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Everything posted by Purdueenginerd

  1. a bit more modern than some of the recent 4-5 story complexes. Could use some color though. Gray with a side of Gray
  2. Its because theyre doing construction with mast climbers. which have load capacities from 2,000-8,000 lbf (they have single mast climbers---the load capacity of those is likely less than 2000 lbf) Window panes like that weigh about 400-600lbf. Do the math, You can't really stage 100 window panes per mast climber /edit
  3. It doesnt really look like the renderings yet... I also dont understand why they bothered preserving the two brick walls (I'm skeptical it saved much manpower/cost in relation to total project). The difference brick colors are kind of... ugly. Hopefully, they paint them to match or something...
  4. Those high rises caught my eye as well. I remember seeing the HCC proposal for upgrade, I dont recall any high rise construction associated with it.
  5. http://www.houstonmi...ined_121312.pdf Saw this on Houston Midtown's Facebook page.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadership_in_Energy_and_Environmental_Design This is a general explanation of LEED
  7. Why is a british paper covering a kind of small implosion/development project in Houston, TX/? Was this a bigger news story than I thought?
  8. The high rise location looks to be more North than East of the park. Aside from the fact that all of downtown's main high rises are due west (and thus casting shade over the entire park in late afternoon), I dont think this tower will cast much shade on it except for maybe the side facing La branch. Thoughts?
  9. And really really white... Get those people some sunscreen. I'm getting blinded here!
  10. "the seven-story, 215,000-square-foot structure will have 800 beds on the eastern edge of campus. It will have street-level retail and a rooftop terrace." Pack em in there like sardines. Sheesh. At least there's street retail
  11. one park place is 501 feet at 37 floors. Your range sounds about right, it all depends on architectural elements as well...
  12. Speaking of Post... Anyone know anything about whats going into the corner spot? Seems like that would be hot venue for food, bar or music
  13. Anyone think downtown and the Med-district could join too? It would require more highrise construction in Midtown... possible?
  14. On the site plan it looks like there is a drivethrough on the back and left side of the starbucks...But its a bit hard to see.
  15. Not a big fan of this... 50 percent of the block is surface lot. I guess it's better than what was there before but in reality it just appears to be a suburban strip mall...
  16. This is most certainly true. High rise construction is dependent on several things. Theres no way to tell unless youre on the project management team how many work-hours or pre-planning went into that high rise construction.
  17. Thats exciting. I like that building. Hope our version is similar
  18. I live near this tower. The structural facade is being removed, ie, the brown "rock" and their counterpart black windows. Its being replaced by the new blue facade.
  19. The proper/construction industry term for that type of scaffolding is a mast climber just for everyone's knowledge... Very cool pictures though, I'm looking forward to this project developing. "scaffolvator" though I like that, I'm gonna have to remember that.
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