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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Well... I guess we can let it go this time. Where was the "Heights Lights and Things" bungalow located? Is another Neo-Kink(ade) mansionette in the offing?
  2. Unfortunately, no. In retrospect, it was pretty funny. Also, my gratitude to fellow HAIFers for not posting photos on this thread.
  3. Just pointing out that HCAD lists the same owner for both properties - perhaps the delay in selling the Oxford property is causing those pangs.
  4. Yeah, don't pick on McCain for that reason, either. Just because Paul's wife was, you know, dead, and McCain's first wife had the colossal poor taste to remain living...
  5. I'm reminded of the Gary Larson cartoon, captioned: They weren't the best people. They weren't the worst people. The were the Village of the Darned.
  6. From The Dog Health Guide: It is possible for humans to get intestinal worms from your dog. This is common in children where they touch dog feces. Children that crawl on the ground or play in sandboxes can injest the eggs that result in worms. Hookworms can burrow through human skin and are often found in gulf coast states. In a human a hookworm leaves red spots on the skin that are in a trail (caused by the larvae). That'll put a wiggle in your giddy-up....
  7. Something, perhaps, like 722 Oxford? (Don't you just love the HCADwebsite?)
  8. Perhaps a fountain at the apex of the roof would complete the illusion...
  9. Noticed on the 945 Heights Blvd Demolition thread that there's also a listing for 321 Heights Blvd by the same realtor. From the description: "House and Billboard on I-10 at entry to Heights Blvd. on 7500 S.F. Corner Lot. Additional 7500 S.F. lot next door also available at $375K. Builder will Build-to-Suit with your plans, or his (see sketch)." None of that sentimental pap about the existing circa 1900 house - a pretty little Victorian which I have long admired. One can only hope or dream that someone will move it to a safer location. I'm confused by the wording in the advertisement; is the sale contingent on using 'Builder'?
  10. Yet, somehow you've ignored the in the living room - John McCain repeatedly cheated on his first wife. And it is he - not Barney Frank, not Ted Kennedy - who is running for President.
  11. You're right! I stand corrected - thanks.
  12. Videodrome, with Debbie Harry. I think this is the movie which contains a scene where a guy sees a sore on his face in the mirror. He starts picking at it and it gets larger and larger. Pretty soon he's clawing chunks of his face off, and they fall, splat!, into the sink. Ewww! Reservoir Dogs went over the edge. It is the only movie I could not watch through to the end.
  13. Ah, but we poor slobs who have Basic Cable don't have an on-screen guide anymore. That was the first thing Comcast did when it took over Time-Warner: the TV Guide channel was pulled. The weekly listing that comes with the Sunday paper (formerly called the Chronolog) has been retitled to reflect its new sponsor: Comcast TV. In other words, if you don't upgrade your service, you damn well better put up with not knowing what's going to be airing. And online listings are no answer; they're slow and cumbersome.
  14. Discussions such as these are what keep me coming back to HAIF. Critical thinking has fallen into disrepute. To possess an intellect, let alone pride in having one, is now considered 'elitist'. How much easier to toss around a few trite, hot-button phrases than to make a reasoned argument! A few terms which (to me) indicate a writer who is lazy, imprecise and given to hackneyed expression: Coddling criminals Tax-and-spend Liberal media East-Coast (or Hollywood) elite Washington bureaucrats Bleeding heart Leftist Right-wing Love it or leave it Unless a writer can be more specific, these phrases only tell me how someone feels; they in no way express what someone thinks.
  15. This seems like a "me, too" approach by Comcast's ad agency. Reminds me of the creepy Quaker Oats (or the even creepier Burger King) live action doll-men.
  16. I prefer to have the traditional 'hard copy' issues of the Chron for the following: Crossword puzzles Sudoku Jumble Television listings Comics Coupons These features are a lot more couch-friendly than online viewing, and pretty much were the deciding factors in my latest (reluctant) decision to renew home delivery. But the Chron seems determined to change my mind. The TV schedules have become a bad joke. They're incomplete, no longer list programs airing between 12am-6am (when many of the best movies appear on TCM) and are often totally inaccurate. The dailies don't even list guests on Letterman, Leno or O'Brien. Much of the content of the Chron has been turned over to pap. "t.m.i." and "Shopgirl" and gossip-y items crowd out more substantial fare. Also, home delivery has been sketchy. Once or twice a week I have to call to report an undelivered/lost/stolen newspaper, a minor annoyance when their automated system is functioning. Frequently, it is not. Spending twenty minutes on hold so that I can report that a 75 cent newspaper hasn't been delivered makes my time worth $2.25/hr. Hardly seems worth it.
  17. What song gets Elaine up on the dance floor, to everyone's chagrin? (Hope someone knows, because I can't remember!)
  18. I agree with much of what you're saying. For a democracy to work, people need to understand how it functions and be engaged in the political process. Many of the workings of government manage to be both boring and complex. As someone who has reviewed grant proposals for a non-profit, I'm very aware of what a mind-numbing exercise funds allocation can be. Try it sometime; you'll come away with a new-found respect for (and wariness of) 'the bureaurocrats'. Those who dismiss everyone in government as a bunch of free-spending, clueless crooks overlook that it's our government that has made America what it is; the greatest nation on Earth, some say. Yet, as Mark pointed out, people seem willing to substitute government for community. Having grown up in a small town, volunteering was an expected part of everyday life. My father was a volunteer firefighter and ambulance driver. Getting out of bed at 2am on a winter's night to pry some drunk kid out of his wrecked car isn't much fun, but if he (and others like him) hadn't done it, it wouldn't have gotten done. Without peole like my mother, our town wouldn't have had a public library or historical society. She also taught piano, purposely keeping her rates low enough that any family who had a child willing to learn could afford them. These values seem rather old-fashioned now. We have more urgent matters to attend to now; TV shows to watch, video games to play. But many people no longer expect to stay in the same communities for decades at a time. Material goods seem more important than the good will of their neighbors. The only function of government, it seems, is to increase the resale value of their homes.
  19. Then how come Joe the Plumber's gender reassignment surgery hasn't been more widely reported? Talk about installing pipe....
  20. I agree. Elgin is Midtown, Westheimer is Montrose - topic moved, retitled. Has any connection to Crome been confirmed? Review in Houston Press here
  21. Just a couple of days ago, I was returning from the corner store in time to witness a young man watching his dog drop a load on the sidewalk. As he started to walk away, I said "Excuse me! Here, you can have this," and handed him a plastic bag. He gave me a blank look. "To pick up after your dog," I explained. "Oh. Yeah, I meant to bring a bag, but I forgot," he mumbled, and started to walk away. "That's the point. Here's a bag for you." "Why are you getting so excited?" "I'm not. I'm offering you something. You respond by saying 'Thank you', and picking up after your dog." "What the hell is your problem?" "I just don't enjoy stepping in it." Eventually he picked it up. Perhaps the rubbing-in-the-hair technique would have been more easily understood, but I was in a good mood...
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