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Everything posted by Daniepwils

  1. Their produce has gone to ____! horrible! But otherwise I don't have a problem going to this location -- I shop at Specs for booze, meat, cheese and produce.
  2. You drove ! Coog get out of the car and walk around it 12 acres isn't tiny by any means. I bet a year from now, homeless will be cleaning themselves in the mist tree and water features of this park lmao!
  3. They started laying grass down yesterday on the main lawn area. I will try to remember to bring my camera tomorrow and take pictures from my office.
  4. They shouldn't be downtown at night, well at least they can't be loitering or sitting down anywhere -- they are breaking law if they do. Well Monday's downtown is pretty much dead all the time.
  5. And one believing that being gay is a choice, or one must "conceal" who they are at the work place must be retarded!
  6. **warning bad joke ahead** Well Pearland has one thing Sugarland doesn't have at the moment: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5281541.html
  7. Well for starters he may want to get rid of his store next door. That place is a vagrant vestibule.
  8. I agree with this. I jog downtown every evening, and can see the same thing.
  9. The same! Spec's Downtown is awesome!
  10. I would think Mia Bella would move to the new location, not keep two restaurants open in the same area. That is to close for two restaurants serving the same area (it is only one train ride away from the other). As for American Apparrel, I think either they backed out, or they are waiting for HP to be built.
  11. The bike racks are in the front of the busses (or the one I saw the other day was). I never knew those were bike racks, until I saw a man put his bike on one, before he boarded a bus. People in my building either take their bikes to their apts or lock them in the garage, I don't think there has been a problem as of yet.
  12. Urban Outfitters is already at the Village, do you think they would put two that close? (I wish they would, I love that store)
  13. We have Westin hotels and the St. Regis, all owned by Starwood, but no actual W Hotel. The W Hotel in the French Quarter is pretty fun, but small.
  14. I do believe one of the main reasons one of the Rail ordinances didn't pass a few years ago, was that the taxi companies had a fit, because one of the lines included going to one of the airports. I can't recall the entire story. The taxi drivers in this city are a joke. 60$ just from IAH to Downtown is horrible (including tip).
  15. Off topic Red your quote: is awesome. My dad taught me when I was younger that you could judge a man's character on how he treated the waiters and waitresses at a restaurant. To this day when I am having lunch with clients and associates I am reminded of this.
  16. Uh, it is almost all restaurants, where the hell is the retail?? (Journeys...)
  17. There is/was a Games Peoples Play on 1960. It is still there. You can see the put put golf area. It is still for sale (lol).
  18. I have yet to be stopped when taking pictures. Maybe they stopped you for another reason, different ethnicity than the police officer? edit: I have taken pictures in the same location where you were.
  19. If he is ever elected in an official capacity I am moving. No one like this should be representing our city. There are far more qualified people out there who generally care for everyone, not just one class or race of people! This man is tearing up Dr. Kings dream! -- It is sad that people support this man who is a Black Panther! -- I don't see anyone toting around with the KKK!
  20. LOL, I know right! Didn't he grow up in NewYork? He of all people should know about big city crime.
  21. It is a shoe store, The Tipping Point. I bought a pair of old style converse there.
  22. Well if he really wanted to make a statement, I guess he could do a complete 180 and adorn his yard with port-o-poties seeing as how the HOA doesn't want signs in his yard.
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