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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Funny... So the posted photo is your way of being proactive and getting your point across? That's very reasonable debate. Of course it's my fault for trying to get involved in this type of discussion on HAIF since most here are WAY biased against anything that has to do with GOD, and do nothing other than ridicule those of us who have differing views. Cue the usual suspects that will no doubt lambast me. Would it help if I was pro Cesar Chavez?
  2. Can you guys please give it a rest? It seems now that I can't go anywhere on HAIF without seeing or hearing this stuff, whether religious or political. Quite frankly I find it classless. Wouldn't it be better to wait and see what the final revisions include/exclude before making such brash statements?
  3. Without question Earl Campbell. He is arguably the best powerback of all time, save maybe Jim Brown. Second would be George Blanda with Bruce Matthews bringing up the rear. Speaking of Earl. I've had the distinct honor of getting to know him and his son Tyler a little, and can tell you that they're both class acts. In fact, Earl befriended my son and has given him several great Oiler items. Here's a pic of an old "Sports Illustrated" with Earl on the cover, along with two framed/autographed photos he passed on to my son.
  4. Ditto... Matt's a pretty accurate QB, but is the type of guy who will always get injured. It seems like it follows him. Robinson should be fined and then have his ass handed to him by the rest of the defense for his display.
  5. At least Kubiak told the truth which was putting blame on the coaching staff. This staff has a huge problem motivating it's players and it's been obvious for a couple of years. Kubiak is a good offensive coach, but not even a decent head coach. He's also made some big mistakes like bringing in such a small O-line which is getting bullied by almost everyone. The Texans may get some pride back and win a few games, but they're screwed this year. I say bring in Bill Cowher and let's get the Texans into some smash mouth, power house football.
  6. Great info Wayne. Question: What's up with HAIF radio?
  7. The reason for the lack of architectural threads is obvious. new development has all but ceased. I have cut back posting because of the constant bombardment of Dems who take it upon themselves to constantly ridicule those of us that lean toward conservatism. I used to enjoy the political debates on HAIF, but no longer. In fact, I'm sure this comment will draw heavy critisism. I feel for Wayne because he has worked very hard for all of us to enjoy this site.
  8. According to Wayne it has not been as busy.
  9. Speaking of "sad"... "PRESIDENT Obama's State Department waited until the cusp of Labor Day weekend before publicly backing Latin America's dictators in their assault on democracy." http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/bam_vs_democracy_B8FEjdY8zredDCIOpNlIJP
  10. Yeah, 100.00 sounds like an awful lot considering no movie packages. I got a deal for 39.00 and that included a free year of Showtime.
  11. One of the reasons I live here, and I'm not kidding, is the women. Other than that, I love the affordability, the blues music scene (Houston's blues scene is WAY underrated), and the people. Yes I said it, the people.
  12. The current 4 lanes are not inadequate with the possible exception of holiday weekends, and even then it's never really bad. I could see the feasibility of adding maybe 1 lane in the next few years, but it's certainly not needed at this point.
  13. Apparently... I travel I-10 to Hwy 36 (then on to Bellville)at least once a week and have never, ever encountered traffic that would justify a toll road. This is absurd.
  14. I switched to DTV from Comcast and in most cases it far exceeds that of cable, both in picture/audio quality and better HD channels. Of course having the NFL network is a huge plus as well. I've only had a couple of outages (due to storms) over the last year, but they're generally just a few minutes. The only real complaint I have is that the surfing tends to be slower on my DVR than was Comcasts.
  15. I like the gateway markers, but wish they would have chipped in a little more funding to make the traffic signals a little more aesthetic.
  16. I don't think it's the soap that doesn't come off, it's just how soft the water is. I don't like it either, but from what I've been told by the in-laws it supposedly keeps your skin in better condition. Not sure about that though.
  17. I'm in Baton Rouge often and can confirm that the water is the best/softest I've encountered. Showers there are a different animal as well.
  18. SSC here we come. Seriously, could you guys give it a rest.
  19. I suspect that the height restriction is for anything built within "The Enclave".
  20. You've reiterated the above at least twice. In other words, we get it. Now go pop a valium.
  21. I was there yesterday and all remains the same. In fact, there isn't even a fake building facade at the Mervyns site. It looks pretty bad.
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