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Everything posted by Amlaham

  1. I don't have a picture, but it's officially open. Its of course a very ugly building with drive-thru, however, they did plant a good amount of trees. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, their food was very good, very cheap, and very healthy. I would prefer these than any other fast food option.
  2. That choice is literally on you. If you don't feel like its worth it, don't go? This concept applies everywhere, any mall, any shopping area, any dense area..... you need to look for parking. If you don't like the idea of sitting inside your AC'd vehicle for an extra few minutes to look for parking, don't go to that place, move, take a rideshare, bike there, the options are endless. HOWEVER, if you're not even from/live in the area, it doesn't give you or anyone who's outside of the area the right to demand/ expect parking. Parking, specifically parking lots, make affordability a problem as prime land is used for nothing but cars instead of housing/needs for the neighborhood. These parking lots also create heat islands and legit does nothing for the actual neighborhood.
  3. THEY WANT TO REBUILD I10 FROM STUDEMONT TO VOSS?!?! Right of way from MEMORIAL PARK?? i10 is legit in mint condition, there is legit hundreds of roads in and around our area that feel like driving in a 3rd world country. This is so unbelievably frustrating!
  4. Oh thank god, hopefully it looks better than the other stuff that contractor has built. Their website isn't very exciting.
  5. Just looked up their recent projects.....not expecting much beside the standard cookie cutter townhome farm :/
  6. If 10 minutes is a long time, they're better off just stay home 😂 most of the nightlife scene is like that especially in the urban areas of town. If you want 10 minute parking, your best bet is going somewhere in the suburbs of far out of the center.
  7. No, it didn't specify on the permit. Hopefully, we'll get details soon!
  8. This old house is being converted into a cafe. I believe the address is for 4306 Elsbury but the lot includes 511 Richmond.
  9. This entire block is up for sale; not sure how long it's been up for. On the property there is a couple of town houses and an old house used as a store. This could be something really huge or nothing at all depending on who buys the lot. https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/Westheimer-Elgin-Bagby-St-Houston-TX/27811183/
  10. The lot adjacent to ROD is up for lease, can't remember if this was already discussed. Wish they would just sell it off. https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/Westheimer-Rd-Houston-TX/28509366/
  11. Renderings for the rooftop patio for Meduza. Beautiful! Culturemap states it will be on the building's top floor, but I think they meant the 4th based on previous posts? https://houston.culturemap.com/news/restaurants-bars/toca-madera-meduza-mediterrania-the-allen-development-2023/
  12. If a project needs to be stopped, its definitely this one!
  13. Interior renderings are very nice! https://www.papercitymag.com/real-estate/the-white-oak-luxury-living-houston-the-heights-lofts/#452996
  14. Idk if this has already been posted/discussed before, but Midtown TIRZ created funding for a cap park over i69 between Midtown and the Museum District. The dates are obviously off, but the important thing is that they plan on funding the park!
  15. Also, for us bilingual/ trilingual thats don't speak Spanish 😂 Side note, is there a reason for the replat? Are they going to rebuild this location?
  16. The trees, landscape, sidewalks, the entrance gates. They're both still parking lots but one is clearly nicer.
  17. Those parked cars are going to be COOKING in the summer
  18. Wonder when that bail bond building on the corner will come down
  19. I remember vaguely that Mayor Turner and Houston First were trying to get a theme park into our city since we're the only major city without one. Well, Therme Group is European wellness theme park that is looking to expand into the US. It just worked with city officials in DC to open their first US location there. The company has also been looking at Dallas and LA. Feel like we will be left out.....again. This project would be a good fit for Houston, especially since its mainly caters towards adults and specifically for "wellness." We were recently named one of the most stressed cities in the nation 😂 I'm going to email the mayor and Houston first......is there anyone in particular that I can get to look into this? https://www.thermegroup.com https://www.bisnow.com/washington-dc/news/economic-development/european-resort-operator-expanding-to-us-looking-for-up-to-600k-sf-in-dc-118918
  20. Last one guys, sorry if these end up being irrelevant. This one is on the south west side of La Branch and i69
  21. Found more, these buildings were at the south west intersection of i69 and 288. These were also demolished in 2022.
  22. Noticed another giant double billboard and a small building off of St Emanuel and i45 were also removed. However, it looks like they were taken down December 2021.
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