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Everything posted by brijonmang

  1. DSC_4267 by photolitherland, on Flickr
  2. Taken yesterday from the elevated section of light rail at Hardy Yards (Burnett Station)
  3. Dude, we have 14 pages of teeth gnashing and complaining about this building. Yes, we know it's not a masterpiece. Yes, we know you think it looks like a prison.
  4. Chase - 1,980,000 SF Wells Fargo - 1,833,760 SF The plot thickens... (I'm not sure if that's TOTAL sf or just usable - My calculations were based on what I could measure on foot )
  5. Sorry, forgot to add pros and cons... Pros: the look - nice green grass in the winter, it doesn't 'harm' the grass in place as it is dormant, fairly easy to get established with basic fertilizing and maintenance Cons: It can take root in areas of St. Augustine that aren't well established and "choke out" the growth there leaving dead spots in the yard when it warms up and the rye grass dies off. This increases a chance for weeds to come in. Generally rye grass seed is applied early to mid November so you'd be getting in to things a little late. It would help to do it after a front moves through and temperatures are a little lower than 80 degrees.
  6. Correct. This is from overseeding the grass with Rye.
  7. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember ever seeing a rendering of the hotel/apartments that will take the spot that this building currently sits on.
  8. That first picture (melting/fire) is actually the most flattering angle I've seen of this building so far.
  9. It appears you have been spotted on your way back to Houston. I assume you will be checking out ROD as soon as you step off your jet. Welcome back!!
  10. First floor forms going up for a concrete pour. Images courtesy of Bobruss:
  11. Sweet! Looks like CREguy beat you by a couple minutes on breaking the info on the forum... http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/32928-condominium-tower-greater-heights/
  12. New York is trying to outshine this tower...Can't we ever have anything uniquely awesome for just Houston?! http://gizmodo.com/this-nyc-skyscraper-design-is-like-the-chrysler-buildin-1747445141
  13. Image courtesy of Bobruss from a foggy day:
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