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Everything posted by HtownWxBoy

  1. Not trying to turn this into a Houston vs. Dallas thing but how does Dallas rank higher than Houston... they should at least be at the same level. Houston is far more "international" than Dallas... Houston is the energy capitol of the world with the world's largest medical center. Don't get me wrong, Dallas has it's +'s too... they have a better rail system compared to Houston... though in a few years we will be about equal. Just think Houston should be in the same class as Dallas if not just above. Just my opinion.
  2. Completely expected... and this will only continue. Look at any civil rights issue our Nation has ever faced and you will see the same thing. Gay marriage will be legal in the United States... in all 50 states, at some point in the future... you can't stop it... it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.
  3. HtownWxBoy

    Man Purse

    Who said anything about a parade or rally? it's the conservatives who have been teabagging at their rallies all week, not us gays.
  4. HtownWxBoy

    Man Purse

    Sounds to me like your friend has issues with himself that he needs to resolve. It sounds like he, in some ways, feels threatened by gay men. Why else would one feel "uncomfortable" about a whole group of people? Maybe he has issues with his own masculinity. Usually guys who are secure with themselves don't feel threatened like that. If he's afraid a gay man might hit on him, you can explain to him that that doesn't make him gay and that doesn't mean he has to have sex with the gay man. It's just like getting hit on by a women who he is in no way attracted to. He should actually be flattered b/c if someone hits on him, man or woman, it's b/c they think he's attractive. Maybe he thinks he can "catch it" if he is around gay guys. Well, I am surrounded by straights everyday and haven't caught that yet so I think he will be fine. I also have a black co-worker and a Mexican boyfriend and I remain as white and Ukrainian as I have always been... guess you can't catch those things, also. Not trying to be mean or sarcastic or anything like that, I just don't really how else to explain why you shouldn't be "uncomfortable" around gay guys, unless of course his issues are with himself and not really gay guys, then he's on his own.
  5. HtownWxBoy

    Man Purse

    Kind of like straight guys who are "homophobes"... the ones who just don't like gay people... yet they have a closet full of lesbian porn.
  6. I've always watched channel 13 since I moved to Houston... no major reason why, just started watching them and it stuck. The other channels are OK, 13 just seems better.
  7. Times like that I am glad I don't work a 9-5 job.... all of my commutes occur outside of rush hour times.
  8. Sure was dark driving to work this afternoon... worst weather is remaining north and west of Downtown, though I wouldn't be surprised to see this stuff build southward over the next few hours... we will see.
  9. HtownWxBoy

    Man Purse

    I have a Calvin Klein one... love it.
  10. She embodies all that is good in this world. Here we have a woman who never asked for anything... she gave up everything to care for her dying mother... she walked onto that stage with confidence I could only dream of and sang like an angel. She deserves nothing but happiness... YOU GO SUSAN!!
  11. And Conservatives claim us queers are the ones turning their kids gay....
  12. "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging" --Anderson Cooper, CNN Yet another reason to LOVE Anderson Cooper! The best part was he kept a straight face when he said it. I saw foxnews.com was having a hissy fit over this... they are the ones holding up signs saying they were teabagging people.
  13. "Taxed Enough Already"... someone tell the teabaggers that President Obama is on their side... he's giving 95% of them tax cuts. Somehow they missed that.
  14. Yea... and cry-baby Glenn Beck on Fox News called that patriotic! Glenn Beck Can someone please explain to me how threatening to secede from the United States of America makes you a good American???? I don't recall anyone on Fox News calling those who wanted to move to Canada when Bush was reelected "patriots".... anyone else?
  15. Tempest in a Tea Party Americans buy one million teabags to protest wasteful spending. Makes perfect sense...
  16. Let's say Bush was still in office... a protest was being held to rally against the growing government that can now wiretap American citizens without a warrant... it's being "set up" by the ACLU with help from MSNBC and moveon.org.... would you be attending?
  17. Really?? I recall many occasions where thousands turned out to protest the Iraq War... if you were watching Fox News you probably didn't hear about it... they didn't really cover it much b/c it didn't fit into their political agenda.
  18. Using children as pawns... liberals would get blasted for doing something like this. Imagine if a gay couple had their children march with them in a gay pride parade... Hannity, Limbaugh and O'reilly would be calling it child abuse. He already has you nutjob... these people are as crazy as those who think Bush blew up the Twin Towers. But sir, with no more taxes, how would we pay for the Iraq War you most likely support... or the roads you drive on... the parks you visit... the schools your children and grandchildren go to. Who would pay to arm our troops who bravely defend this great Nation? How would we pay for the border fence?
  19. I understand what you are saying... the only problem I have is that the people whom I always here complaining about the "bias media" have no problem tuning into Fox News everyday which is just as bias.... just to the right as opposed to the left. If you are going to complain that much of the media ignored these teabagging events b/c they were not in line with their political views... then you must also mention that Fox News covered the events all day because they were more in line with their conservative political views.
  20. Sorry I never replied.... this particular tornado warning was issued because doppler radar was indicating strong rotation with the cell near Downtown meaning a tornado could develop... I don't believe one ever did. A tornado warning is issued when either a tornado has developed or when rotation withing a storm becomes strong enough that one could develop at anytime. Looking at the storm relative velocity on doppler radar can help you look for storms that are rotating.
  21. What channels are you referring to? I flipped through the channels yesterday and saw coverage of the protests on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS. Sure, some gave more coverage than others... Fox News had the most b/c they were practically sponsors.... but they all had at least some coverage. When you say the events "got no play"... which station are you talking about that didn't air anything at all about the protests?
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