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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. It isn't hostility, it is critical thinking. You have set out certain stringent criteria for a town square. Too stringent, in my view. Chase Bank, St. Germain Lofts, Capitol Lofts, and the Binz Building are not going to blow up their parking garages so you can realize your ideal town square. I'll comment on whatever posts I want to comment on.
  2. That block is surrounded by a Cafe Express, Flying Saucer, a parking garage, another parking garage, Hotel Magnolia, another parking garage, and Kobecue, none of which interact with that block all that much. Parking garages are not allowed around your idealized concept of a square.
  3. We can check in again on first year performance in December of this year.
  4. A speech by who in particular? Brian Crimmins? Marlene Gafrick? I'd like to ask whoever it was about what you've said.
  5. Well then, it sounds like a signage problem more than a missing parking garage problem.
  6. Since they intend to apply Complete Streets thinking to all new street construction and renovation, we can be reasonably certain that there will not be street parking on every single street.
  7. The new Complete Streets policy of the City doesn't have any firm rules, actually. It is just a policy of considering all road users when building or renovating roads.
  8. Maybe it wasn't Hilcorp's decision. It is part of the plans of Downtown Management District. Anyway, just like Main Street Square, closing the road off to cars can create a better pedestrian environment. Main Street Square has trees for shade and etc.
  9. Why not? The current Main Street Square at the Reliant tower doesn't have street level retail.
  10. We don't have enough money to repair the roads because taxes are not high enough. Complete Streets just means taking all types of road users into account when designing new roads or renovations of roads.
  11. There's nothing going on at that building. It was hollowed out and then...nothing.
  12. Wait a second, you're holding up Jackson Square as a good square, yet it has a fairly high percentage of green space to hard space. Now I'm wondering again what's wrong with Discovery Green. Your contention that it doesn't interact with its environment is wrong. People will buy charcuterie in Phoenicia and eat it in the park. Hotel and convention visitors make great use of the park. Parking has been hidden underneath the park so as not to have an annoying parking lot blight. Restaurants are located inside the park itself. It is well integrated.
  13. When I said in front of the old Macy's, I meant in front of the old Macy's, not across the street from it. Yes, the convenience store side has been closed for a long time.
  14. Probably tougher since there's a little bit of street parking for Kirby Lofts.
  15. Note that they are closing Main Street in front of the tower and turning it into a plaza, like Main Street Square.
  16. Well, a few more blocks are being closed, at least. The new plan has Main Street in front of the old Macy's being closed and turned into a plaza, and I think also the 1200 block in front of Marriott and Greenstreet? http://downtownhouston.org/site_media/uploads/attachments/2014-02-07/140203-Main_St-Public_Mtg_Presentation-SM.pdf
  17. I just heard a rumor that they are tearing down the rest of it.
  18. Town squares can't have parking garages in the area, per the OP's arcane criteria. So it is relevant to town squares as imagined by OP, the topic of this post.
  19. I know, as a TMC employee I was well aware. (Some ride the train, more ride an actual TMC shuttle service from Smithlands). Still, NOT a majority.
  20. So I take it you are abandoning your claim that Smithlands is where a majority of TMC workers park. Look, it's simple. Cite your source or abandon the baseless claim. TMC workers come from many sources. Some take park and ride buses. Some ride rail from Downtown, Midtown, Museum District, Fannin South.
  21. It is not a low number of parking spots, it is more parking spots than any other job center in Houston except for Downtown. Yes, of course the demand is far higher, that's my point. I'm going to ask one more time for your evidence that a majority of the people working at TMC park at Smithlands before giving up on you. You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
  22. Marfreless opened in 1972, relocated to current location 1976.
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