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Everything posted by tierwestah

  1. that would be tight if they did legalize gambling. I don't know if it would be good for Louisianna though.
  2. ^^ How could Galveston be legalized if Texas isn't? Last time i checked, Galveston is incorporated in the state of Texas?
  3. it IS crippling this city when the opportunity comes for the city to benefit as a whole and some angry AO residents who are scared of change come and thwart the plans. I'm not mad at you aftowl, you cool with me! But to suggest the line be put on Westpark is nothing but a lazy way of thinking for an alternative. You can come up with all the analogies you want about power outages and sort crippling this city. But i'm looking at the facts on the table. You, as a rail opposer haven't given any viable alternative to where to put the line, except for the Westpark route. And i think you're just jumping on the bandwagon on that one. It is clear to me that you and your anti-rail AO buddies are just opposing rail just for the hell of it. Culberson is doing it so he can protect his seat. Riding down Richmond, i see alot of ridiculous protest signs saying :"RAIL spelled backwards is LIAR", "No Rail on Richmond", "Save Our Trees". That all is a crock of $hit! I think that petition or poll that you speak of was more than likely masterminded or worded to people to automatically vote no for Richmond. Polls and petitions can create a lot of bias simply by the way they're worded. The idea of Bellaire is the only decent alternative that i've seen presented on this thread.
  4. no i blame you for holding this city back as a whole from progressing while i get to see all my tax dollars shuffled up to Dallas, Denver, and other cities similar to Houston to improve their transpo options. I also blame you for not reading the ballot language where the Westpark corridor was hi- lighted and could possibly include Richmond within a 1 1/2 mile radius. I blame you for being selfish, shortsighted, ignorant to think that lightrail will cause your property value to fall. Has it decreased property values on Main St line? No. All in all I blame you for bringing weak arguments to the table and crippling my city. However i also thank you for exposing Culberson for the self-serving biggot he really is. tierwestah jones
  5. I remember some years back, MEtro was considering a subway portion in the downtown area but was never done. In spite of the soil, they did confirm that it was possible. tierwestah jones
  6. I agree that the idea of a subway portion is probably the best and most viable solution right now. Now that Metro is backed up into a corner, we might need subway after all. I agree with dp2, there needs to be a trade off since Culberson is opposing rail on Richmond. He needs to secure funds to build the line right whether if its subway or elevated. Only elevating the line might run the risk of taking away from asthetics.
  7. ^^ thanks. i've corrected my post. I say we all keep asking him the same question over and over again until he answers!
  8. AftonAg, youi're going to answer this because you seem to keep avoiding this question. I've even typed it in bold for ya! what is your viewpoint on the High Street development going on Wesheimer AND How do you feel it will impact your neighborhood?
  9. **** I know this is off topic***** But this thread has now replaced the Houston Pavilions thread as the biggest thread on HAIF. take a BOW to the topic starter: Redscare PAGE 27
  10. I called that # to Culberson office and like a few others posted, She said Culberson is not against rail but is against rail on Richmond. She said that over 2,000 people contacted him and 97% of them complained about Rail on Richmond. I kept asking questions and i could tell the lady was starting to get an attitude in her voice. She was trying to rush me off the phone and interupting me before i would ask another question. I finally cut her off and i said " YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS TRULY ALL ABOUT! HE JUST DOESN'T WANT TO RISK HIS SEAT IN OFFICE!" And i hung up. I heard her about to say something else before i disconnected her but it did make me feel better at least having the last word! tierwestah jones from: tierwester street 3rd WARD Houston!!!
  11. maybe when you learn how to spell and put sentences together, you can write a letter explaining dp2's point. I hope if you decide to write a letter, you get someone to either write it for you or edit. I know i speak for everybody when i say, " Please learn how to spell". All in all, i hope writing letters can help. Not sure if it will be effective. We need more petitioners
  12. ^^dang Hizzy, why do you think its gonna be so long? Are you the next houstonsemipro?
  13. WOW! this thread has gotten BIG! I think its gaining on the Houston Pavilions thread. It will probably even surpass that thread. But as far as rail going near TSU. How will that work when Wheeler dead ends right in front of the rec center? I think if rail should go anywhere near TSU, Blodgett is the logical choice. As far as Afton Oaks residences, i noticed nobody ever answered Ricco's question. What are the AO residences going to do once the High Street Development takes place? They're pushing so hard to fight rail, they'll just have another problem to deal with. It's kind of humorous. tierwestah jones
  14. i personally don't see what everyone is complaining about. Of course i would like to see something more representative of "Houston" to be inside a structure that was once deemed as the Eight Wonder of the World. But i say, any type of business that's brought to Houston is a good thing. If they can find use for the Dome rather than tearing it down and just being another ghastly, unsightly parking lot, then WHY NOT? While i don't want that small texas heritage to be in Houston either, i look at the positive: Something is better than nothing.
