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Everything posted by Purdueenginerd

  1. That location has seen like what 8 bars in the last 7 years? Strip mall bars must be hard to keep open...
  2. 500 units.. that's the biggest apartment complex (by unit number) yet downtown, or am I mistaken? I like this project... should continue to help merge midtown and downtown as residential communities
  3. Mast-Climber work platform... we normally just call them Mast-Climbers.
  4. Post to reddit r/houston- might get a larger audience.
  5. agreed. I see crews there every morning. All it looks like theyre doing is gutting... lots and lots of gutting. Windows on the travis side seem to be disappearing every so often...
  6. Violence? Hardly. I think statistically that area is in line with midtown and downtown. Rush hour- I drive through that area for my commute all the time- It's hardly inconvenient. Traffic on the street level isnt bad at all during rush hour. On 45... that area is a bit irritating. But residents will hop on I-45 well south and north of that location. I would guess a significant percentage of the residents would work in downtown/medical district as well... making traffic on 45--irrelevant. Particulate Pollution: PM2.5 and PM10 do tend to be higher in areas directly adjacent to interstate highways... and in the city in general. Sound Pollution: Sound resistant windows and doors do a lot to remedy that. Also, Who drinks 3 bottles of tequila in one sitting?
  7. I like the vertical sign along main street. The inside, Nice but I feel it will be dated and tacky in less than a decade. -strictly opinion of course..
  8. That would be pretty skyline changing if we have a reverse floorplate design here's a highrise in Charlotte, NC that "cantilevers" like that...
  9. Ruining views from the stadium is contingent on fans actually attending astros games---Which is numbering in the what... low thousands per game?
  10. Agreed. I'm not a huge fan of a wood frame structure in the heart of downtown. Wood frame structures--- tend to be temporary in nature... That being said, I wouldnt be surprised if the first floor is reinforced concrete with wood frame above it...
  11. theyre fattening the tower. Interesting. I'd expect new exterior columns for that
  12. redevelopment? https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!q=3300+main+houston%2C+tx&data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d-95.377805!3d29.740595!2m2!1f265.77!2f86.2!4f75!2m7!1e1!2m2!1scbVegRkW4JeYTxQGJ2cPyw!2e0!5m2!1scbVegRkW4JeYTxQGJ2cPyw!2e0!4m12!2m11!1m10!1s0x8640bf6dd4c86605%3A0xc81dc7775aa6516!3m8!1m3!1d55448!2d-95.1158934!3d29.704698!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1&fid=5 thats whats there now...So are they bulldozing that building? or do i have the wrong spot.
  13. This renovation/rebuild has been impressive, in my opinion. What percent of the old building did they actually keep? %5? haha
  14. iPhone users, ask Siri who your favorite baseball team is... Bit depressing
  15. Right now we have over 1000 apartment units on the drawing board or under construction in downtown. There are currently just under 3000 total living units in downtown Houston. My guess is that a 33 percent increase in people living there will be followed by a small retail boom. Hopefully the housing construction continues and more people move into downtown
  16. That's awful. Safety lesson: the construction industry had 775 fatalities in 2012. 280 of those were fall related. Always 100 percent tie off when working at unprotected elevations of greater than 6 feet. 45 percent of falls under 20 feet are fatal. And even at 6 to 10 ft the rate is 11 percent fatal. Falls account for the 3rd highest workplace fatality rate --- behind homicide and roadway accidents. I shared this article with my companies safety team. We had an hour long safety stand down at our construction sites to discuss the importance of 100 percent tie off.
  17. Nice size residential building. My apologies if this has been answered, how many apartment units are they planning for the site? /edit: nevermind- 289 units listed on the PDF
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