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  1. Isn't Nextel a Sprint entity now? How is it ghetto?
  2. I'm very excited about this! Great news! I'm curious to know whether a retail boom in downtown would preclude midtown from having comparable activity.
  3. Simply put - the name is stupid. That's why everyone's worried about it.
  4. Could you give us some background on your post? Sounds like you know more than you're telling...please dish!
  5. agreed MC...however, it's not exactly pedestrian friendly at current stage. nor is mid-august the best pedestrian weather. i'll grant you that we are devoid of pedestrians - but midtown is hardly desolate.
  6. KA...i don't think it's the suburban mentality of the residents that's led to the advent off the poorly designed CVS or strip centers....or even the apartments. I think that's more a result of a lack of zoning - the builders put together whatever makes sense. Judging by the tone of all of my neighbors, the CVS is an eyesore. Likewise, we all appreciate and enjoy the true urban development that's taken place by the Post. I don't think any of us have an inkling of desire for the ridiculously poor development that's taken place with some of these strip centers and such.
  7. There is a place off of airline just west of i-45 called tampico seafood that serves some excellent mexican seafood with fried rice. The tamarind margaritas are great as well. http://houston.citysearch.com/profile/9848...a_mexicana.html
  8. in all fairness - i don't think it's all "white people" that are taking on the urban frontier as you put it. the homeless issue is one that is cause for deeper exploration rather than applying simplistic assumptions about them and how to help their plight. I'm all for addressing the problem from a root level. However, it's unfair to blame people who invest their life fortunes in homes and lives - they have every right to demand that their neighborhood be rid of homeless bums. I think it's unfair to paint residents of midtown as selfish, when in truth, they are simply trying to make their living environment BETTER. I respect the initiatives you take to ensure that they are treated well and with respe ct. I don't have any intention of treating these people poorly. I do understand that they too are human and deserve the same empathy that's reserved for any other human. But there are some undeniable facts about their lives - and these problems are ones that mere residents cannot address - the government must step to the plate to come up with solutions. Meanwhile, I will continue to tell the homeless bum who pees on my drive to "get the #%^ off of my property" and i will continue to call the police where needed. There are two sides to every coin...and painting everyone with the same brush is unfair.
  9. it's too bad that this project doesn't include some ground level retail - even a couple corner shops would contribute to a corridor which has proven to be an excellent pedestrian area.
  10. i like the way the magnolia looks... i also like the lancaster at texas/louisiana... the club quarters is not bad - i do like those awnings...
  11. they didn't cut down any of the trees - and the new irrigationo system should help preserve these beautiful trees. the park is coming along quite nicely and looks impressive. i look forward to the finished product!
  12. the facade is terrible - agreed. there is no signficant change from the out. however, has anyone visited any of these units yet? i believe they are open to visit now. EDIT - My mistake, they are not open as earlier thought. I guess it's the Kirby that is now open.
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