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Everything posted by tierwestah

  1. Hey man. You need to take a chill pill. I get tired of your comments because it seems like you're always trying to talk down on someone when they have an opinion! Did i start this thread? Plus, I didn't give a rat's a$$ if no one responded to that thread i started anyway. But for your info, there were replies. Your comments that you've made towards me and several other members on this forum have made me lose alot of respect that i had for you. I was a big fan of your portfolios on Houston on skyscrapercity but as far as i'm concerned, it'll be a cold day in hell before i view one of your threads again. So some food for thought, quit trying to play like you're Mr. Know-It All.
  2. Obviously anyone who posts regularly on this forum such as yourself are the people who care! Members on this forum are always talking about progress that other cities are making and how Houston is behind progessively, and is not forward thinking enough! Topics like this frequent the forum quite often! Seriously partna! You need to get a life and get off my case!
  3. wow! this project is on crack! It's taking off quite fast. I hate to say it but Dallas is leaving Houston behind by miles in terms of projects and progress.
  4. i took my girlfriend to Vic and Anthony's Steakhouse downtown on Friday night for her birthday. I had no idea that a an entre by itself is almost $30.00. And there's no side items that come with it. You have to order everything else separately. The Steak was alright but i myself can cook a steak just as good, if not better than that. For just our two meals, my bill was $100.00. I just want to warn anyone that if you plan to go here, save your money because you can get more for your money at any other restaurant like Macaroni Grill, Fogo De Chao, and the cooking tastes just the same. Texas Roadhouse Steaks are just as good. At Vic and Anthony's, all you're really paying for is just the atmosphere.
  5. did you not read my second post on this thread? Because they both are urban developments that are occuring in both cities and i wanted to see what others thought of the developments and development patterns that both of these urban areas have on the city . Pay Attention EDITOR!
  6. i just want to say thank you to those of who actually voted. To those of you who casted your vote to the "This Topic Choice sucks option", i got a big middle finger that goes out to each of you!
  7. i only chose this topic to compare booming developments of each of the cities
  8. Everyone is always speaking of Uptown Dallas developments and how its coming along as far as urbanity. A certain member pointed out in another thread that Houston's TMC has similar developments as Uptown Dallas urbanly speaking. For one thing, the light rail runs right through TMC and there are booming projects. Although it's just in the field of Medical research (how boring!). But which developments are better UT or Medical Center?. Houston also has nearby Midtown and Musuem District, and Rice Village to add to the area. So on a large scale, which city is more developed? Gimmie some thoughts.
  9. That would be Gary B. But who is this? "Many people don't know what true urbanism is. The only way to determine if an area is urban is if people can walk around." "That's too car oriented" Both of these quotes are our wonderful thread starter Texasboy! But who always uses this smiley in their posts?
  10. Anyone know what the status is of the American Apparel store that's supposed to be opening downtown off Main and Dallas? Because right now, It has no signs of shaping up to be a future clothing store what so ever. When was the opening date supposed to be again? February 2006? That's kind of cuttin' it a little close! Why is it still a parking garage on the inside and all we see is just the posters on the window? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  11. i know, i was just pulling his leg, it was just a poor attempt at humor!
  12. Wow !!!Burlington Coat Factory headquarters??? COOL!!!
  13. anyone gonna take the initiative and write a letter. I'm going to write a letter but i don't know who to write. Anyone? Please some info on this please?
  14. LARGE TEXAS, please answer us? Where do you find these renderings?
  15. i was just browsing around on the net for a while and stumbled across this traveling site. You can accept the usual Houston bashers. Look to see how Houston is rated compared to alot of other cities. It's not too high but average. Good news- at least it's currently beating Dallas (just joking moderators- don't close the thread !!!) http://www.johnnyroadtrip.com/cities/index.htm Click on Houston, then scroll- half way down then click on a button that reads: JOHNNY ON THE SPOT to see how others rate Houston
  16. well like i said, why don't you write a letter. cuz i'm gonna write one!
  17. good pose VelvetJ. That's my biggest problem with Houston's night time skyline is the Christmas lights around the rooftops. Like C2H said, I'm sure if enough of us got together and wrote a letter to Central Houston, it could make a difference. SO WHO'S WITH ME? who's all gonna take the initiative and write Bob Eury with Central Houston. I'll try to provide his mailing adress for you all later.
  18. Thank you Redscare and Original TimmyChans for clarifying that for me!
  19. for it to be opening in Feb 06, it sure as hell ain't showing any good signs of progress! Those same damn posters are on the Window of that building that's been there for months, and if you look behind the posters, it's still a parking garage on the inside. What the hell does CHIC mean anyway? I never understood that!
  20. OKAY, I HAVE quoted proof on how occasionally a dallasite comes here and bashes Houston-
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