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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. If you're referring to the Bush tax cuts for the extremely wealthy, that's exactly my point.
  2. Perhaps you should have read my post before you replied to it. It had NOTHING to do with how much one likes or dislikes a candidate. It had to do with the fairness of the election. Obama's was fair; Bush's was, to be extremely generous, questionable. If Obama's win had been as tainted as Bush's, I would loudly contest his victory, too. So sorry that you feel integrity is obnoxious.
  3. re: coulrophobia Speaking of Googling, I typed in "annual hog slaughter". Why annual, and not year-round? But the hits that came up looked so unsettling that I beat a hasty exit. Don't want my conscience interfering with my enjoyment of the McRib!
  4. I certainly hope that the top tax rate does not return to 39.6% -that's far too low. Those who claim that higher tax rates for the extremely wealthy is some sort of liberal, modern, socialist idea should take a look at History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates (Source: National Taxpayers Union and National Taxpayers Union Foundation) Notice that between 1917 and 1987, the top tax bracket paid a rate of 46% or higher (with the exception of years 1925-1931, which immediate preceeded....anyone?....anyone? The Great Depression.) In fact, in 1944-45 the rate was a whopping 94%! Of course, things were much different then...we had gone into billions of dollars in debt to fund a war. In the 1950s and 1960s - a period which is regarded as one of great prosperity for Americans - the lowest top bracket rate was 70%! The very, very wealthy have reaped the benefits of living in America, but since the 1980's have forced the middle class and poor to pay for protecting their investments. I trust Obama to do the right thing.
  5. Lest we forget, Bush's 'election' was extremely questionable in both 2000 and 2004; some would say he stole those elections. I agree with that sentiment. To respect the office of President does not preclude impeachment. Some people believe that Bush's actions should have resulted in impeachment. I am among them. The difference here is that there is no evidence whatsoever that Obama won by any but honorable means. The man hasn't even taken the oath of office yet. Talk of impeachment would be decidedly premature. The legitimate complaints people had about Bush were met with cries that his critics were "sore losers". Those griping about Obama's victory seem more deserving of that label.
  6. pineda, I doubt if Red will ever learn to enjoy Cheney and Bush! That IS to whom you're referring, isn't it?
  7. These sentiments are far from unique. Many people who practice discrimination are shocked and hurt that others take offense. I'm reminded of a saying common fifty years or so ago: "I don't dislike the coloreds. I think they're just fine, so long as they remember to stay in their place." And now we have the uppity homos wanting to get married! As if their love were real...
  8. How did I vote, and why? First, I voted early, because I spent all of Election Day serving as an election clerk at a precinct other than my own. Second, I voted by secret ballot, because I'm an American.
  9. The urban myth was that she was from New Jersey, her real name was Amy Camus, and she thought spelling it backward and affecting a Peruvian persona would help her show-biz career. Regardless, what a voice! I can't help but think that singers such as Lena Lovich and Minnie Ripperton were influenced by her.
  10. I knew many young and single people who lived in that neighborhood, starting in the 80s. True, they were a bit more adventurous than the norm (Urban Animals, artists, musicians), and there were still many low-income families in that neighborhood (North Montrose). It seemed like an appropriate setting to me, given the personalities of the charactors in Reality Bites..
  11. 'Ranch' makes sense.* Thanks for pointing the Wylie W. Vale guide. (The thread can be found here.) Among the information listed about Mr. Vale is that he started practicing architecture in Houston in 1939, yet the realtor's ad claims that this house was built in 1955. Is this really his first house? * Edit: From Willowisp's interview with Mr. Vale: "My style was called Contemporary Country"
  12. While this house is undeniably Mid-Century, it can hardly be called Modern. Perhaps some better name could be coined to describe the very un-modern building style also popular at that time (informal, rustic, knotty pine panelling, faux-Colonial accents.) Is this house representative of Mr. Vale's work? or did he also design MCM houses?
  13. Source? Seems to me that the 50th percentile would be the ideal. Those who drive significantly faster or slower than surrounding traffic pose the greatest hazards.
  14. I'm baffled. You, as president of a civic club, are using funds to subsidize individual homeowners' routine maintenance? JUST..SAY...NO! If you're afraid of huring someone's feelings, perhaps this isn't the position for you. A sensible, reasonable solution would be to suggest to the responsible (irresponsible?) homeowners to either perform the maintenance on a rotating basis, or chip in to hire someone to do it. It doesn't make much sense for each homeowner to toss a lawnmower over a fence every week. If your HOA allows it, I suggest that you start fining them for their lack of upkeep. Alternatively, call the city and ask them to fine the homeowners. Darn tootin' people would like to walk on it. I hope that if someone is injured because of these homeowners' negligence that they sue the pants off them.
  15. According to him he would, and did.
  16. Is that really "what Libs. think"? Name one. Or is this just an unfounded, gratuitous slur?
  17. Poor taste, yes. Funny, no. Certainly appears that way. What's your next project - dubbing a laugh track for Schindler's List?
  18. Obviously, I spoke too soon. How was happy hour(s), Red?
  19. It's been seven weeks since the fire, and not much has changed. The property is still surrounded by orange plastic fencing. Still, I take this as a hopeful sign. If the shell had been found to beyond salvation, surely demolition would already be underway. Because this was an extremely well-constructed building (double brick; none of that phony veneer stuff), it could rise from the ashes virtually unchanged in appearance.
  20. The media have been more than kiind, considering Gov. Palin's refusal to meet with them, her frequent spouting of misinformation, her bizarre personal life. They have made every effort to conceal what can no longer be ignored: She's stupid. Not naive. Not 'folksy'. She's genuinely dim-witted.
  21. Rather, a drunk man stole the keys to the car, TWICE. If McCain wins, we'll have all the evidence we need that the voting process has been permanently, fatally corrupted.
  22. What does that have to do with anything? The article was about Parisians' desire to avoid the shadows cast by skyscrapers, and an innovative solution. It's about tall buildings, not average height or density.
  23. I just hope that Harris County voters continue to break records on early voting. By the way, you have only a couple of hours left to do so. On Tuesday I'll be working at a polling place again - the Democratic primary voting was an absolute madhouse, and with the interest in the Presidential race we'll likely be swamped again. I hope every (informed) voter gets out there, but thank goodness they won't ALL be on Election Day.
  24. The problem can be summed up in one word: Culberson. Were it not for his obstructions and lies, the line would be well on its way by now. Nothing infuriates me like seeing those "Culberson: He keeps his word" campaign signs. No, he doesn't. He claimed that in Iraq we would be greeted as liberators, our involvement would be for six months at the outside, and that American taxpayers would be more than reimbursed by Iraq oil revenues. Of more relevance to this issue, he singled out Houston as the only city in America to be ineliglbe for federal funds for rail. After claiming that he would respect the wishes of the voters, he continues to obstruct federal funding. We can only hope that the filthy little crook is thrown out on Tuesday.
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