  15. in all fairness, this should be told to everyone because it seems like scarface did get singled out a little. But anyway back to the topic, I wouldn't even put San Antonios skyline on par with Fort Worth's. I'm currently living in San Antonio right now doing an internship, it needs new towers. I think Fort Worth and Houston kind of have a mutual respect for eachother when its all said and done.
  16. and if they don't think that it doesn't flood in Dallas, they really got their head up the clouds. are these the same friends/family of yours from boston?
  17. not really trying to start anything but its funny what great lengths the people of Dallas will go through to save a struggling downtown grocery store but can't take in katrina evacuees.
  18. Unfortunately, every good lighting technique that downtown Houston does, they eventually stop it. The Reliant building used to have the band of color changing lights for at least the last 2-3 years. The Relaint building is no longer lit at night. That is a shame because i too thought it really added color and character to Houston's skyline at night. I'm hoping that this is just a temporary but the last few times i've been downtown Houston at night, the building hasn't been lit at all. But they can keep the Christmas light looking buildings. I guess Christmas lights on buildings is Houston's emmo.
  19. Ok maybe my initial post came off a little bit in panic. truth be told, i want best for Houston. I just can't stand it when i see other cities moving toward pedestrian-oriented environments when Houston is continuing with huge surface lots, massive sprawl and forever expanding freeways. While Dallas gets victory and hot new stuff in their uptown area, Houston is getting the same ol' suburban type CVS centers in its midtown. I'm just frustrated. You can understand that huh Redscare aka...... DOGG!!!
  20. ^^^is this guy kidding??? i think his poor grammar and spelling skills tops houstonsemipro and plastics put together
  21. OK whatever dogg. But what do you think about Dallas and Atlanta's new developments? See after visiting a few of these cities, you can see what i'm talking about. It just seems that our beloved city is "stuck". It can't get past the times of when the freeway dominated the earth. Why do these developments only take forever to get off the ground in Houston? Dallas's Victory project is on wheels. Houston will be lucky if we see some dirt fly. So as to your little comment... WHINING? NO. It's called frustration and wanting to see more out of my city of Houston. It could be so much more.
  22. I'm starting this thread in response to the exciting news of the new lovely Suburban development CVS going up in Midtown. I didn't want to be accused of hi-jacking the thread so i'm starting it here. I just want to say that i'm trying hard not to give up on this city. But i am frustrated at how slow progress has been made in the Midtown area. I hate to see a city like Houston, "my home" get left behind in developing urban/pedestrian trendy type developments. Dallas is kicking our ___es when it comes to developing urban, mass transit- oriented pedestrian developments. Look at their Uptown area? It hurts me that while other cities similar to Houston such as Dallas, Atlanta, and even DENVER (A city i can't stand) is making progress in developing these type of developments. Driving through downtown Houston i see deserted, parking lot, and run-down buildings with no street life (Bums at Greyhound station hardly qualify). I hate to be a downer yall but i've been following these architecture/skyscraper forums for about 2 1/2 years now and i've grown tired. Houston has these exciting plans for developments that rarely make it past the drawing board. Town & Country seems like a nice plan but i see 3 things wrong with it: 1) It's too freakin' far away from the city 2) There are no plans to have mass transit which gives city dwellers and visitors easy access to Downtown, Uptown/Greenway plaza areas. 3) The new Katy Freeway expansion is just repeating the same mistakes Houston's made in the past by strictly promoting more automobile use. I've been away from Houston for about 6 or 7 months and i come back and things are still the same. I go to Dallas and they are working overtime trying to insure Victory development doesn't miss a beat. Houston can't even get dirt moved for the Houston Pavilions, a promised plan of an Intermodal transit center, a stupid American Apparrel store downtown to add to shopping, or even more LIGHTRAIL. ARRGH!!! :angry2: (Tierwestah takes a breath) :closedeyes: OK, i'm cool now! I know what alot of you are probably gonna say already! " Move and don't come back to Houston if its not fast enough for you! " **** that! I just want to see my city be on par and move toward being a world class city like we see out of its sister cities!!! Is that too much to ask.... HOUSTON??? Now i like the plans for the new Urban park downtown, Hardy Railyard, and the Houston Pavilions (If it actually happens!!!) But right now i just don't see Houston picking up enough steam on these type of developments. Sorry for the rant but either i rant here or take it out on my girlfriend
  23. its cool! And BTW, i'll be in Houston this weekend. I'll be at the Buffalo lighting ceremony. Maybe i'll see you there
  24. well excuse the hell out of me. i guess some people got more time on their hands to spend reading every single thread that comes up on this forum. Sorry for having a life.
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