scale back the project and build something entirely different and unimpressive altogether. Step 1: Release overly ambitious rendering to get approval from the permit office. Step 2: Once approval is gained, release said rendering to local press to create a frenzied buzz. (Hotel Allessandra) Step 3: Drastically scale back the project to something much more cost efficient and far less impressive. Step 4: Release UPDATED renderings and some lame excuse about "continuity" as to why the design SUCKS now. Step 5: ??????? Step 6: Profit
  14. Dick Campo is too busy wrangling up ground floor retail for his "Houston First" building next to the GRB, ya know, gotta put on a big show for the Super Bowl.
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