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Everything posted by C2H

  1. 713/214 may speak some truth, but most of the time he sounds reeall bitter. I guess he got so used used to the buildings that actually do go up in Dallas and sit empty, thus adding to the already extremely high vacancy rate. 713/214, how bout we meet at the NOVE in Victory Park. I'll buy you a drink.
  2. I haven't had a chance to look through the PDF yet but anyone know why the project isn't going forward? That SUCKS!
  3. I'm glad that plans are still being talked about west of downtown, but I'm more interested in seeing more aggressive plans about developments and cleaning the Bayou downtown. Like Scarface said, the Bayou is filthy and is more of an eyesore than an assett in the areas of downtown. They need to get a plan to clean up all the trash and actually clean the water of its muddy appearance. There's so much potential with this Bayou and its not being realized.
  4. Thanks for explaining that. So really, Dallas is repeating the same mistakes over again. Still focusing on style and pizazz rather than building a city that has character. These new neighborhoods , with the exception of Uptown/Turtle creek have no character at all. The Arts District may be new but it was built way too fast to really have sustainability.
  5. Is the 63% leased space for the Ritz Carlton a good indicator that this tower will succeed? I'm not sure how this stuff works.
  6. LOL. I remember that. I think it was the other way around though!
  7. All you hating on DIA. The place kills IAH as far as asthetics go!
  8. thanks for the update citykid! But what are the chances they'll decide to move from a top bulldog ciy like Chicago? Chicago is a bully! They just took our only airline carrier headquarters out of our hands like taking candy from a baby! Chicago said, "I want that! Give me that! And they just took it!
  9. skwatra, dbigtex. Is this some kind of joke that i'm missing? The lights on the Continential haven't been blue for 2 years! It's been white? What are you all talking about? Has it been that long since you've been downtown at night?
  10. call me an optimist, but nothing hass happened yet. People are already panicing. I'm just going to wait until the announcement is made. Either way, Chicago will eventually get what it wants at the end, even if it doesn't happen this time around.
  11. The leaders of Continential will be stupid if they do this. Messing up Continential's rep by merging it into a crappy Airline carrier like United? If they do this, then it proves how inadequate Continential really is and maybe they should lose their name.
  12. So, what? Is the movie studio idea dead now?
  13. Entirely your opinion. Nobody's mad. It's not that big of a deal. Either you are an advocate of better lighting or you aren't. I stand by my original statement though. It seems to create voids. Disagree or not.
  14. I don't feel that i have to have a good reason for feeling the way i feel to meet your expectations. Houston could stand to light itself up more. That's my opinion and my right. You, Niche, and A/F have the right to not understand my view but just respect that I have that same right and not attack me for it.
  15. You're in the wrong trype of city for that my friend. You should be living in a rural, small town if that's what you want. That's almost like saying you want to ride a horse to get everywhere you want to go in a big city.
  16. Seriously!? YES, SERIOUSLY!!! No Niche you give yourself one. Don't try to blow what I said out of proportion. Yes, visitors are attracted to light and flash. I'm not saying that they only look for lit-up buildings but you can't deny that they're not attention-getters, or maybe YOU can. They also serve as landmarks to help navigate around the city.
  17. Well maybe i can't make you care but for example, downtown Houston has got to be one of the blandest looking downtowns in the country at street level due to the stupid ordinance for lack of signs and lighting displays at street level. I'll give credit to Bayou Place, Main Street, Houston Pavilions, and the areas around Discovery Green for doing it but the fact that too much of downtown has no lighting displays at street level creates a giant VOID between these areas. People complain of often feeling unsafe while walking these between voids. Also the lack of skyscraper lighting at night makes downtown look devoid of character. If i was a visitor, I would think the TMC and the Uptown/Galleria area is where the action is at night, definitely not downtown. Downtown sits in a shadow of these areas at night. Even though i'm glad they quit with the cheap white christmas lights, it still looks like a black hole. Please don't make me go there. funny
  18. And that type of reasoning has plagued Houston for years. Not lighting a skyline as powerful, yet, the tallest building could be part of the reason why Houston was overshadowed in the past. You have to have some flash.
  19. Damn. i thought this thing was a real proposal. all it is is a student's dream.
  20. What about dubai? hasn't it trying to take houston's place?
  21. I'm actually pretty disapoointed that this development is not going through. And to think what's going in that empty space instead, A new church?? No disrespect to religion but Houston's already too bible ridden. It's not the intriguing awe-inspiring development this Waterlights district would have been. And to the people who thought Pearland of 20 years ago was better than today? Care to share your reasons? Pearland still seems to be an exciting new area off 288.
  22. Citykid09 are you kidding me? You've become quite the downer lately. I agree with most your points on Houston's current rail system but to say Dallas is more urban than Houston tells me that you haven't spent much time in Dallas. Houston's core is denser as far as people and restaurants, but lacking on Light rail (AT THE MOMENT) Dallas may be ahead as far as urban developments like rail and TODS but that doesn't make it more urban because it these two things going for it. Most of the time when i visit Dallas, it feels like an empty movie set that has all these cool urban developments, but not very many people actually walking the streets using them. You need to learn the definition of URBAN. Sorry buddy!
  23. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I am one who constantly takes up for Houston anytime i hear someone refer to it in a negative manner such as: ugly, dirty, or etc.
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