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scary new changes in the earth's eco-system


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Wonder how much Al Gore is donating to fix the environment?

Becuase as of today, he's just a fraud schlepping a book, and running to the bank.

"Gore is donating 100% of his profits from both the movie and its companion book to the same campaign." link

100% enough for you?

You owe Mr. Gore an apology.

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Wonder how much Al Gore is donating to fix the environment?

Becuase as of today, he's just a fraud schlepping a book, and running to the bank.

Wonder how much Coog os donating to fix the environment because so far all we've gotten from her is a lot of hot air.

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Interesting article about a "middle" way of looking at climate change issues, trying to be pragmatic. This is the approach that the Economist argued last year. You can't scientifically "prove" climate change until it's too late, but you still take steps to protect against the potential risk.

Middle Stance Emerges in Debate Over Climate


Published: January 1, 2007

Amid the shouting lately about whether global warming is a human-caused catastrophe or a hoax, some usually staid climate scientists in the usually invisible middle are speaking up.

..many environmental campaigners, former Vice President Al Gore and some scientists have portrayed the growing human influence on the climate as an unfolding disaster that is already measurably strengthening hurricanes, spreading diseases and amplifying recent droughts and deluges. Conservative politicians and a few scientists, many with ties to energy companies, have variously countered that human-driven warming is inconsequential, unproved or a manufactured crisis.

A third stance is now emerging, espoused by many experts who challenge both poles of the debate.

They agree that accumulating carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping smokestack and tailpipe gases probably pose a momentous environmental challenge, but say the appropriate response is more akin to buying fire insurance and installing sprinklers and new wiring in an old, irreplaceable house (the home planet) than to fighting a fire already raging.

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Guess even the republican white house is resigned to the fact that something is happening...


Polar bear meltdown?

By Steven Milloy

December 31, 2006

Last week the Bush administration proposed to list the polar bear as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. It's a futile gesture that only signals a weakening in the administration's earlier strong stance against global warming hysteria.

The proposal resulted from a lawsuit settlement the Bush administration reached in February with Greenpeace and the Natural Resources Defense Council. In return for these groups dropping their effort to force the administration to grant polar bears "threatened" status under the ESA, the administration agreed to begin a rulemaking to list the bears.

This doesn't sound like much of a "deal" -- and it's not. Though the proposal doesn't legally bind the Bush administration to list polar bears as threatened and will simmer for at least 12 months while the administration says it will seek more information and public comment, based on the fanfare accompanying its roll-out, the listing seems all but final.

Full article here: http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/200612...05723-4484r.htm

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Macbro, the problem is that they haven't asked anyone that actually lives there. The truth of the matter is that the Polar Bear population has actually GAINED a few numbers over the last 5 years. Just yesterday 950 am had one of the leading Polar Bear experts on the show, and he denies that the Poalr bears are in any danger whatsoever. He even said that ," he wished every animal on the "endangered species" list was doing as well as the Polar bear." It's a bunch of hullabaloo ! Somebody needs a Govt. grant, and has figured out how to get it.

Here is the REAL threat to Polar Bears, NOT the Earth's eco-system.


Edited by TJones
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UK scientists: 2007 might be warmest year on record

BEIJING, Jan. 5 (Xinhuanet) -- British climate scientists predict that 2007 might be the world's hottest year on record because of a resurgent E1 Nino climate trend combined with higher levels of greenhouse gases.

"Even a moderate (El Nino) warming event is enough to push the global temperatures over the top," said Phil Jones, director of the Climatic Research unit at the University of East Anglia Thursday.

The London official weather office forecast warned planetary warming from pollution will "push global temperatures over the top."

The global temperature is predicted to be 0.54 degrees Celsius above the 1961-1990 average of 14 degrees Celsius, the office said in a statement.

It added that there was a 60 percent probability that 2007 would be as warm or even warmer than the current warmest year on record, 1998.

Full article here

Okay wait ... is this the SUMMER or is it DEAD WINTER right now...? I guess it is hard to tell the seasons anymore ...


Sheriff: 2 killed after storms, tornadoes rip southern Louisiana

1/5/2007, 1:09 a.m. CT

The Associated Press


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British climate scientists predict that 2007 might be the world's hottest year on record because of a resurgent E1 Nino climate trend combined with higher levels of greenhouse gases.

t added that there was a 60 percent probability that 2007 would be as warm or even warmer than the current warmest year on record, 1998.

And New York had it's first November/December since the trun of the century where it did not snow! :ph34r:

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It's sad that HAIF has deginerated into juvinile responses to serious posts. It only diminishes the integrity that HAIF once was known for.

It's legitimate criticism. The Chicken Littles of the world get a lot of attention because they're 1) loud and annoying, 2) robust in population (or else the parable wouldn't exist), and 3) people have a morbid fascination with the apocalypse. When they scream that the sky is falling, they must be shown for what they are. ...and I'm sorry, but tornadoes in Louisiana aren't exactly a "sky is falling" event.

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It's sad that HAIF has deginerated into juvinile responses to serious posts. It only diminishes the integrity that HAIF once was known for.

