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Everything posted by CincoRanch-HoustonResident

  1. I grew up with Run DMC, and LL Cool J. Michael Jackson was a big thing for me when I was young.
  2. It is Hispanic Heritage Month. BTW, I wish i had learned more Spanish while I was young because I am really going to need it in about 10 years. Also, CityKid, I know plenty of succesful Mexican poeple. My friend since the 7th grade came to America with his family because of poor conditions their. His dad had a not well paying job, but it managed them. I remeber they couldn't even be able to have their water on, or keep their lights on. Know my friend, Edgar Amador, is a succesful Computer Engineerer, and lives in Lakes of Parkway.
  3. My dad is from Lagos. I remeber visting it around 1990. It was horrible there. Very poor, we couldn't trust the cab driver because my uncle had said that many cab drivers would rob you while riding in their cab. Didn't happen to us with the help of God. My dad came to America for college and now is a succesful business man.
  4. We finally won two straight today. I was there, it was an exciting game.
  5. Houston will probably will past Chicago metro in 20-30 years. We will past there city limits in the 2010 census, IMO.
  6. The Dallas Metropolis hasn't got better at their bashing at Houston. They never really had that much, though.
  7. Did you see Bush on the debate. He was horrible, but he didnt loose support, but Kerry did.
  8. Good post. On another note, us as Blacks have stereotypes as well. Like, we aren't suppose to get into a good college, or get a good job. That is what persued me to get into a good college, University of Texas at Austin, and getting a good job. I am a Engineerer.
  9. If you know where those apartments are reachin Westheimer Parkway on the Grand Parkway, in Cinco Ranch, that is where I live. It is called the Lakes at Cinco Ranch. Right behind the Super Target, and in front of the Two story Cinco Ranch Branch library.
  10. Never had this problem. WHen I was a Boy Scout(way back when), I used to sell nuts and popcorn.
  11. Where did you guys go for college and what was your majors. I went to University of Texas and my major was Chemical Engineering.
  12. Morton Ranch High is on Franz Rd, just east of the intersection with Mason Rd, in Katy. Morton Ranch Junior High is a little bit up north on Mason Rd, behind Morton Ranch High.
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