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Everything posted by Purdueenginerd

  1. For those versed in Twitter: https://twitter.com/CentralSquareTX has been posting photos of the gutting and work done...
  2. uh, what just happened? Bob, no one said that, at all. Its called discussion bro... people are discussing the topic at hand. Let them.
  3. Cool. That was a pretty interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Honestly, this is preventable. All those contractors needed to do was put up temporary barricades for the small debris, and plan their demo of the large debris better. If my company can demo steel reinforced concrete 150 feet in the air and prevent ALL debris from falling on workers below or in process lines (refinery work), then I'm sure taking down a masonry reinforced brick wall within a constrained area should be quite easy for this company. This happened because of poor preplanning and for that, I blame the Project Management team. They should have the foresight to see that theyre already in hot water with the local residents and properly preplan every method of demolition to not interfere with other people's properties. Cover, Your, Ass, project managers. /Construction rant
  5. Why'd you stop writing innerlooped, I liked that blog! Anyway, to the OP. I wish you luck on your venture. I hope you restore and renovate the home and while I can understand the need for government to create incentive for restoration in some cases; I feel that should be more for public projects or large scale structures where financing can be difficult. Hope you restore the home, (post pictures if you do!)
  6. I'm a cyclist, the reason why were not on the side walks is because I'm going 20 mph. Which can severely hurt someone should I collide with them. Occasionally I do get on the sidewalk for safety reasons. But I drastically lower my speed and am very respectful. That being said, I oppose closing Main Street. In addition to Chicago's mistake, I'd also cite Memphis, TN. They closed their main st years ago and eviscerated a multitude of downtown businesses. They even have a running 80 year old trolly on main...
  7. That makes sense to me. I'd hate to have every building light blue reflective glass though... get boring after a while
  8. It seems like in the architecture world, light blue reflective glass is all the rage. Thats what, 5 high rises planned/underconstruction for downtown Houston with similar glass color?
  9. So we have pretty cool renderings from an architecture company in Memphis, TN. (which show downtown Atlanta in the background for some reason)... Any contractor/owners/financing news? Is there real substance to the new rendering??
  10. KUHF posted this today. Thought it was interesting... and slightly relevant to vigorous discussions going on http://app1.kuhf.org/vehicle-fatalities-texas.html map of Vehicle fatalities this year in Texas.
  11. Yep that's it! At least that's pretty much what it looked like when I drove by
  12. Saw a sign with a rendering next to building. Was on my way to work so I couldn't get a shot
  13. Probably height increases of the crane as the building goes up. Those cranes can assemble themselves. See video I couldnt see the extra crane components on the webcam, but if there are several... that would be my guess as to their purpose. .
  14. 33 floors... 3000 feet. Yep. Checks out. We got ourselves a new supertall guys!
  15. My guess: The top is secretly going to be the eye of sauron in mordor.
  16. thats impressive. If you look closely you can see the some segments of beltway 8 complete themselves, and an eruption of sprawl afterwards. Pretty impressive.
  17. My bad. Not sure how I missed your post. I guess I went to the latest page and didn't realize the previous had new posts too. party foul I guess
  18. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/sarnoff/article/Buildings-new-skin-aims-for-sleek-look-4487900.php That was fast! 30 to 60 days?!
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