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Original Timmy Chan's

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Everything posted by Original Timmy Chan's

  1. Back when I had time to work out, it typically took me about 5 minutes to get from the South Loop to UH via MLK. This was in the evenings on the way home from work, around 8pm. By the way, Niche's friend's route down MLK to Lockwood is about a mile shorter than taking 288 to 45 to Lockwood, and about 2.5 miles shorter than taking the South Loop to 45 to Lockwood. Shorter distance, and much less frustrating drive at rush hour. You're probably moving as fast, or faster, on MLK than on the Gulf Freeway during rush hour.
  2. Maybe not (pandemic). http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/top...al/6404221.html The swine flu outbreak that has alarmed the world for a week now appears less ominous, with the virus showing little staying power in the hardest-hit cities and scientists suggesting it lacks the genetic fortitude of past killer bugs. President Barack Obama even voiced hope Friday that it may turn out to be no more harmful than the average seasonal flu. In New York City, which has the most confirmed swine flu cases in the U.S. with 49, swine flu has not spread far beyond cases linked to one Catholic school. In Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak, very few relatives of flu victims seem to have caught it. Other interesting numbers from the article (dated May 1, 2009, 11:51 PM): - 16 confirmed deaths in Mexico - over 300 confirmed flu cases in Mexico - 650 confirmed cases worldwide Those numbers are far different than what we've been hearing all week. Mexico admitted that their numbers may have been inflated.
  3. My thoughts exactly. But if Ross is smart, he put the electricity under a fake name, which would also explain why he can't use the electric bill to register in HISD. Ross, never use your real name on lease agreements or utilities, and never grow in your own home! Everybody knows that!
  4. Historicaerials.com shows that the Windmill Lakes sandpits (between Kingspoint and Almeda-Genoa) were started sometime between 1957 and 1964. The apartments were built sometime after 1981 (but not long after, from my memory.) Even without looking at the historic aerials, there are a couple of indications that the lakes weren't dug just for the apartments: first, the apartments were built before storm water detention was required, and second, the sheer size of the lakes compared to the size of the apartments. The economics aren't there to dig lakes of that size without some kind of serious revenue or other benefit to compensate. Lakes are pretty, but there's not enough of a financial premium from renters to justify the expense. In any event, I don't believe sandpits are ever filled with anything other than groundwater or possibly trash (landfills).
  5. Yesterday was less than 1/3rd the rainfall of Allison. If I recall correctly, parts of Houston got 36" in 24 hours during Allison, as opposed to the 11" seen in NW Harris County yesterday. A 100-year storm for the Houston area is 13.5" of rain in 24 hours. None of those totals compare to TS Claudette in 1979. It produced what is still the US record for 24-hr rainfall: 43" in 24 hours near Alvin!
  6. I grew up in Beverly Hills, and recall an apartment complex being built in the early 80's (?) called the Windmills (?) that was built around a lake. First time I'd ever seen something like that. Seemed pretty damned innovative at the time, even to an 8-year old. My parents told me that the lake was an old sandpit. I wonder if it's the same one. I believe this was off of Almeda-Genoa near Rowlett.
  7. Rain events always produce the highest peak flows into wastewater treatment plants. I believe it's somewhere in the range of up to 4 times the average flow. The term for storm water entering the wastewater lines is infiltration/inflow. Occurs into the sanitary sewer through broken joints, roots breaking into sewers, and surface drainage into the sewer line. The problem may be on your private line leading into the public sewer, or on the public sewer line. If your neighbors are seeing the same thing, and if your private lines were recently replaced, it's probably the public line. Call the City - 311. It may or may not be anything that can be immediately repaired...could require a replacement of the neighborhood's public sanitary sewer lines.
  8. From the title it sounds more like a movie set at the Rice University campus!!! ...nerds...
  9. I actually believe Crossley's numbers are correct. I don't have all the details, but if we assume that a significant number of commuters use METRO, then the average 3-hour commute sounds conservative, if anything! I think I could turn my 15-minute drive to work into a 3-hour (or longer) commute if I took the bus!
  10. My "Betty Brown" name was close...oh, so close. Timmy Chan translates to BILLY RAY "Chicken and Dumplings" BROWN. Change the dumplings to "Egg Rolls" and you're on to something... The Americanized name alsohappens to be shared with a certain 4-time All-American golfer at that little university a few blocks down Scott Street from Timmy Chan's Chicken and Egg Rolls! Is Billy Ray Brown the Original Original Timmy Chan?!?
