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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. If by "everything" you mean "facts", it's because we value credibility. Repeating "Drank the Kool-Aid....Drank the Kool-Aid" doesn't convince me of one's accuracy or powers of rational thinking.
  2. It looks like it may be a contender to replace Gus, who died yesterday: End of the line for Gus, the world's ugliest dog (sorry for continuing off-topic)
  3. "The Heritage" seemed like a silly name from the beginning. That it's now associated with a stalled building project raises it to hilarious. Irony, irony!
  4. Quite the opposite. The norm is to hold a victory party with one's supporters, while watching the election returns. When it becomes apparent that a winner can be declared, it's traditional for the loser to place a phone call to the winner, congratulating him (through clenched teeth, sometimes) on his victory and on running an honorable campaign. To not make that phone call is considered extremely poor sportsmanship.
  5. I assume by "resend" you mean "recind". I also assume you mean something by "Bush's blanket order for hunting terrorists", but exactly what, I cannot tell. The Patriot Act? Random declarations of war? Violations of the Geneva Convention? Any quotes or sources?
  6. I always forget...which wine cooler goes best with a breakfast burrito?
  7. According to a KTRK (13) report, incumbant sheriff Tommy Thomas hasn't yet offered the traditional congratulatory phone call to Adrian Garcia, who defeated him last Tuesday. Further, he has been dodging Garcia's efforts to meet with him to discuss the transition. As a sore loser, Tommy Thomas apparently doesn't care if our safety or the integrity of the justice system is imperiled. What a jerk. We did the right thing by voting him out.
  8. Thanks for your kind remarks (although I'm still cringing from my accidental foray into David Cassidy territory.) As tmariar mentioned, there were so many interesting discussions going on that I didn't have enough time to spend with every one. We have some great conversationalists (even RedScare, once you coax him out of his shell.) Sorry to have missed you; I assure you that Lynyrd Skynyrd was not included in my play list. When I discovered that I no longer minded whacking my head on that damn thing hanging from the ceiling (a/c ductwork?), it was time to go.
  9. How did I overlook this one? All that blamin' and callin' and coddlin' and stompin' and pushin'! That Sheryl is one busy gal. No wonder she stays so thin.
  10. Another major improvement for pedestrians in this general area would be to provide sidewalks on Helner St, from Bagby to Buffalo Bayou, including a pedestrian bridge over Allen Parkway. It would simplify access for a large number of Midtown residents. I've walked this route, and it's a great shortcut. Under current conditions, however, to do so is neither safe nor legal.
  11. The engineering/architectural feat belongs to the Johnson/Burgee Republic Bank (BOA), not Heritage Plaza. It doesn't even have that going for it. I agree with your criticisms of this dreadful building; Heritage Plaza is to Houston's skyline what Heritage USA is to theme parks. To add to its offensiveness, the construction of Heritage Plaza occured just as there was a downturn in demand for downtown office space, and was probably the deciding factor in killing the brilliant Bank of the Southwest tower. Had the timing been slightly different, our downtown skyline would have been a hell of a lot more attractive.
  12. Unfortunately, not available at Houston Public Library, according to their website.
  13. What's the address on Colquitt? Sounds like it might be a future candidate for the Bad Remodelling thread.
  14. Cowardly and sadistic are the words that spring to mind. Heck, cut a few of Mike Tyson's tendons and your grandmaw could take him. The bull didn't choose to participate. He has no grudge against the matador, but has to be goaded into it. I don't usually enjoy seeing people get hurt. For bullfighters, or those who attend bullfights I'll make an exception. Sometimes a bull will make a desperate leap and crash into the audience. Good! Hope their tendons don't fare well, either.
  15. Sounded plausable, so I did some Googling. According to this article at Snopes.com, my version is the urban myth; your explaination is closer to what actually happened. Thanks for pointing that out. Some of us can be persuaded by facts to change our minds.
  16. It'd be kinda nice if they bailed out their own banks.
  17. I was only dimly aware of the TV Code, but am reasonably sure that all of them did after reading this article from The Museum of Broadcast Communications website. Interesting stuff. And welcome to HAIF, ddavenport.
  18. Thanks - hadn't heard of this film. From the website: Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type. Helvetica encompasses the worlds of design, advertising, psychology, and communication, and invites us to take a second look at the thousands of words we see every day. The film was shot in high-definition on location in the United States, England, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France and Belgium. link
  19. Thanks for the link. From the site: But now, with McDonald's threat or tease about retiring the McRib, there are petitions on the net in favor and opposed to keeping the McRib around. And, of course, there's a petition at McDonald's official McRib site. And what about that fancy McRib.com web site that offers logos you can download for t-shirt iron-ons, trivia and games related to McRib and begs the question, "Why spend all the money if the sandwich is going away?" It's not. It's just a revival of that perennial anomaly of the rib-less rib-meat sandwich. Maybe McDonald's learned this trick from the the New Coke marketing of the early 80's. Coincidently, the company for which I worked at that time had a mandatory work lunch just after New Coke was introduced. It was the first time any of us had tried it. Ever hear 200 people go "EWWWW!" at the same time? It was awful; tasted like tainted Pepsi. Further, Coke discontinued the 'old' Coke (now referred to as 'Classic') at the same time, presumably forever. Within a matter of weeks, Old Coke was selling for premium prices. People snapped up whatever quantities they could and squirreled it away like fine wine. After a few months of this torment, Classic Coke was re-introduced, and its devotees learned to never take it for granted. This tactic seems to be working for the McRib, too.
  20. For those of us with middle-aged prostates, does Morse Code count? -.. .- -- -. / - .... .. ... / .. ... / - .- -.- .. -. --. / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-. (Translation: Damn this is taking forever)
  21. Hey! If you want to recoup the money you lost on Beanie Babies, have I got an investment for you!It's a moot point, anyway....according to the Internet, Christmas will be banned next year by the Muslim in the White House. link
  22. That was my understanding as well, and you bring up a very good question. How did we allow the richest .1% - people who are paid tens or hundreds of millions of dollars a year - to be lumped in with the middle-middle class? It's absurd. Edit: Please note that the tax cuts given just prior to the Great Depression (1925-1931) also lowered the top bracket minimum from $500k to $100k. When the higher rate was reenstated in 1932, it jumped back up to $1m. From 1936-1941 the highest bracket went all the way up to $5m. During WWII it went all the way down to $200k again. In other words, in times of national crisis, the extremely wealthy have had to shoulder a higher tax burden. The health and security of the nation depended on it. Wars cannot be fought or economies rebuilt without money. These are the very circumstances in which we currently find ourselves. It's time again to have a realistic tax for the super rich.
  23. Years ago, I was told that the Lone Star was a favorite hangout for off-duty cops. Any truth? If so, can wall-peeing be defended as a political commentary protected by the First Amendment? Will you offer discounted rates for HAIF members? This confirms and fortifies my choice to drink in the company of men.
  24. What a terrible mockery of marriage! A better alternative would be a civil union.
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