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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. I don't actually care about the legal case to be made for assault, but I do consider any unwanted touching to be an assault, regardless of the legal definition. No, my problem is with people thinking they have the right to reclaim public space.
  2. I found a gallery, and looks like he stopped at Blake's, Christian's Tailgate, Tookie's, and Stanton City Bites. And Cavender's Boot City because we're all cowboys or whatever. http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/burger-land/photos/burger-land-houston-we-have-a-burger-pictures
  3. Water your lawn all you want. But spraying water on the sidewalk to intentionally reclaim a public right-of-way that is not yours to reclaim is arrogant and dangerous. It's not "you just happened to choose Saturday nights", you are recommending for people to intentionally choose that day and time. There is no "just happened to" about it.
  4. Lots of cases found on Google with water hose assault. http://law.rightpundits.com/?p=582
  5. The sidewalk is a public right-of-way. If you can't understand and accept that, maybe you shouldn't be living in a city full of other people.
  6. Yes, spraying water on the sidewalk to discourage people from using it is hostile.
  7. In case you forgot, this thread is about a pedestrian that was killed in the street. Call police if people are violating property rights, but don't try and reclaim public space as your own.
  8. Please don't encourage people to make sidewalks hostile to pedestrians.
  9. I never heard one, but I'm assuming they thought it was pointless on a light rail line since people can just walk around. But it would make enforcement so much easier. It'd be a cinch for Metro Police to spot violators on camera and dispatch officers.
  10. Lousy. I'm tired of the police detentions to check my papers when I'm de-boarding and trying to walk to my destination. They should have installed turnstiles from the start.
  11. It's in pretty bad shape. Seems to me it needs to be cratered?
  12. Yes, and official company websites can be hacked too, and press conferences can be held by performance artists claiming to be representatives of the company, as amply demonstrated by The Yes Men. Doesn't mean Twitter is less reliable.
  13. Saw a Coming Soon sign for Thien An on 2611 San Jacinto (near McGowen).
  14. Yeah, if you're wishing violence on people it's time to get a grip.
  15. Ahh, the Pedal Party. I endorse it.
  16. I don't know that it is "dependent", but that's what they intend to do, annex thousands of acres into the TIRZ, as the article says.
  17. The building depicted at Winbern and Main is not the same building as the one Double Trouble resides in. Unless they intend to build on top of it?
  18. Yikes. I sure hope that won't happen as it would mean Double Trouble is toast!
  19. Annexation of 1,768 acres into the TIRZ. Memorial Park got hit pretty hard by drought, so plenty of work is needed to fix it up.
  20. For non-subscribers, here's a link to the full article. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.houstonchronicle.com%2Fnews%2Fhouston-texas%2Fhouston%2Farticle%2FProject-would-create-Uptown-transit-corridor-4427406.php%3Fcmpid%3Dbtfpm&ei=MRRnUb2sMIXY8gTuw4DoBg&usg=AFQjCNEJxunb0db9LL-QT0d6Mm8G2RydtQ&sig2=5oeDXTZ-Q9o5tsuJffsjJQ&bvm=bv.45107431,d.eWU
  21. OTC already has another location that has had problems with a neighbor. What's wrong with judging something from prior acts just because it hasn't opened this particular location yet? It's a free country and they're free to judge.
  22. They didn't like the bar that was there before either. So the issue is that they don't like a rowdy bar being next to them.
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