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Everything posted by Daniepwils

  1. It is weird, because I can't really remember what I did last week, but to this day I remember that morning as though it was this morning. I was getting ready for work and watching ABC Good Morning America, when they had breaking news about the first plane, about chocked myself with my tie when I saw the second plane hit. Weird enough as that was, I went into work not even thinking about any other planes. I worked on the 31st floor of the Wells Fargo Plaza Building (ya know, the big glass building in downtown) ~ I arrive at work and people were in a panic. Most people left, few of us stayed, there was no reason for me to leave; I would have been stuck in traffic downtown for 3 hours... it was gridlock everywhere. I have never seen it like that since. At around noon I left, and hit no traffic on the way home.
  2. This was probably a member of ZZ Top, I know one of them lived out there on that main street. I lived on Sunnyvail Forest (I think that was the name) when they were first built. Three years later my family moved due to my dads job. About four years ago I went to look at the area, and was shocked at the condition it is in. It is very sad, that area could be so much more! Rule of thumb! Don't ever live near mass transit in the suburbs, this is what happens. It is happening to The Champions slowly!
  3. Oh yes! they are called The Dumpling Nazi's (if you watched Seinfeld you got that!) They only take cash, and you need to have it out and ready to give to them -- The line is usually long, but goes very fast. And yes they are really good.
  4. I haven't seen any signs. If you look right next to that nasty store across from The Corner Bakery, they are cleaning out that storefront that was boarded up for so long as well (next to Sakowitz Building).
  5. I couldn't agree more! As someone who lives and works downtown, I am very upset at the fact that Main Street is in such horrid condition. It seems after The Stuperbowl, Main Street was forgotten. Also, the increase in the GRB is a joke, it is never fully used. It was only increased so that we could get the Stuperbowl
  6. ok good. I do like that store -- I think I will go there again. The Randalls in Midtown just isn't -- well Randall's anymore! nuff said!
  7. Kinda of off the topic. Is it Krogers or Randalls that is in this shopping center and is it still there? or are they tearing it down as well? -- was talking with someone at work and I used to shop there all the time and for the life of me can't remember.
  8. Now if they could get rid of the few that sleep on the tables near the Cookie place across from The Flying Saucer... lol, its always the same three or four. There is one guy that has been down on main for the past 6 years. He is usually around CVS now. He is african american, usually wearing a cape and wind pants. The only words I have ever hear him say is "spare and change" "spare any change" "spare any change". Every since I had a homeless guy lunge at me for my orange, I haven't given them anything off the street. Safer anyways to give through other means.
  9. I do like the way Dallas keeps their major freeways kept up (trash and plants, etc.). Houston for the main part does not (remember when the superbowl was coming, and the city halfassed put up plants, shrubs and trees along the freeways, and didn't really keep up with them -- looked very bad!) You would think we would have nice landscaped areas around our highways, that is probably the first area that people will see Houston. Also DART is pretty amazing -- I really envy Dallas for the DART. Not to mention the zoning in Dallas, which keeps property values high (normally). OK the real topic again... Downtown Houston night life is dead or rather moving to other areas, as clubs always do! (Now The Flying Saucer and a few other "spots" are still packed every evening --but not the clubs) I am scared though about some restarurants that I hear have closed in the past two weeks. Mia Bella hang in there!
  10. DT Dallas isn't very nice (West End is the exception). Even the Dallas tunnel system isn't very good -- I even think at one time they tried to get the businesses in the tunnels to move up to the steet. Not sure what happened. Dallas does have zoning, which I like alot! to bad we don't! Houston's tunnel system is something people often forget about. I think they are great due to our weather at times, but I also think they hinder the way people think of downtown Houston (remind yourself, we are not a major tourist destination city!)
  11. Wasn't there a movie with IceCube in it where they would offer homeless people money to go "hunting" with them? anyone remember that (lol) -- That would be one way to reduce the homeless population in the area. (this is a joke -- of course!)
