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Everything posted by tierwestah

  1. I hope that the AOers get a run for their money! They're a joke if they think they can be an anchor for Houston!
  2. Both pics of both cities are gorgeous. Kudos to TexasStar and Gary for capturing Dallas and Houston on clear days. Point has been made about Houston having clear days just like Dallas. With all due respect, let's steer this thread back to its original intent, recognizing shots of Uptown Dallas.
  3. Nahh! It was just a rant. Just venting with frustration. Deep down, i do think the Pavilions will happen. I'm going to try to reframe from those negative type of posts from now on because i really do think Houston is a great city.
  4. I personally think Culberson will back off of trying to derail METROrail now. Now this is just an educated guess, I think he was only really doing it in the first place to maintain his seat in Congress. He knew he would get support from the AOers. Now that he has his seat, it would be waisted effort to continue to thwart the plans.
  5. Say Dal, don't discredit me yet. I've only been in San Antonio for 11 months on an internship. Houston 3rd Ward is my home. Tierwester Street BABY!!! 77004
  6. Very funny > . But joke now and cry later. That's all i gotta say. I did my crying on Nov 2nd when i found out on the news.
  7. Semipro, you're alright with me now. At first i saw you as a negative downer, but now i see you're just realist. I've quit waiting on the day that HP finally breaks ground. It's been pushed to Feb/Mar 07. Then i bet on February 28 at 11:59 pm, right before that groundbreaking, they'll announce another set back 4 months later. Before we know it, 2008 will be here and still no groundbreaking. I bet in 3-4 months from now, they'll be saying the rain caused them another delay. Or they might even go as to say that they couldn't get construction financing for the project. It's so pathetic, i find it funny now. So fellow HoustonArchitecture board members, sit back and watch Atlanta and Dallas get all these cool projects while Houston sits stagnant! Welcome to Houston, the 4th largest joke of a city in America. The city with no efficient transit options (i.e. rail), no amusement park, 600 sq miles of ghetto, low density, car-centric, unplanned neighborhoods, lack of progress, and etc......................................................
  8. I hate to admit it but i think i'm starting to join Captain Semipro's team of negativity. This thing has been pushed back too many times and now i'm starting to think the developers are going to pull out alltogether. The residential componenets have been cancelled which will hinder the idea of residential/walking environments on a consistent level. I really pray that it will still go forth but i'm very skeptical now!
  9. I don't think this is correct. The Chevron Building was built in the early eighties and was formerly the Gulf Tower. The Chevron changeover didn't occur until around ten years later.
  10. houstonfella is just having a little fun. Just the ol' friendly in- state rivalry.
  11. TexasStar, an answer to your question. It's called SLOW Houston. If there was a short yellow bus, Houston would be the first passenger. It's not bad enough that Houston was one of the last cities to catch on to the concept of urban renewal, but the fact is that alot of Houston's plans for mixed use still remain on paper. Our midtown continues to build sprawling CVS pharamacies and large strip centers. So, continue to see Houston to be one of those cities that remains behind the 8 ball
  12. Alright , you're right. I thought it was you because you have the highest number of posts on this board like he did at the time. At first i thought you were twe2ty sev7en reincarnated as Redscare. And no i'm not TJones either. My real last name just happens to be Jones too! tierwestah jones
  13. no, guess again. this guy i'm talking about registered in may last year and has a huge number of posts. (i think i just gave it away )
  14. i thought that tw2ntyse7en's sudden departure was a little wierd. He was a very active poster. For a while, i thought he returned under a different name who's currently very active on this forum and registered shortly after he left. (No names, but y'all can guess who i'm talking about ) tierwestah jones
  15. his funeral was today- over 4000 people showed up. My prayers go out to his wife and 5 children
  16. yeah i live in SA right now, been living there for almost a year. Even though people say that SA has outgrown Dallas in city limits, that claim is worthless because San Antonio still doesn't pull the weight, and economy that Dallas and Houston. SA is still undeveloped and sparse throughout the city limits. Dallas has more cities around it which add to its metropoltan/city strength. Dallas and Houston are still running this state!
  17. A little confused here. Your second sentence kind of contradicts your first. First you say they're not selling the concept but then your second statement says that the concept is being used for marketing?
  18. In terms of the number of urban/centralized, pedestrian friendly areas, i think Aceplace's statement was pretty valid. Dallas has one key element that Houston is now trying to catch up with, Mass Transit. And the fact that Dallas has more areas that offer apartments and lofts above retail is also why i think Dallas is ahead. But then again B of A, it is a Dallas forum and of course they're going to give their city extra credit. Just because Dallas is ahead in the realm of urban planning does not suggest it's an overall better city. I wouldn't trade Houston's Uptown/Galleria, Medical Center area for Dallas's Turtle Creek /Uptown area for a minute.
  19. what the fu#$? here it is, sept 15 and still no groundbreaking? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? I'm trying not to join the negativity team of hustonsemipro but the way things are going, i might be inclined to do so!
  20. i agree with both redscare and dalparadise views. But my frustration with Houston lately has me leaning toward agreeing with dalparadise viewpoints more. Very frustrating when you take a drive down through Midtown and still see boarded-up and blighted buildings. I've been gone from Houston for almost a year now. The only thing i see that downtown has done was add a starbucks downtown. I really do believe its going to be a matter of patience to see any change in both Dallas and Houston's downtowns. Personally, i don't think that Houston can call Dallas's downtown dead anymore than Dallas say that about our downtown. San Antonio is hands down, the best downtown out of any Texas City. Fort Worth's is cool, Austin's is good too (just a little over-rated.) Houston's downtown is slowly getting there, but like Dal said, the momentum seems to have slowed down in Houston. Maybe when they hurry up and start construction of those many projects that were promised to downtown, i'll change my viewpoint.
  21. i'm sorry to hear about his untimely death. But at least he died doing what he loved.
  22. I hate to be the one to say this but it has to be said. Truthfully, i'm not mad at Nagin for speaking the truth. How anyone would expect an entire city with over 1000 blocks to recover in 12 months is absolutely insane. Even though he was insensitive by pointing the finger back at NYC, he has a point. 911 happened 5 years ago and they're just now getting to the point where they are deciding what to do with the empty lot where the 2 towers once stood. I think people wouldn't be so angry with this comment if it were coming from someone OTHER than a MINORITY. I think people are overreacting because people think Mayor Nagin is just a "minority" who should know his place.
  23. ^^we will ignore u if we choose. kids feed off attention
  24. Plastic is a joke. But his ideas are so crazy enough to work.
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