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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. Redscare: Actually, no. We are doomed, and it has nothing at all to do with who is the senator from Massachusetts, and everything to do with the Supreme Court ruling allowing corporations to overtly buy their representatives. Anyone, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, who remotely believes that US government will do anything for the good of the citizen is a moron. Everything from here on out will be done for the benefit of corporations and their CEOs. Sure, it was already mostly that way, but now it is completely that way. The best thing citizens can do is put away their partisan differences, so that we can share in each other's misery, because there is no more government for us. talk about change since yesterday. Crunchtastic: It takes a lot to stop my ranting on the Fed, and AIG/Goldman, et al, and the dirty TARP deals, but this Supreme Court ruling certainly shut me up. There's a really good Mussolini quote I need to find--the one about the State and Corporations. We've become fascists, but the trains still don't run on time. Talk about adding insult to injury. And to think all this time we were arguing over antique notions like Church vs State. What chumps, huh? Redscare: Yeah, the Supremes did pretty much legalized fascism, didn't they? Here's what I'm wondering about. Back in the hyper-consumer days, (many) people stuck up for the corporations. Now that the banks, Wall Street and the corporations have simultaneously sent the economy into the crapper, while managing to secure record profits and bonuses during it, will the now sober consumer give them the finger they deserve? Note: We need to start a thread on what party or group is left for those who have been burned by the GOP and the Dems in the same lifetime, only to find that they are both financed by the same corporations. I guess I need to bring back my anarchist avatar. Ironically, I've been feeling a thousand times more radical the past year or so than I ever was as an angry youth. I've always been a fan of euro-style, burn-stuff-down radical. Long live my punk rock tendencies. Especially since now it's abundantly clear Sarah Palin and The New Conservatives are going to ride in on their white horses to save god and country come the mid-term elections. Not that voting for anyone else will do any good. It's been this way for decades. It's just now more out in the open. I wonder if we've about to see an ideology swap between the parties within this decade where the Democrats become the party of the corporation and the Republicans become the party of the people. In the past, the Republicans were the "pro-business" party, but this Supreme Court decision is a game changer. For very obvious reasons they can't stay at the forefront of the populist movement if all their political ads are bought and paid for by Chevron or those guys who blow up mountains in Appalachia. Now here are my questions. Considering the nature of globalism, will foreign companies with an American sub be allowed to share in this practice? What if the foreign parent is a state-run corporation? Is there kind of percentage of business in the US requirement for corporations before they can start throwing campaign dollars around all willy-nilly, or is this truly a kleptocratic free-for-all? If it's the latter, this could get very ugly very quickly. Mods: If anyone could start a separate topic for this, I have a feeling this will get a lot of discussion.
  2. rumor has it that carlton woods is releasing all "held properties" in anticipation of exxon's consolidation. the new village of creekside park, which includes carlton woods creekside, stands to benefit.
  3. the woodlands development co shows that wulfe & co own the corner at east shore & grogan's mill and intend to build retail at this location. i wonder if something has changed?
  4. the sushi restaurant at 24 waterway is going to be called "kita". i ran into the architects this past week; they said there will be a lounge, dining area, two patios. it will be modern & comfy. liquor license sign is in the window.
  5. bachanon

    ayn rand

    a movie today could certainly draw out the characters more. i read that "atlas shrugged" is in the works.
  6. below are several shots from the event. there are a few more in the gallery. link provided below. gallery link
  7. we had 4 maybe and 2 confirmed yes. 4 people showed. 2 were with me and 1 just emailed that he came, but he must have been late and missed the first tour. both people who were on my tour say they plan on coming to the heights tour in february. one of my co-workers rsvped yes for the heights tour as well.
  8. enjoyed the university of houston meetup today. we had two non-haifers show up and both seemed interested in the february walking tour of the heights. one works with the grandson of carl kamrath and the other is new to houston. i really enjoyed it despite the cold. historic houston meetup group meets february 14th in the heights and then march 14th downtown. there are now 43 members of historic houston meetup group. meetup link hope to see some of you guys there. k
  9. how did you get the screenshots? "the anniversary party" 2001 has a richard neutra house as the backdrop. the movie was by jennifer jason leigh and alan cummings. also, one of the charlie's angel's movies has a mod house in it too.
  10. that's a cool site. i received a 37 in grogan's mill, the woodlands. i put in a waterway avenue address in town center and received an 82. i also entered addresses at 100 travis, downtown, and 2500 robinhood, rice village, which received 89 and 82 respectively.
  11. after an afternoon on a historic walking tour at the university of houston, i motored through town on my way back to the woodlands and decided to stop somewhere new.i was about to give up when i… Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  12. the historic houston meetup group now has 34 members! thanks to everyone who has joined. hope to see you this sunday at the university of houston. it should be around 50 degrees and sunny: dress warm.
  13. i've purchased ground beef and lamb from this farm at our local farmer's market. very fresh.
  14. bachanon

