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Everything posted by tierwestah

  1. whatever!!! You can make jokes all you want but the fact remains simple- You can't apply the same scenarios when talking about a lrt train that's designed to function in regular car traffic with a railroad train. For one, railroad trains are used to transport natural resources like coal and other resources. Rapid transit and LRT trains are supposed to be designed to transport people in a faster method. Normally when railroad trains come, there's almost always a red/white stripe arm that comes down keeping people from crossing anyway. LRT doesn't always have the arm at every intersection. And also to add, LRT trains come much more frequent than railroad trains.
  2. You're misunderstanding my point- if we were to build monorail, that would involve building an above-grade bridge- simliar procedure to building an elevated freeway. this would be dedicated for the incoming and outgoing train lines exclusively. Read my signature- that says it all! > i have no problem obeying traffic signs and rules- that's part of driving overall. But what about all those people who aren't familiar with the design of the street? People do tend to make honest and careless mistakes! Does that mean they should get clobbered by a train? I don't think so. The best way to cure this is to take preventative measures to help deter people from making these type of mistakes. And yes, no one can change my mind on this- that part of Westheimer/Richmond near 610 is a jungle and putting any train at-grade level is just asking for trouble! Yall can say what you want about me but even a blind person could see that if you put a train in a much busier intersection than the first line (where our train has already been the butt of many jokes as the accident capital), this just spells disaster. PERIOD!!!
  3. this comment wasn't a display of your homosexuality was it? If so, Please spare me! And you, i really wish there was a way to slap you through the internet by that comment. Like it or not, i don't think that we can put 100 % of the blame to the drivers. When i first drove down the Main Street line, i myself was confused at so many restrictions the train had put on Main Street that i could see how any driver or out of town visitor could easily make a mistake. But i don't care, part of it all is due to poor design and poor planning. Who caused what accident is not really that important to me. The fact is there were accidents and one fatality. What is important to me is that a light rail or train system be designed and done right the first time around and then we won't have to go back and try to figure out what happened, correct, or either play the "blame game" by pointing the finger. At the risk of sounding redundant, the only safe and sensible solution that i can think of for a train going out that way towards Uptown is to make sure it is not "at grade" with the cars. Either by going over or under. We build freeways here like its nothing. Why can't we build something in the air that's dedicated to a metrorail train or either clear a 2.5 mile passage underground to run a train underneath? As MidtownCoog intelligently pointed out earlier: if we can destroy a neighborhood to build 288, why can't we sacrifice anything to build a smart rail plan the RIGHT way the first time? And to danax <slap> and Redscare <slap> Whether it be fantasy or not, i think that it is one option that might have to be considered if they're talking about expanding a line out that way. PERIOD!!!
  4. Pardon me while i echo THE KID for a moment : face it folks! Houston needs subway or Monorail that's it! Any train that's at grade level for the cars is just a disaster waiting to happen. If so many accidents have happened on the Main Street (which doesn't carry half the amount of traffic as Westheimer or Richmond) then you can only imagine what will happen if there's an at-grade light rail built in that area. Disaster. Anybody who doesn't agree with me is foolish and needs to be slapped for not thinking of people's safety and faster transportation options. PERIOD. I know THE KID and SCARFACE got my back on this issue!
  5. what does temperature talk have to do with HOB? ^^^
  6. i like dallas and all but its too artificial. Nothing really authentic about it. If you think about it, there's really no reason for dallas to exist in the first place. The thing that made Dallas big was fashion not industrial resources that made Houston.
  8. MAN, WHAT IN THIS WORLD CAN'T THE CITY OF DALLAS DO? DALLAS CAN DO THE UNTHINKABLE--IT CAN BUILD A PORT WITHOUT ANY REAL CONNECTION WITH WATER. IT GETS VICTORY, IT BUILDS SUBWAY, IT GETS FEDERAL FUNDING, IT GETS A HOUSE OF BLUES TOO, AND WILL PROBABLY GET THE NEXT TRUMP TOWER. MY GAWD! HOUSTON CAN'T HAVE ONE THING WITHOUT DALLAS GETTING A PIECE OR A TASTE OF IT TOO! Mods, please don't take this post as a flame but i will express my opinions and feelings on this matter. Dallas gets everything. Like Dallasboi sarcastically mentioned, Dallas will def have 1up on Houston and will continue to in the future. It already has an amusement park and Houston doesn't! What's more? It's mass transit options murder ours, It's economy is stronger because its teamed up with Fort Worth's. Even though it might relatively match Houston's now, it will definitely surpass Houston's once this port is built. I apologize in advance if my rant offends anyone but i'm just being brutally honest. I see what's happening. Dallas is taking over the whole state and will be the leader in Texas sooner than later!
  9. I did admire the Post Midtown Square location of Krispy Kreme on West Gray right across from THIS IS IT soulfood. I thought it was remarkable they at least had that but oh well, i gotta say bye bye to that!