  11. After 4 pages, I think I can summarize this thread pretty easily. White people, apparently.
  12. I was gonna say the same thing, take whatever you think it's gonna cost and DOUBLE IT. If you budget that, you won't be caught short when you find out about the extra hardware that wasn't included with your fixtures, the old plumbing to be repaired, the hidden termite damage, etc... Not trying to be funny...you don't know from where it'll come, but count on surprises.
  13. Hmmm...every store I've bought cigarettes in the last 3-4 weeks has already been charging the "tax." Every pack I've bought lately has been $7-8, and several places in the last several weeks have actually told me it's because of the new federal tax. That's quite a surprise to hear that the tax goes into effect TOMORROW, when I've already been paying the "tax" for a month!!!
  14. I agree that you can lock up your property. I think it's important that you're aware not to build anything in that easement that you won't mind losing. The city/HL&P/other utilities have the right and responsibility to maintain their lines within that easement. Don't build a shed, pool, garage, shrine, etc. out in that easement or you risk losing it. My understanding is that the utility entity is not required to replace anything that's in the easement.
  15. Hmm...that photo looks like something I drew after a trip to a cow pasture outside Houston. Or to be more specific, after a trip resulting from a trip to a cow pasture outside Houston. (Not to mention the pastures we used to visit in Pasadena, Friendswood, League City, Pearland... )
  16. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would have to be black-eyed peas. If I could have two things, I'd add Pecos canteloupe. JCI hot dogs and Whataburger would also make the top 10.
  17. It's been about 20 years since I was over there, but as I recall, they turned an old grocery store into "Sagemont Singles" and also opened up a Christian coffee shop. I think they used the shopping center as additional meeting space for various church groups. Like I said, I quit going shortly after they opened up the 10 million seat arena back in the early or mid-80's. That was just before they bought the grocery store and drug store and shopping center. I also know that back when I was going it was still Sagemont BAPTIST Church...I notice they've dropped the "Baptist" out of the name.
  18. I spent several years under those power lines (or right across the street). Those power lines, and the fields and ditches around them (pre-Beltway) were our hangout when I was a kid. I used to go to Sagemont Baptist Church, back when it was still one building. I was saved and baptized there. But even as a 10-year old I could sense that something wasn't right about the building spree they went on. I stopped going to church shortly after they built the gigantic auditorium. It seemed to me, even as a child, that the almighty dollar was bigger than the Almighty. I recall when they bought the shopping center across the street. I thought they were getting big for their britches. Now, looking at an aerial, looks like they've exploded. Pretty good business model, apparently.
  19. Shoot the cat, problem solved. Or, if that's too extreme, throw the cat out the back door.
  20. A quick HAR.com search shows 90 condos/townhomes INSIDE THE LOOP that fit the description. (Only searched the "Central", "South" and "Southwest" areas inside the Loop.) Many around the Med Center, some around Greenway Plaza, some on Allen Pkwy, some around West U. I don't consider those to be undesirable locations. Just saying it's not necessary to go out west (and fight traffic) to find something that fits the bill.
  21. Not an aviation geek, although I can appreciate the Air Show, loved going to the Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton when we lived in Ohio, and "The Right Stuff" is one of my favorite movies of all time. I'd love to go skydiving, and I've dreamed for years of taking a trip out to West Texas in a Cessna. Hell, I think flying over Houston in a small plane would be great. Nothing against aviation per se, just not a fan of the commercial flight experience.
  22. Both sides should be publicly flogged. The prospective buyer ought to know better, but the brokers and lenders REALLY ought to know better...it's what they do for a living!
  23. I can't say I've ever been to an airport I've enjoyed...but the whole process of flying irritates me. A lot of "hurry up and wait". Not that I'm an impatient person per se, I just don't enjoy any part of the process. From the parking to the security check to the waiting at the gate to the waiting in boarding line to the waiting to sit down to the waiting to take off to the waiting on the runway to the waiting for a drink, it's just not a pleasant experience. And if you're over 6 feet tall, it's a painful experience as well, being stuck in one position (knees jammed into the seat in front of you) for hours at a time. I'd much rather spend 30 hours in the car than 4 or 5 hours in flight. I enjoy driving, don't enjoy flying. If we can drive, we do, regardless of the time spent on the road. (Exception being the trip to Ecuador...we technically could drive there, but neither of us has the vacation time to be able to do it!) To me, the question of "What is your favorite airport" is kinda like asking, "Which eye did you prefer having gouged out the most?" Anyone else feel that way?
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