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Everything posted by houstontexasjack

  1. Call it "Little Woodrow's Lamar". Both for the location and for the make-up of its potential clientele. That is a little ways a way from the major throughfares of West Alabama and Richmond, and doesn't seem to fit Little Woodrow's M.O. for their newer locations near major streets. Are they going for something more akin to the Rice Village location here I wonder?
  2. That would be very, very neat. I am curious as to whether the proposed height restrictions in the medical center are accurate. I have always thought that might be something of an urban myth (similar to the Texas Commerce Bank building being limited to 75 floors by the FAA) and that there just has not been demand by hospitals to build anything taller.
  3. It will have a light up feature on the top. I am glad to see that. The nighttime skyline will continue to improve, albeit incrementally.
  4. I would expect flights solely to and from the Americas out of Hobby's international terminal. Southwest's 737-800's will be the international workhorses for this airport, and their maximum range with decent passenger count and accompanying cargo is northern South America (e.g. Bogota, Quito).
  5. Were you near Logan Circle? I remember a Whole Foods on P street there. I lived in Mt. Vernon Triangle. We had the new Ssfeway just up the block from an old liquor store and sketchy strip club (Louis the Rogue!). The neighborhood nonetheless came along quite nicely.
  6. Santa Urbannizer came down my chimney last night! That sounds like a neat development.
  7. 6 Houston Center's notch is bigger than BG Group Place notch. ;-)
  8. I moved to Houston in 1989 when I was two years old. It will be the most significant addition to the skyline in my lifetime here.
  9. And it looks like the Chronicle may have updated the article....all that digging in the Secretary of State's site for nought. :-)
  10. According to the Harris County Real Property Records, this property was conveyed from Deyaar to a "Palmetto RPO, LP" by Warranty Deed filed for record on June 11, 2014. It appears that Palmetto RPO,LP lists a "Palmetto RPO GP, LLC" as the general partner and gives the address of this general partner as being 109 N. Post Oak Ln, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77024--the same address as the McNair Foundation. Good call on Bob McNair, H-Town Man. Now, if we can just figure out what they might want the land for.
  11. Good catch. I've been curious as to the amount of extra engineering and design it would take to add a few floors to this building. I'd think the primary limiting factor would be the foundation, which would have to support the additional weight of added floors. However, if a foundation were constructed with enough strength for some added flexibility, I could see an additional modest increase in height.
  12. This most recent rendering looks quite nice. I am hopeful the lighting at the top of the building may change colors so we can have a nice array depending on the time of year.
  13. Red, white and blue lights. I like the touch to add just a little flare to the skyline. Great photo infinite_jim!
  14. The searchable online real property records have only been updated through June 20. Additionally, I have always been puzzled by the use of "sale" in press announcements. Generally, I understand a "sale" to occur when the sales contract is signed, even though the property will not actually be transferred until closing some period later (for residential homes, usually after an option period and a period to obtain financing for the buyer/borrower). I suspect these "sales" are actually closings where the property is transferred, and the signing of the sales contract would be kept quiet in the event the buyer exercises an option, assuming one exists, to terminate the contract. I'd be curious if anyone had insight into the general practice for large commercial transactions. Is the "sale" announced at the execution of the contract or is it announced at closing when the warranty deed transferring the property is signed.
  15. I haven't seen anything on the following link. This Southern Downtown Public Realm plan (that sounds like something out of 'Game of Thrones' by the way), indicates possible convention center expansion southward by 2025, plus improved pedestrian ability to cross the future I-69 into EaDo. http://www.downtownhouston.org/site_media/uploads/attachments/2014-06-18/Southern_Downtown_Public_Realm_Plan_Final_For_Web_Compressed.pdf
  16. The Downtown Houston development map has remained the same since May. Public information appears all quiet on this front.
  17. The "a" next to "alliantgroup" is very eye catching at night. The buidling and signage are a bit 'moo' during the day, but at least I can't look at them and say: "well that looks hideous."
  18. I feel like Agent Smith from The Matrix Reloaded: "More....". I would be disappointed to lose the Palace Lanes to a Trader Joes though (if there is substance to that part of the Swamplot article).
  19. It would be nice to see both go up at the same time. Hines Southmore development is going up nearby, so that's additional capacity to consider as well.
  20. The top rendering suggests there will be space to the left (northwest) of this tower for development of the Helix tower.
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