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Everything posted by cspwal

  1. Friday night with Your Pie's opening and Burger Theory's opening...there was a line around the block for pizza and Burger Theory looked closed almost
  2. But that wouldn't include 1111 Main? That would start at sky house and go south to the museum district...am I missing something?
  3. Going off that - maybe it will be a mattress firm. Downtown is horribly underserved by Montrose standards, as there isn't a store every 3 blocks
  4. Is the hole shallower? Or is that an optical illusion with the new dirt?
  5. So will this increase the GDP by 1%? http://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2016/01/07/133213/ship-channel-toll-bridge-is-about-to-convert-to-all-electronic-tolling-2/
  6. There could be a big stately one called "The Adams" and then a smaller one next door that uses Styrofoam to copy the facade called "The Quincy"
  7. The goal should more be to make downtown bustling and attractive enough that a different business (say Target with a urban concept) comes in and says "I want to lease this space and I'm willing to pay more than what the food mart is" It's the market at work. The government is best when it sticks to incentives (i.e. the DLI) and stays away from restrictions (building moratoriums, zoning, parking minimums)
  8. It could re-brand as a boutique food shop of uniquely urban-american cuisine
  9. Why did they have a construction moratorium instead of making more sewage capacity? Oh wait I can answer that it would cost money
  10. Stumbled on this online - secret requirements for when the Superbowl was in Minnesota http://www.startribune.com/no-10-nfl-had-a-long-pricey-and-secret-super-bowl-wish-list-for-minneapolis/262253921/ One of the (many) strange requirements it listed was "clean zones" around the stadium and the hotel I wonder what activities?
  11. It sounds like two separate developments but have we heard of any development like this in midtown?
  12. There was a construction moratorium during the huge boom in the Houston economy? No wonder so many people are outside the loop!
  13. Thanks! Exactly what I was thinking, but wasn't sure if that would result in good data
  14. That seems like a good way to make it look like a garfield window cling is climbing up the building
  15. Sorry to revive an old thread, but is this area nice? I've driven through it and walk around some during the day, but that's no substitute for the knowledge of people living there. Any current or recent residents?
  16. What hat do you wear if you like computers AND firearms?
  17. Cool pictures of the building. I think I had seen some old B&W photos of it at one point, but it looks like it was a nice small office building - similar in style to the HCC office building in midtown Drove by here yesterday and it looked like the newer tower (west tower) had interior walls or at least fittings of some kind
  18. They might know what it means and are positioning themselves for legalization in 12 years
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