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Everything posted by Jeebus

  1. Just curious, what were you driving, and what color was it? Does it say anywhere on the ticket how he obtained your speed?
  2. I've always known it as the MKT Railroad. Thanks for the pics though!
  3. Wow! Technical question: What are you shooting and what are your settings? Thanks for contributing!
  4. Last night must have been a fluke: http://www.khou.com/news/local/stories/kho...al.c124313.html
  5. I know they closed a basic location further west of this to open a large new location in an old Randalls at Dairy Ashford. I would imagine so many members would rather go to a new location than an old location like Hayes that they were losing too much money at that location to justify keeping it anymore. That, and I personally saw at least a dozen cars get broken into in the two years I was a member there. That's a rough parking lot.
  6. He does for as many little league games, holidays, and other family type events. Still, it takes its toll and having the kid fly is the best option considering factors like work schedules, income, etc. I talked to a friend about this and he said that he walks his boy onto the plane, to his seat, and when the plane lands, mom meets him at the gate exit. They are on a first name basis with most of the flight attendants.
  7. My point exactly. The models I'm sure are almost identical. Target just puts an extra coat of polish on their turd, charges 10% more and presto, its' inner-loop "yuppie" approved.
  8. What exactly is Target's business model compared to Walmart's business model?
  9. Don't be a jerk TJ. Mom moves with kid(s) three states over with new husband, court approves it, dad can't leave because there's no job for him where ex-wive moved to or he has new wife and/or children here. Dad buys "weekend passes" so his kid(s) can fly home to see him every weekend. I personally know two different guys that do this. Don't blame the parents, blame the ex-wife.
  10. Jeebus

    Audi vs Lexus

    I've owned both an Audi and a Lexus. I had an 2004 Audi A4 that I traded in to get a 2008 Lexus ES350. The Audi was far more "european exotic", where as the Lexus is just "Japanese upgraded". I feel like I driving a Toyota with all the options. That being said, I love Toyota! lol.. I liked both but when it comes to service, Lexus wins hands down. They're both gonna be expensive (service) but I think Lexus provides a better service environment than Audi, which just felt too posh and elite to be comfortable.
  11. La Centerra's design IMO feels more open and accessible, where as Villagio feels like a fortress or castle. But design and accessability has not as much with the real reason Angel and Ox failed. There just aren't enough Irish people and/or those interested in an authentic Irish bar in Cinco Ranch and surrounding areas (like where myself and where I live) to sustain. Its too niche for a cookie-cutter suburb. Drop it inside the loop west or south of downtown, and you'd have an instant winner. Facts o' life.
  12. Congratulations on the upgrade! I know it was mentioned in the other thread but you're going to keep "thehaif.com" for easy forum access right?
  13. I would trust no realtor that uses hip monikers and acronyms for a newly re-developed area of town. No you wouldn't. Why are we so hypocritical that we'll bash Walmart, which started as a mom & pop but we'll all meet up at the Best Buy to buy a T.V. then swing by a Starbucks on the way home. What is so chic about Target that makes it exempt from the "detrimental to mom & pop shops" mentality? Are we just hoping for the lesser of two evils? I'm just looking for clarification of certain posters' perspective. You are exactly right. I'm no fan of Walmart no more than I am ANY big chain store, but the reality is that at some point (unless you're filthy rich), you're going to have to shop at these stores to save money. As an "outer-looper", I had no clue this Sears was even open, and I drive by it at least three times a week.
  14. The Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry?
  15. So the news is reporting that in over 2000 cities "large" groups gathered today. So what does that mean? Is this an isolated conservative event, or is it a nationwide movement now?
  16. I suggested this before as well, but only to apply to the off-topic areas.
  17. They've only built that in the last year. Its very nice.
  18. ALL GPS devices are inaccurate in some way. My brother's GPS doesn't know that you can't turn left on Main St. downtown, and he nearly wrecked trying to follow said directions (he's from out of state).
  19. Dude, seriously, this is what the problem is. You're STILL going about politics.
  20. Just look at your post. Even in a thread not about politics you go on the offensive. For Christ's sake, just stop.
  21. Vicman, do you actually know of Sugar Land residents who desire METRO services that would take them into the city? Do you have any docuementation in the form of a scientific survey that proves that a majority of Sugar Land citizens even want METRO services? Of course this does NOT count P&R services, which we all know would be greatly used.
  22. It seems to be running just fine right now. Why tinker with a well-oiled machine? People choose Sugar Land and its surrounding communities for the very reasons you want to change. Sugar Land is NOT a major city. It is a small town that an adjacent major city grew out to. See the above comment about your needs assessments. Only one of those three statements are correct.
  23. First you want the bus to run down MY streets, now you want commercial flights at MY airport? Vicman, where do YOU live again? Oh yeah - the inner-loop. Are you just trying to punish those of us who chose to get away from all the things you're suggesting now?
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