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Everything posted by BeerNut

  1. I know the drawing isn't to scale but it looks like route to NW mall is all interstate with stops on the interstate.
  2. With cell phones, high speed internet, and corporate Skype I'm sure there are several jobs where you don' t need to go to the office everyday.
  3. Metro plans to use BRT to link downtown to NW Mall site. http://www.metronext.org/pdfs/2018_july_board_workshop_handouts.pdf
  4. Looks like metro will be focusing on BRT and line extensions. http://www.metronext.org/pdfs/2018_july_board_workshop_handouts.pdf
  5. BeerNut

    Midtown TIRZ

    that's the way it should be but Coleman was able direct funds for his own agenda.
  6. BeerNut

    Midtown TIRZ

    I should have clarified in saying that it's not part of the current TIRZ.
  7. BeerNut

    Midtown TIRZ

    Third Ward isn't part of the Midtown TIRZ.
  8. BeerNut

    Midtown TIRZ

    Midtown Redevelopment Authority Plan for Third Ward https://midtownhouston.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Midtown-Affordable-Housing-Plan-_-Final_7.7.18.pdf
  9. I doubt you have any legal recourse. I would get as many residents possible to leave detailed reviews on yelp and apartments.com. Maybe even make a post on reddit or send something to swamplot. There is the possibility they could terminate or not renew your lease if they feel you're not worth having a resident because of your complaints. At this point the only thing they will probably respond to is bad press and loss of profits. AirBnb listing https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/25844374 Stay Alfred https://www.stayalfred.com/houston-vacation-rentals
  10. Doesn't help that it's not close to any current establishments. With the current success of all the open air bars and bier gardens how will they make this place more inviting and a destination?
  11. Well to differentiate themselves from other business. Personally I would like a single use bag ban and bottle & can deposit in this state but that will never happen.
  12. Where's the nostalgia for paper bags? I used to enjoy the challenge of "3d tetris" when I worked as a sacker back in the day. I don't see why businesses complained, they have no issue passing the cost of wages and health care to consumers/tax payers. This should be an opportunity for business to promote themselves as eco friendly.
  13. makes me wanna park my car there to show my support for these types of developments.
  14. I'm sure the Japanese government will chip in a significant amount once all the legal and land acquisition uncertainties are determined. For reference they plan to loan India almost 14 billion at .1% with 50 year repayment. https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2017/09/14/japan-propels-india-into-the-age-of-high-speed-rail-china-stands-by-watching/#3f3484a31a9e And the insert link button isn't working...
  15. More soil sampling being taken. They're working in the median of 69 near Gray.
  16. People talk about the Pierce being a physical barrier. That area is an olfactory and verbal barrier to me traversing on foot.
  17. Wasn't able to get a picture but TXDOT was getting soil samples east and west of I69 on Preston St this morning.
  18. I have checked recently but have they finished the crown lighting?
  19. They were there before and now some are missing or hanging. Probably should be secured better.
  20. I was walking along Main St from MidMain to McGowen Station.
  21. They haven't even finished the improvements but people have already vandalized the street markers by knocking letters off.
  22. Went by yesterday and it was covered. Anyone know why?
  23. If they wanted to do something more immediate, they could just do the area between Alabama and Elgin first. Get appropriate variances and install bollards to block/limit vehicular access. This area already sees a decent amount of pedestrian traffic and new developments have been pedestrian focused. I think Ensemble theater is the only business that has a Main st focus vehicular access(valet).
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