  12. Friday (August 31) at about 2pm I hear these "bangs" and really think nothing of it. I am in 5 Houston Center, and am right next to the new Fingers building and the new park. So hearing bangs is kind of the norm. At around 4 I look out and they have a machine tearing up this building. -- The kid in me was dreaming "I wish I was down there tearing up a building in that big monster machine", it looked really fun!
  13. L O L -- My biggest complaint is the homeless population in downtown. I cringe everytime my friends talk about what they saw when coming to visit me. There is a law in place for the downtown area where you cannot be loitering in downtown after a certain time. No sitting or sleeping, but it isn't usually enforced unless complained upon. There is mentally disturbed individual that walks around Main and Travis from time to time, swearing at windows and signs. He is a bit loud. I have called the authorities twice on occasion. And they respond within minutes. They never arrest him, but they do ask him to leave. There are shelters in place near downtown, however they might be full, or some people don't want to obey the policies and rules, so they aren't allowed to stay. I don't give money to the people on the streets, had an incident, and will not put myself in that situation again. I rather donate to the shelters and another charity that my company sponsors.
  14. I think if this building is built (a big IF), it would be the stepping stone to getting that area cleaned up. Right now I will not even walk on that side of main street, it is gross! Please get rid of that dollar store nearbye as well.
  15. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5073679.html
  16. I wouldn't mind them so much if I didn't almost trip over them at night or have to hear them say: "Hey you! Spare any change!", one more time. Not to mention the fecal matter and smell at some of these corners on Main Street. This is one of the biggest reasons Main Street has not taken off -- I can't wait for these other new developments, maybe then they will enforce the loitering laws in downtown -- and maybe then my already overpriced loft will double in value (lol jk). I know our downtown has great potential (which is why I bought in downtown), but we really need to kick it up a notch, keeping the streets clean at all times would help. (I will give props to HPD patrolling often down Main street)
  17. I don't know if there were anymore buyers. I don't think there are at the moment. I do know that the one I looked at was 170.46 per sq.ft. (1730sqft). I think the smaller ones were 200+ per sq.ft.
  18. The owner is a bank in Ohio or something. The seem to want more money than listed. I basically told them they would not get it! This is not New York... it is Houston, everyone has a car. There is no parking for the building. Which still wouldn't be a problem really except most of the parking garages in downtown actually close in the evenings. So if you did "rent" a parking spot in one of those garages, your car would be stuck in the garage or you have the chance of being locked out of your garage after a certain hour. Even then if you could live with that, trying to sell these down the road is going to be very hard.
  19. They are for sale now! I looked at two today. They are alright. They just went on the market. I think there are about 4 people living there. I am giving them an offer today, lets see if they bite! Main. Fees seem a bit much for that place though.
  20. I live downtown and drive to see friends or shop in midtown (gotta love Spec's) or the Rice area, and usually take main street all the way down. I do see a bit of "shady people" from downtown through midtown EVERY time I drive through there. Few times I have been at a light and been approached (usually at dusk or at night) by some of them (money, cigs, sex - um yea, really gross, etc.), I just look ahead and don't acknowledge them, even though that might make them upset, Id rather be safe than sorry. Just be careful all I have to say! This is a BIG city, s$$t happens.
  21. Is downtown night life fizzling? I rarely stay at my place on the weekends in downtown anymore.
  22. Couldn't agree more! (But I don't like the fact that people waiting for busses like to urinate in my buildings bushes, YUCK)
  23. I am lazy lol. Let me see if I can find it. Was searching for a friend one day for stuff to rent in downtown, and came across it. I will post when I find. http://www.apartmentratings.com/rate/TX-Ho...ts-on-Main.html http://www.apartmentreviews.net/ratings/tx...n-main10827.htm
  24. If you read the postings on this place (google it), it sounds horrible. Many many complaints I think.
  25. I hear ya on that one. Geez, it seems like it gets worse every week.
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