  10. Good point Great Hizzy! The City of Houston has done the best work with what little resources they had. To Semipro: Even though sometimes i share your frustration with Houston, i gotta call you out on this one. There's four different directions you can use to hightail out of this city! What's keeping you here?
  11. like what? If you're talking about the huge Astros star on the Exxon Building than please, save your breath (or typing). C'mon, even though Dallas may be an illusion, it makes itself look good at night. If you were a visitor wouldn't you rather see this? Dallas, Texas OR YEAR-ROUND CHRISTMAS TIME IN HOUSTON!... BORING (courtesy of skwatra)-2nd pic- caught some reflection from the window where it was taken!
  12. I too am a mass supporter of a better lit skyline as well. I look at Houston's skyline as a large array of buildings that some look good and the other half looks very bland and tacky. I also, as i've said countless times in the other night skyline thread absolutely hate the white christmas lights. I noticed that even Dallas has a couple of buildings lit that way in and near their downtown but it's not nearly as much as in Houston or Fort Worth. I was riding down the North Central Expressway in Dallas and noticed that the Cityplace Tower has that same lighting, but it goes all around the building, complimenting the building's shape and design, which i think sort of looks good. Also the West Marketplace building in West End Dallas is lit like that and is pretty visible from the freeway. I was really embarassed when we went to the World Series and a our downtown wasn't lit with the energy like Chicago's. It's a shame that the 4th largest city's downtown can't do better. I will compliment the Galleria/Uptown skyline at night. The Williams Tower, while not all that much pronounced is bad as hell at night. Also in the Texas Medical Center, i like the St. Luke's Tower with the white lit spires going up. But downtown does need to step it up a notch.
  13. i thought there were plans to turn the bottom portion of Stowers into a grocery store! And C2H, what made you decide not to move to Houston? It sounds like you live in Mayville if Houston metro has more people in it than your entire state has. You decided that Houston wasn't the place for you? Too ugly, hot, humid? What?
  14. when i'm back home and walking on campus at TSU, i always wondered if i would pass by GREYSTONE08- he doesn't post at this forum anymore though! But he was the only one i knew of on here that went to TSU and that's right down the street by where my ol' home is!
  15. A little late KID, someone beat you to it already. Keep up man!
  16. Sorry, i don't mean to bring this topic up again but i wanted to put my 2 cents in. I agree with alot of others that these 2 projects are nothing alike but i do understand where scarface was going with this topic. He wanted to know which project would have the most impact on each downtown. Although Victory is bigger and to a much broader scale, i'm going to have to cast my vote to Houston Pavilions because it will be in the heart of downtown Houston as to where Victory Plaza will be sort of situated off to the side a little bit outside of downtown Dallas. And plus, downtown Houston already has had its head start with the development of the Toyota Center, Minute Maid Park, Ball Park lofts, and the Hilton Americas and to add to that, it will connect all four of these venues closer to the shops at Houston Center and quick access to the tunnels. I think Dallas is picking up steam right now which is currently going at a faster rate than Houston. That;s why i made the comment earlier that Dallas is leaving Houston behind in terms of projects and development. But now that i think about it, thanks to dalparadise and MidtownCoog, Houston has already had its time in a similar manner with the Greenway Plaza development and things of that sort. Victory Plaza will be more of an asset to Uptown Dallas than downtown Dallas. I think both projects will be great, i see Houston Pavilions having an effect on development on Main Street Square and the Toyota Centers and areas around. Dallas Victory will be more of a hang out "after party" type scene after Basketball games . Victory Plaza will also bring in plenty of tourists and attract business conventions. I can't wait to see what both projects will bring but Houston Pavilions will definitely change the scene of downtown Houston forever. Just look at 16th Street Mall in Denver, Colorado!
  17. Yo LargeTX, where you at on this information? What was the good part about that week you were talkin' bout. The good week already passed now!
  18. What's the point of saying you have good news and telling us nothing?
  19. ^^^let's not forget that this is coming from the same guy who thinks downtown is everything inside of Beltway 8
  20. didn't someone on this forum say that Boulevard Place was only going to be a shopping center? But how can you even list that place when it doesn't even exist yet?
  21. yeah i was about to say i was in Houston downtown just 2 nights ago and the signs were there facing Dallas
  22. Well that's the way i happen to be and if people don't like it, tough! You sound just like a poster who used to post on here from time to time. He went by the name of greystone08. Before he quit posting on HAIF, he sent me the longest PM calling me obnoxious and things of that nature. I'm gonna tell you like i told him. GET OVER IT! I'll be the TUPAC of this forum who everyone loves to hate! I don't know who you are referring to but if that's toward me, i am no vitriol. I just sometimes can't help but envy Dallas a little bit with all the new stuff they're getting. But do i bash Dallas like some Members in the past have when a thread is started on Dallas? No
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