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Everything posted by hindesky

  1. One of the few places working Easter weekend, still can't spot the tower crane base.
  2. A pool on the north side of the building will hardly ever get any sun and thus never be used. Why not have it on the south side of the building?
  3. The project takes up the whole block, so I tend to believe it would take 2 to build it. Possibly a crawler for the parking garage also.
  4. Hard to see in this pic but there were several piles of dirt/rock toward the east of the pic.
  5. What is that large inner core of the building? I'm sure its partly for elevators but it seems really large.
  6. I saw it Friday morning while shopping at the new Sprouts on Yale and took a bad picture of it, I bet it's the crane from up the street at 6th St.
  7. This condo sales office building used to be a ticket broker/re-seller, it's on 1311 Polk. I assume the Marlowe will front Caroline according to the layout diagrams.
  8. Tower crane at the 40 apt just down the street is on the sidewalk also.
  9. That kind reminds me of a Public Storage place, I wonder if they used the same architect.
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