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Everything posted by UrbaNerd

  1. I thought columbia house sold CDs, not apartments!
  2. WOW! This thing looks awesome, although it will change the way the Holcome entrance into the Main TMC will look like. Ive always enjoyed the nice wooded drive into the main part. oh well, this is a beautiful building!
  3. Me wants to barf... I have an idea! Have them suddenly change it to a mexican restuarant, like everything else! (no offense to anyone- just a trend seen lately, also a thread)
  4. Its like near ST Lukes. It is closer to the UT Nursing school, under const.
  5. I certainly hope that they do not tear that thing down! It is a very distinct classic tower in the shiny new skyline of the TMC (esp with everything going up!) Hopefully, this wont be destroyed like the Shamrock hotel!
  6. I like this one better than the one in The Woodlands, because this one has more midrise structures, and it has the city hall, as well as the residential elements. This is more urban, as Market street has ALOT of parking lots on the parameters of the project. SLTS has several garages, and street front parking with meters. It is a nice urban oasis. Plus, SL has plans for an even grander development across 59- similar to the Woodlands Waterway, but not quite. It will include more midrise shops, and some high density res (condos, townhomes, lofts, etc)
  7. A few years ago, there was a story on CH 11 that the waterwall might be torn down for a high rise. I hope not.
  8. Most of these pics make me wanna barf! I cant wait for some good stuff to come along! At least "THE EDGE" will be half decent!
  9. Hmm..I just saw this building, and it is butt ugly. I hope they fix it uip nicely. Om mporis.com, it also says thet the ol Sheraton is vacant. Maybe they can convert that, too!
  10. Didnt they just fix up the walls and stuff? They used to be solid half walls, and they replaced them with glass, I think...
  11. Poorly placed? I think not! The park is placed between the Toyota Center, and Minute maid, as well as the GRB and the Hilton. The land behind it is mostly surface lots, which, wen land values rise, will be a great place for excellent urban development. What is there is good, and what will be there is even better!
  12. YEAH! And during the super bowl, you could play a few old schiool video games on a few buildings!
  13. Ooh, I saw this, and it will be awesome! They will build many new garages to replace the lots, which will help alot, and because of the proximity to the park, most of the nasty parking lots will have their values shoot up, and hopefully, some wonderful new developments will emerge! Can someone say W00T? Oh, and the best thing is, most of it is paid for!
  14. I remember that Sugarland had a small hardware store about 10 years ago- it was called Wagner's hardware. It was a nice place to run to when you needed a quick part or something, and you didn't have to stand in line for a long time. It was located next to the Half Price bookstore. They closed,though, thanks to the Home Depot that opened about a mile away... If anything, Midtown needs nice little hardware stores like that, and not a massive sprawl-box to cater to the needs of the surrounding suburbia. Somewhere where you go to buy a pack of nails, or a pipe, or a flowerpot- not somewhere where you buy a stove set, and a 36 pack of Begonias. A small garden center WOULD be nice, though, if balcony gardens become popular.
  15. I hope they can get rid of those nasty strip malls in Uptown. The Dominion is coming aliong quite well, too.
  16. Cold stone is good-only if you are going to go all out. If you want a regular scoop of vanillar, or chocolate, go for the slightly cheaper Marble Slab. If you want a fudge-vanilla-strawberry-marshmallow-babana-creme mix, then go to COld Stone.
  17. The Univision sign has been there for a few years, I think, BUT, the Broadstone "lofts" can testify to the recent status of that pic.
  18. Well, AT LEAST they are trying to fill it in a bit, sintead of making one giant strip with seas of parking. Sure, the sea may be bigger, but there are more islands.
  19. I rememeber from the CHRON article a few weeks back that this will have ground level retail, and a parking deck.
  20. I thought it was rentals...the original Dominion (WAH!) was supposed to be owner occupied.
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