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Everything posted by cloud713

  1. Oops, yeah a typo. I was wondering why the comment after mine said 79 floors.. Lol
  2. No, there really is a HOK designed proposal for a 60 and a 79 story skyscraper in Dallas. They said it would be the tallest concrete structure west of the Mississippi so I'm pretty sure that would have to be a supertall..
  3. Why not a prison skyscraper in downtown (or the island blended in with a new mixed use development)? Chicago has one.. Though I would prefer ours have some glass cladding or something. http://www.emporis.com/building/metropolitancorrectionalcenter-chicago-il-usa
  4. What about that new plan the mayor was talking about to focus development in certain areas and what not. Kind of like zoning, but not.
  5. yeah the fact they are county jails is the thing i wasnt sure about.. id assume they could still figure out a way to have both in the same location if they really wanted to. lets be honest here. with all the wild proposals to turn this site into something big, i dont think the city is going to sell it off to HPD. not to mention HPD probably cant pony up the money some of these developers can. but yeah. tear out franklin. run Washington through the site to Commerce and walla, youve got bayou frontage at the post office site. good thinking arche!
  6. believe me.. ive had my own visions for the Post Office Site too... i just think if theyre about to ruin it with HPD HQ then they might as well consolidate the jails from the island north of downtown so a new (even larger than the Post Office Site) mixed use district can be built, with true bayou frontage. but eliminating that stretch of Franklin, opening up bayou frontage, and reconnecting Washington through the site would be the way to go IMO, now that Arche has mentioned it.. from L-R, the mid&high rises are apartments, office, hotel, and condos. i redesigned the mid rise apartment building to fit in more with the rest of the complex. i also added the raised roof in the train station i was talking about doing for a grander feeling getting off the train/boarding the train in the main concourse and to allow more natural light into the building. the skybridge would lead from the new second level of the train station across the street to a parking garage east of the station/north of "Washington", before branching over the train tracks to UH-D to connect into the light rail system.
  7. yeah, im just saying if they were to move HPD HQ to the post office site, why couldnt they move the jail there too and consolidate both sites? like i said, they could possibly retrofit the post office building to be the new jail, so they dont have to spend money tearing it down and building a new one. and good points. though they are already going to trench the north canal, wether development comes to that island or not. it will help keep downtown from flooding. i would be down for the Post Office mixed use development if they removed franklin entirely from 45 to Milam or Louisiana, and extended Washington Ave through the Post Office site instead, so they could develop along both sides of the street, with half of the property being TRUE bayou frontage.
  8. yeah but there is no bayou frontage land to speak of along/under most of Franklin, in front of the Post Office Site, so where are they going to all go? the little sketchy trail under the overpass? i even noticed while looking at the site on satellite view that the park next to Bagby that i said was the only Bayou access to the west doesnt even have bayou access until you go south of Preston, next to the Aquarium. its all elevated up above the bayou (and bayou trails) as well. not to mention im sure the bayou is really inviting along the majority of that stretch with all of the surface streets crossing overhead.
  9. Yep, that's it.. This Vs this.. You tell me which is the more prime property with better bayou frontage...
  10. ill reply to both of these at once.. IMHO, the Post Office site is about as "bayou accessible" as UH-D.. which if you havent noticed, isnt very bayou accessible AT ALL. there are two major streets cutting the Post Office site off from bayou access to the south or east. not to mention all of this fantasy "bayou frontage" is elevated up to street level, with railing/no way down to the bayou. the only direct bayou access would be to the far west near Bagby, or to the far east at Washington/where the UH-D parking lot is. about the only decent thing i see the Post Office site being used for is an intermodal station, but i would much rather that go at the Hardy Yards, so if they were to consolidate the HPD HQ and jails all to the PO site it would clear two prime properties, while only taking up one. i agree. not just because of what you mentioned, but also the points i was making about it being disconnected from the bayou and the rest of downtown. they could possibly retrofit the post office warehouse into the new jail even, clearing the actual prime/bayou frontage property on what will soon be an island when they trench the north canal. San Jacinto runs right through that piece of land and the Heights/MKT bike trails do too, so it would have just as good, if not better access to downtown and MUCH better access to the bayou park system. not to mention the land actually fronts the bayou.
  11. yep, i noticed that one of the last times i was in town. just to the left of the twin towers in Greenway. they look(ed at the time at least) taller than this, but maybe its because they are closer? theyre only 441' and i know a lot of us were hoping this one would be around 500'.
  12. forgive me, but hasnt this been known about since like the beginning of the year? ive known for months and definitely dont have any secret intel on the PC. lol
  13. The letters on the southwest side of the stadium went up today.. The north side letters should be going up tomorrow.
  14. I agree.. But hear me out. The post office site is pretty segregated from the rest of downtown, and has pretty crappy connections to the area highways. Not to mention an active freight line going through the site. Doesn't seem like a super prime area. What if HPD took over that site for it's operations, and relocated the county jail from the north side of the bayou/future island when they build the north canal, to the post office site? He'll, maybe they could renovate the post office building to be the jail. That would not only free up the current location in downtown for high rise development (I'm not 100% sure where in downtown it's located now), but free up the whole north shore of the bayou/the future island north of downtown for prime mixed use development, making the bayou much more attractive for development without being butted up next to a jail. Seems like a win win to me (only if they relocate the jail too. If it's just hpd moving then that's a waste of the post office site.
  15. lol, we really will have our own little alcatraz once they build the north canal. too bad they cant convert the jail into potentially the worlds first jail high rise, and blend it into a mixed use development on/around the new island. the jail in its current state takes up so much room that there really wont be much desirable land on the island. we will never be able to properly develop the bayou/get river boats and stuff on the bayou to be an attraction in that area cruising around canals surrounding a massive jail complex island. if we can do something with the jail (hell, id be ok if they moved the jail to the post office site with all the HPD stuff, ending any possibility of a mixed use development on the post office site, if it meant being able to develop on prime land along the bayou), and something ever comes of the KBR site, i could see river boat cruises up and down the bayou from Hirsch on the east side of a waterfront developed mixed use KBR site, going west, well past downtown. if they could dig a canal through the peninsula on the KBR site or somewhere else off the bayou, through the site, it could make for even more interesting boat rides.
  16. And the business school again. Made a good bit of progress since they got the crane up.
  17. They're painting the pedestrian bridge. And turf is supposed to start going in sometime in May.
  18. for sure. solar has enormous potential and i hope its widely incorporated into residential development soon. i just think certain larger flat roof tops, especially in the inner city where green space is lacking, could be beneficial to improving quality of life for the local residents. the effects on building cooling costs and storm water run off are just icing on the cake.
  19. sorry if this has been posted before. i just saw it today.. http://www.theatlanticcities.com/commute/2014/04/can-houston-learn-love-light-rail/8820/
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