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Wanted: 10 Coolest People to Sell Houston


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How about Chester Cheetah? Now, that's one cool dude!


Or, maybe they could get Joe Camel out of retirement?

Thats hilarious! and probably not a bad idea. That chronicle article is sure to start an uproar. Basically no one is ever happy no matter who gets chosen in any arena. Just like movie critics, someone won't like the person selected for one reason or another. It will become a political choice for sure. I hope we steer clear of any and all cliche's, Ex: a rap person, cowboy, a local dj....... gggrrrrrrrrr and please no talking reptiles or animals for that matter. Real burned out cliche'.

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This quote from the article made me laugh...

"And if a national group doesn't give us their convention, not to make threats, but I'm sure Dolcefino can find out something about them they don't want found out."

What's so wrong about finding cool people to promote the city anyway?

I enjoyed the article

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it would be helpful to know who these "cool" people are.

and i am sure coolness factors differ among everyone, but apparently ken hoffman didn't think they were:

I asked Brown to let me see the list of nominees for the "10 Coolest People."

Oh-oh, here we go again. The same old, same old. They're not cool, and they're certainly not hot.


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This is just terrible.

If we have to seek out ten people then we don't have ten people. Know what I mean?

They are just repeating the trend of begging people to like us.

Houston - Be Yourself!

Toast to that!

As always what one thinks is cool to him or her would be a joke to another. Seems the world has become an American Idol judge. Everyone wants to vote everyone off the island. That would only leave Ginger, Maryann.

Houston - Be Yourself!

Edited by Vertigo58
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This is just terrible.

If we have to seek out ten people then we don't have ten people. Know what I mean?

They are just repeating the trend of begging people to like us.

Houston - Be Yourself!

Truer words have never been spoken. This is a clown fest of wannabe's who want Houston to be accepted into the limelight. I find it goofy.

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Truer words have never been spoken. This is a clown fest of wannabe's who want Houston to be accepted into the limelight. I find it goofy.

Count me in on the anti-buffoon bandwagon. I'm a bit more than sick of celeb worship and Houston's attempt to kiss up to the world. And this looks like both.

If we must advertise ourselves in an attempt at accomplishing both additional tourist income and municipal self esteem, then lets just put some deadpan intelligent people to calmly discuss some unknown plusses about this city. Why must everything be hyperactive and charismatic? Are people just completely unable to concentrate for more than 5 seconds? Maybe a 30 sec. Power Point presentation. :rolleyes:

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(from the chron.com story:)

"We'd like to create a small focus group to help us engage locals about Houston. We can't promote tourism if our own residents aren't also promoting the city in their own way. They are our biggest ambassadors and our biggest critics. One good or bad word from a local means so much more to a potential visitor than hundreds of Houston ads," said Lindsey Brown, marketing director of the bureau.

Dear Lindsey-

I know you're trying to do a good job, and I'm sure your parents are proud of you for having one.

But, we live in a era where sensationalism drives the media machines, which is why so much of our nightly news and daily print news is more entertainment than information these days.

Tabloid trash is what sells in the media. No one wants to hear about how smart or successful someone is; people want to hear about astronauts wearing adult diapers and driving 900 miles to kill their rival. People don't want to hear who got a medal for saving lives, people want to know what's going to happen to Anna Nicole's little 5 month old daughter.

Think of yourself as a press agent for a megawatt superstar. It's just that your client is the entire City of Houston, instead of a single person. Somedays your client will be in the news for great reasons like hosting the flood of evacuees from New Orleans when no other city wanted to step and help these poor people out. BUT, somedays your client will be in the news for being named the Fattest City, the Most Crime-Ridden City, the Dirtiest Air City, and on and on.

Yes, you will probably see a lot more of the bad news stories than the good, but just remember, trash sells big! And rememember the old axiom, "Bad press is better than no press at all!"

And remember what my old friend, Midtown Coog always says, "Houston - BE YOURSELF!"

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Is Houston really that hard of a sell? And just who are we trying to sell it to?

I hope I live long enough to see Houston reach the point where people here won't feel they have to "sell the city". From where I sit, a city that has to work as hard as Houston works to sell itself probably doesn't have much to offer. A city that's worth coming to see doesn't have to do much selling.

I'm not talking about advertising the city in travel magazines -- advertising is fine and it works. I'm talking about this infernal inferiority complex that leads to sending delegations of locals around the country to beg people to come to Houston.

If Houston ever gets to be a good "Destination City", word of mouth, and some creative advertising, will get that news around the country and people will come. You don't see New York, Chicago, San Francisco or Miami constantly selling themselves because we already know what they are and what they have to offer, and they don't have to beg us to come there.

Just once -- JUST ONCE -- I want to see people in this town act like they live in a big metropolitan city -- instead of acting like people in a small town. Just once I want to see a famous person come to Houston and not see the local media ask them "what do you think of Houston?" Just once, let's act like we didn't just ride in on a watermelon truck, and furthermore we don't care what they think of Houston. You'll never see the local media in NYC asking tourists what they think of New York.

Edited by FilioScotia
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So true. It reminds me of when Roseanne Rogers bum-rushed Pamela Anderson during the Super Bowl on the way out of Charivari.

"What do you think of Houston" she screamed in her perverted Okie twang.

I was so embarrased!

I bet if you ask a person from outside US they will say we wear cowboy hats and worship Gilley's. Then again we keep putting unfamous washed-up personalities like Ray Childress or Finger Furniture guy who sound right out of a scene from "Deliverance". We may as well have a Barney Fife type sheriff interviewed, windmills in background, Arnold the Pig running around! Green Acres is the place to be...Faaaarm living is the life for me!

Edited by Vertigo58
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