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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. setting; great. forty-five minute wait for breakfast after disembarking a cruise ship, hauling luggage to hotel and then walking to pike's place; exhausting. dungeness crab omelette with hash browns… Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  2. it was great. too many activities to take them all in. i had to make "down time". also, when you go, find out where the locally owned shops are (if you shop). the tourist shops are jammed with people and the locally owned shops have more unique items. most alaskan souvenirs are "made in china". PM your shipping address and i will get the book out to you this week. if you have any questions about the cruise, i'd be happy to answer questions. congrats!
  3. RGR must have been on an alaskan inside passage cruise before. Congrats RGR!! PM your shipping address. I will be sending a book about Frank Gehry's Experience Music Project in Seattle WA. I loved it and hope you will too. Anyone with pointers on how to make a contest more difficult, let me know.
  4. darn, guess i made it too easy! were you on my cruise?
  5. that is a good idea for a future contest. i just happened to be on vacation this past week and thought about thehaif.com when i came across an architecture book i'm excited about. the contest was inspired by my vacation and the book i found.
  6. this is a grand idea! we need a point by point proposal and support from community & business leaders. i second the thought that the heritage society should be approached. i would be willing to volunteer for a project like this.
  7. i'm looking for more specific locales.
  8. there may be very few who could guess the locations. it will be fun to see if anyone recognizes the more obscure locations. if necessary, i will add clues that can be researched.
  9. winner will be the first person to name four of the five locations pictured. if the locations are too obscure and/or the contest is not complete by next sunday, august 17, 2009, additional clues will be added until a winner is announced. the prize is a paperback booklet about a certain piece of architecture by a certain well known architect. once the winner is announced, the winner will send me a PM with shipping information. LOCATION #1: LOCATION #2: LOCATION #3: LOCATION #4: LOCATION #5: HAVE FUN!
  10. just to clarify.........the silence says it all, in that, we already knew it was one of the best places to live. didn't need forbes to spell it out.
  11. sheila jackson lee is what happens when people vote based on skin color rather than character.
  12. high rise construction is fun. great photos. thanks for sharing.
  13. it may be the pitchers of beer from the bowling alley last night talking, but when i saw the thread title "walter cronkite has passed", i thought of poor sloan in ferris bueller's day off. the nurse called her out of class and informed her that her grandmother had "passed". i was saddened to hear of cronkite's......."passing". more so than mj or farrah. the media has changed dramatically in the last two decades.
  14. exactly the first thought that crossed my mind ricco.
  15. during a recent sushi craving, i ran to kyoto immediately after work and...EGAAD! they are closed!!!! fortunately, it's only for remodeling. hallelujah! Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  16. during a recent sushi craving, i ran to kyoto immediately after work and...EGAAD! they are closed!!!! fortunately, it's only for remodeling. hallelujah! Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  17. money and good taste are seldom friends.
  18. what a disappointment. the last two lunches i've had at the gooses acre have been a waste of time and money. pizza that came late was uncooked. they comped it, but the experience was sad. the most… Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  19. any more news today? let's keep it going! way to go haifers!! you're the best.
  20. the links were available while the home was available. the site is no longer hosting the pics because the house is no longer available.
  21. how cool! congrats niche on a well deserved honor. you have provided many moments of cerebral bliss. keep it coming.
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