    ayn rand

    "stossel" on fox business news discusses "atlas shrugged" by rand tomorrow night. ayn rand link
  15. the texas medical center is not one single project. the current "critical mass" is simply because it has outgrown the area set aside for it. i don't think it's growth merits a place on the top ten developments, impressive as it is.
  16. market street in the woodlands is a private development in a larger commercial district called the woodlands town center. at some point in the last decade, the powers that be decided that any new development in town center would be mixed use. i do not know if this came after the success of market street or if it came about with the woodlands waterway. i would expand on your eighth item to include the completion of the woodlands waterway and the determination that all new development be mixed use in the woodlands town center. great list.
  17. thanks. i'm new to meetup. i hope that meetups regarding architecture, houston, etc. will go hand in hand with our beloved haif.
  18. cool! thanks. if you have ideas for events other than walking tours, let me know.
  19. haifers interested in houston's architectural heritage and culture are invited to join "historic houston meetup group". meetup link we will be attending greater houston preservation alliance (ghpa) walking tours, meeting in businesses making good use of historic structures and attending events where preservation or houston's history is the focus. group input will determine future events. the first meetup will be the january 10th ghpa walking tour of the university of houston. from ghpa website: "Join the Walking Tours Program as we explore the architecture and rich history of the University of Houston's central campus. The tour follows the development of "Houston's University" from a night school to a major urban research university and the story of the Houstonians who helped create it. Science and Engineering Research and Classroom Complex UH was founded in 1927 as a junior college meeting in borrowed rooms at San Jacinto High School, but it quickly grew into a four-year university and moved to its current campus, designed by the noted landscape architects Hare & Hare, in 1939. As enrollment skyrocketed after World War II, UH retained some of Houston's most famous architects, including John Staub, MacKie & Kamrath and Alfred C. Finn, to expand its original Art Deco campus. The result is a group of buildings ranging from the traditional deco Roy G. Cullen Memorial (1939) to César Pelli's modern Science and Engineering Research and Classroom Complex."
  20. On the second Sunday of every month at 2 p.m. (6 p.m. June through September; there is no tour in December), GHPA presents a docent-guided walking tour of an architecturally and/or historically significant area of Houston. The cost is $10 per person ($7 for GHPA members and students), with a $2 discount if you walk, bike or ride public transportation to the tour. Reservations are not required unless otherwise noted. Starting location TBA. www.ghba.org/tours
  21. From GHPA website: "UH was founded in 1927 as a junior college meeting in borrowed rooms at San Jacinto High School, but it quickly grew into a four-year university and moved to its current campus, designed by the noted landscape architects Hare & Hare, in 1939. As enrollment skyrocketed after World War II, UH retained some of Houston's most famous architects, including John Staub, MacKie & Kamrath and Alfred C. Finn, to expand its original Art Deco campus. The result is a group of buildings ranging from the traditional deco Roy G. Cullen Memorial (1939) to César Pelli's modern Science and Engineering Research and Classroom Complex (2005, pictured)." "Tickets will be sold beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Park, located just east of the Moores School of Music Building at UH Entrance 16 off Cullen Boulevard. [map] Free parking is available in UH Lot 16B (a permit is not required on Sundays)." "On the second Sunday of every month at 2 p.m. (6 p.m. June through September; there is no tour in December), GHPA presents a docent-guided walking tour of an architecturally and/or historically significant area of Houston. The cost is $10 per person ($7 for GHPA members and students), with a $2 discount if you walk, bike or ride public transportation to the tour. Reservations are not required unless otherwise noted."
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