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Everything posted by EllenOlenska

  1. I'm teaching out at San Jacinto Community College right now, and there are a few big things rumbling. I figured it was close enough to Houston city limits and big enough a building to satisfy the tacit requirements for threads here. This is the building they're currently at work on.
  2. I guess it would be relevant to traffic. I think I'd prefer this being a church, and not half parking lot. Also, what part of the Heights is not wet now?
  3. So, what is this? I go by this building all the time. I once took refuge under its porch. Is it still going to be a church, or is this facelift for the benefit of industry? Also, are they going to knock down the attached house on the west side of the property for the benefit of parking spaces? Or did they just forget about it in the rendering?
  4. I guess, then, Washington would be only figuratively ruined, but literally the Washington rail-route would be a boon for the city?
  5. One thing is that Calpine Center is pretty big. For some reason, it's just forgettable.
  6. I like it as is actually. And I'd rather it stay derelict and graffiti bespected than destroyed. It should be turned into a hotel. It would look clean with new glass and light fixtures.
  7. I just jumped up and touched my ceiling pretty easily and I'm comfortable here.
  8. Okay, I was under the impression there were two Caydon. A beige affair and another facing it. Then there was news of these two towers connected by a sort of promenade. Does that bring it to four? Or does one tower cross over.
  9. As I've said many times, it's probably my favorite joint so I'm sharing some new rendering of Pop and Pan on here.
  10. I lived in container apartments in Huntsville. There were three different containers and the front and back walls were all glass. Here that all glass view is covered with plywood.
  11. Well, it seems like there are a large number of "plausible" looking towers proposed for midtown. They range from 100 feet to almost 700 feet. They have offices and residential. Some more and some less serious. I hope to see them all pop up.
  12. There's a lot of interesting comments and great pictures on this thread, but every time I see someone remark on this my first thought is "is the glass box getting taller!"
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