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Everything posted by houstonmacbro

  1. Points well taken. I was only looking at the photos and sometimes they can be a bit deceiving. I am sure it is a wonderful park and I am excited about having another park resource in Houston.
  2. The scale of it. Seems like (at least from the diagrams I've seen and the pictures I am seeing here) it is a bit ... cramped.
  3. I think it needs more trees. I know the lot where the park is is not huge, but I am wondering how usable this park is going to be.
  4. I thought I posted this link awhile back: http://blogs.houstonpress.com/eating/2007/...and_jane_th.php
  5. I live in the flightpath, not sure it i the new landing pattern, off 1960 @ Ella and the planes are noisy. The interesting thing is that they do not land overhead all the time. Sometimes it is non-stop, and other times (like the past 2-3) nary a plane overhead.
  6. I think it's beautiful. I have seen a lot bad-looking structures and this is not one of them.
  7. I think it's a great landmark. I don't like the fact that we tear down everything as soon as it hits 30 - 40 years old.
  8. I am sorry you are feeling badly right now. I never get a flu shot (don't believe in them), but then again I never get colds or flu.
  9. Yeah, when I lived in DC there was a rink on the mall (7th Street) that was often frozen in the winter, even though the temperatures were nowhere near freezing. But it was a very shallow body of water. This (Discovery Green Lake) sounds a bit deeper.
  10. Can they really keep that much water frozen in +76 degree winter weather we're having here?
  11. I agree. Their food was much better. It had to do with some sort of lawsuit when Taco Cabana moved to Houston. Looks like the courts decided. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Pesos
  12. Well, hopefully he's smart enough to be reading this thread.
  13. $1 doesn't sound exhorbitant. I mean, the park is certainly better than 2 apple pies at McDonald's. Now if it was $5 or $10 that might be cause for concern.
  14. I haven't really been following this ... has Tejeda made a statement either denying, confirming, or keeping silent on the matter?
  15. Ah .. one more, Del Taco. I remember there was one out on main street. I think Taco Bell killed them.
  16. Moveable Feast. Two Pesos ... I think they were kinda like Taco Cabana.
  17. That is a scary thought. But you know they've prolly thought about it too...
  18. And somewhere in Brazil if they're not already there.
  19. They've gotten bad raps here, but I like them. I wish one would make it out to the FM 1960/I45 area as well.
  20. I worked at the one deep on Fuqua. LOL Elke Sommers ... that's funny.
  21. Not sure we mentioned this ... Weiners. I used to work there as a teen.
  22. This was in the HoustonPress.com: http://blogs.houstonpress.com/eating/2007/...and_jane_th.php
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