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Everything posted by lockmat

  1. Does anyone know how I can just get the URL for the video abc13 has for this story? It's flash, so there's no way to share just the video unless you use their email feature. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=...&id=5072184 And the Chron just broke out w/ an article. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4585988.html
  2. Do y'all think it took the "official groundbreaking" for other developments to ride the coat tails of the Pavilions? If so, I wonder how fast they'll come or do y'all think they'll wait to see how Pavilions performs?
  3. It seems as if the media isn't really covering this. A HBJ and ABC13 article. Nothing from the Chron yet. I'm a little surprised. I wonder if they're coverage is coming later today?
  4. Is there anything different about Books-a-million from the other big two, which I don't even pay attention to the names and always get them mixed up. It's books and music...how different can ya get, as long as their inventory is big?
  5. Thanks for the links. Forever21...The guys stuff looks kinda, eh. But I like the women's stuff. Seems pretty trendy and very diverse. I wouldn't mind seeing my lady in that kind of style.
  6. Anyone ever eaten at Bubba Gumps Restaurant? It's awesome, and I think it would be a good fit for the Pavilions. And is anyone listening to any local radio stations that are talking about this? I'd like to listen in online if anyone is.
  7. At this pace, this thread is officially about catch up w/ Richmond Rail
  8. What all do they normally do at a groundbreaking? Will they announce all the tennants or are there still some spaces to be filled?
  9. I'm no expert, maybe y'all are, but I'm sure it's both. Although from reading transportation books, traffic reduction is the main reason, as the article points out.
  10. They just opened a commuter train here in Albuquerque too, and all we have in the city are buses.
  11. It's more to eliviate traffic congestion than to bring in money.
  12. very nice. Interesting that the president is the contact person.
  13. It gets down to a two person width at times? Yikes. And the fact that you say you don't have to duck tells me they're tall enough, but probably not as tall as they should be. Sounds like they're eight foot ceilings, which doesn't sound all that comfortable.
  14. I guess sources aren't en vogue anymore. Not that it's not true.
  15. Yeah, that's what I was kind of thinking. So I guess price won't fluctuate too much from year to year, no?
  16. Not within three years, and not enough to make a huge difference. And I'm talking about in DT. I mean, a few more might pop up, but not drastically. I just don't expect it after talking about these things on here for the past few months and seeing and realizing how long things like that take to come to fruition. I could be wrong, that's just what I think from looking at the past.
  17. I'm not actually in the market of buying right now. I live in Albuquerque and look to move back to Houston within a year or two. Even then I won't be buying immediately. My salary certainly doesn't allow me to buy a condo DT right now. At the same time, I wouldn't expect the quantity of condos to go up within one to three years, thats why I ask loosely if it's a good time to buy "now" or later(5-10 years). And really I'm asking these questions generally and to educate myself for the future. BTW, do y'all know the lowest price for a nice/decent condo in the DT area, or at least the range for a low end one?
  18. Yeah, it'll take time for them come. But the Fingers tower should certainly help things; that's a lot of units. And I'm not so sure it's such a big gamble for residents to move downtown. It's not like they're used to having a grocery store, etc. right around the corner anyway, right? Once those everyday things do come though, it'll provide that much more convenience. K, thanks.
  19. I'm not looking for an investment. I don't think I have near enough money to buy land downtown. I'm actually looking for a place to live. And I already know that I want it to be in a condo DT or a town home in a dense area close by. I would assume that condo owners typically keep a nice house and take care of their things. Would y'all say this is mostly true? And I don't know how all this works, but I'm also assuming that once purchased, the condo is sole property of the owners and that when they sell, it's all theirs and they don't have to go through anything w/ whom they purchased it from originally; they just sell as if it were a single-family unit?
  20. I actually already knew that it's pretty much better to rent than buy. But the part I left in the quatations was helpful, thanks. However, that wasn't really what I was asking. I was just wondering if it would be cheaper to buy a condo DT now or later. I know that may not be possible to answer, but I threw it out there anyway just in case someone had some insight I never thought about.
  21. What are the dimensions of the tunnel? Width and ceiling height?
  22. In order to save money, would it be cheaper to buy now or five to ten years down the road? Is that even possible to answer right now?
  23. It just seems to me that if every day needs, i.e. grocery store, retail, etc, come DT then so will the people. As we've witnessed on HAIF, there are many people in Houston who are from the North East and are used to this type of living and even prefer it. So hypothetically, if these things come and condos continue to be built...what's the future of the prices of them? I know it depends on other things as well, such as demand, which I think will definitely be there.
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