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Everything posted by UrbaNerd

  1. 2-3" in Sugar Land, with a bit of light hail. It is calming down now, however.
  2. The print edition of the HBJ article is available online even for non subscribers now. http://houston.bizjournals.com/houston/sto...3672000^1429210 A few excerpts: (for those interested: http://www.tphifer.com/)
  3. Personally, I have always preferred the Kohn Pedersen Fox proposal over the competition victor, designed by Jahn; it looks too similar to the Liberty Place towers in Philadelphia, also done by Jahn.
  4. Why is this the first thing that pops into mind, when I read the title?
  5. Ah, oops. And yeah, I just wanted to post that link to something I found interesting.
  6. Quick pic of all three sites: And on a slightly different note.... http://www.krjda.com/text/projectDetail.cfm?id=141
  7. *raises hand...sort of* I'm probably the only person who still wears Rugby shirts, distressed baggy cargo pants, and Doc Martens(older pairs made in England; not the crappy new Chinese ones). Oh, and of course, no one else wears Eddie Bauer anymore, either. Heck, I have some 15 year old t shirts from EB (that I gladly took from my dad, who never wears em anymore, anyway). They still look better than most of the graphic tees these days that fall apart after like 3 months.
  8. Well, perhaps it is a good thing that they're building that subsurface garage under the new park after all. I remember reading people kvetching about it a few months back.
  9. Maybe we should get Kinky to run for pres in 08!
  10. I guess the groundhog didn't see his shadow, then! No waiting 6 more weeks for a "groundbreaking date"!
  11. "At the Houstonian Estates, there are only three apartments listed, and one is going to go sale-pending this week." Does this mean The Houstonian was "un-cancelled"?
  12. Hmm, looks VERY similar to this: http://www.westvil.com/images/render2.jpg *prays that this development will happen...*
  13. ech, I'm sick of waiting; let's make our own damn temporary Pavilions, and hold a groundbreaking ceremony, as well. Bring some tents, liquor, a guitar, a shovel, and some chairs, and we'll be set. Hopefully, we can have our own groundbreaking before the police arrive.
  14. UrbaNerd


    Legos! Best toy of all time! Oh, and of course, I must not fail to mention my various science kits, telescopes, microscopes, insect nets, and gear, etc. Oh, and of course, my PC
  15. You can download a bunch of custom blds/etc, you know. Check out www.simtropolis.com. You have tobe registered.
  16. A certain paint job that had to be done by the people who will do the work Americans don't WANT to do. You were supposed to paint the OUTSIDE of the taco truck, amigos, not the inside!
  17. The worst part is the fact that you can't really eat solid foods until like two weks after the surgery. They leave the wounds open(with somesuturing in certain places) to allow them to heal(the clots must be maintained), and they must be kept clean.. There is no real "pain" during, or after; just general discomfort, as well as some fever-like symptoms experienced when the body fights off any potential infections that may occur in the sites. The best part...is the medication they give you for the pain afterwards.
  18. I gave up soda in August. It really works wonders; I have lost 23 lbs since then(with a relatively small amount of exercise; perhaps a walk two-four times a week). I stopped exercising a lot after my wisdom teeth removal(in Nov), and have stayed at the same weight since. I'll start working out again, once I feel like it.
  19. If they can have a "Port of Dallas", then most of these ideas should be doable.
  20. Merry Christmas, and God Bless, to all of our troops! just something semi relevant WARNING: Some language.
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