It's sad that these uninformed trivial posts of doom and gloom of global warming keep getting posted, without any scientific proof, only teary eyed theoretical rhetoric. I will gladly get into an intelligent debate on any theory you like. If you scroll back a couple of pages, I started my breakdown of the so called global warming being blamed on the encapsulation of CO2 or so called green house gases. Which holds no water scientifically, especially since the natural cycle evolution of the earth generated 100 times the amount of CO2 than any man made origin, and has since the ice age. Now if you wish to explore the possibilities of orbital eccentrics or elliptic variances in the natural rotation of the planets effecting tidal currents, seasonal shifting, and thermal ambient elevation of 1.3475oC, over the past 300 plus years, let's do it. But the last time I tried to bring up this conversation, it turned this thread into a graveyard. Where were all of you so called intelligent global warming theorists then. I'd love to get into an open discussion on the thermodynamics of your doom and gloom BS anytime you feel froggy. We can break it down anytime you like. Because I feel these posts saying Polar Bears are near extinction, and New York had a mild winter, as well as British scientists predicting warmest years on record as a result of "E1 Nino climate trend combined with higher levels of greenhouse gases." is so much horse crap, with no foundation what so ever, posts like that are just comical as good ole Chicken Little. So get your calculator out and let's rock and roll, I'll gladly blind you with enough nomenclature, you'll wish you'd paid more attention in your motion physics classes and not skipped out on the organic chemistry. Take your best shot, since you think a person is unintelligent when they refuse to agree with your Global Warming theories. And by the way, before you start trying to use big words like "degenerated" and "juvenile", you might want to learn to spell them first.

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Don't care how you 'spin' it, there is something NOT QUITE RIGHT about flowers and trees blooming in NYC, Washington, DC and 50 degree whether in Chicago (that normally experiences 30s right now).

Oh yeah, I almost forgot ... there was also an F1 (possibly F2) tornado that struck SC yesterday ... all this in the middle of winter ...?

Whether it is man-made, global warming, earth or solar-system warming ... something ain't right. Chicken Little only THOUGHT the sky was falling ... in our case ... it actually IS. LOL

Oh yeah, the article below is plastered over Drudge.com ... not exactly a liberal, earth-loving, bastion of news.


That 70s Show: Record Highs Expected Saturday

With Temperatures To Stay Above Normal For 28th Straight Day, Many Ski Resorts Remain Closed

(CBS) NEW YORK Put away your snow shovels and hang up your winter coats, New Yorkers. After all, it is the first week of January.

Record warm temperatures in New York City will cap off a strange week that's seen cherry blossoms bloom in Brooklyn and Washington, D.C., multiple blizzards pummel Denver and other parts of the midwest, and ski resorts in the northeast close their doors due to lack of snow and customers.

Full article here: http://wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_005210450.html

Edited by houstonmacbro
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Yes, that's true .. but how often have these things occured. Not saying these are the first times they are occurring, not even saying they are happening more frequently, but it seems that these things are all over the news these days. Is it better reporting? Is something actually happening?

Growing up (I'm 40) I do not recall hearing of things like this. Winter was winter, summer was summer ... and so on. Houston, never really had cold winters, but now it seems there is just about no winter at all ... it gets cool (not even cold) for a month or so and then gets warm/hot sometime starting in March.

I am not a scientist, just going on memories and what I am seeing in the news.

Seems like our seasons have become topsy-turvy.

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Yes, that's true .. but how often have these things occured. Not saying these are the first times they are occurring, not even saying they are happening more frequently, but it seems that these things are all over the news these days. Is it better reporting? Is something actually happening?

That's because you got too many 24/7 news channels with to much time on there hands. The weather fluctuates the older you get the less you notice.

Edited by Marty
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Yes, that's true .. but how often have these things occured. Not saying these are the first times they are occurring, not even saying they are happening more frequently, but it seems that these things are all over the news these days. Is it better reporting? Is something actually happening?

Growing up (I'm 40) I do not recall hearing of things like this. Winter was winter, summer was summer ... and so on. Houston, never really had cold winters, but now it seems there is just about no winter at all ... it gets cool (not even cold) for a month or so and then gets warm/hot sometime starting in March.

I am not a scientist, just going on memories and what I am seeing in the news.

Seems like our seasons have become topsy-turvy.

Since everyone loves a theory on this, let me run one past you, in just a minute, but let me draw you a picture of how my crusade to pop the Global warming bubble got started. And just in case you're wondering, I am currently in the completion stages of my dissertation on this very subject, it has been a ten year process in the making. Why so long? Well number one I am trying to complete a Doctorate of Applied Science (D.A.S.), which is a little more complex than your run of the mill PhD, which deals mainly in theory and philosophy. Any degree in applied science deals in proof not theory, another words you have to prove your theory instead of just talking about it. That's the very reason you will see me specifically refer to Scientists and Theorists. The reason all of this came about was my ding dong wife sent off $1000 dollars to a save the Rain-forest group, to adopt a 100 acre tract of rain-forest in Brazil, to save it from the tree cutting monsters that are ruining the environment. She got a title certificate and everything, and she was so proud of herself. She being a science teacher proudly displayed her title on the wall of her classroom. Well I got a wild hair when I was in Brazil on business, to try and locate this tract of land I saved, come to find out, this save the rain-forest society had saved an industrial warehouse area located in the Amazon Basin of Manaus. Not a hardwood tree for miles. Now these are some of the very organizations that started this greenhouse crusade, and that clear cutting the rain-forests are directly connected to global warming. So my quest was to disprove any false claims by so called expert theorists, that like to refer to themselves as scientists, to try and boost their credibility. My BS is in Petroleum Engineering, minored in geophysics, my Masters in in Hydrodynamics involving Drilling Fluids, with a minor in Chromatography. So it was an easy evolution to Thermodynamics involving Climatic Cyclic Evolution without a bunch of academic backtracking.

Here is another theory that holds some provable validity. Since their invention, calendars have been used to reckon time in advance, and to fix the occurrence of events like harvests or religious festivals. Ancient peoples tied their calendars to whatever recurring natural phenomena they could most easily observe. In areas with pronounced seasons, annual weather changes usually fixed the calendar; in warmer climates such as Southern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, the moon was used to mark time. Unfortunately, the cycles of the sun and moon do not synchronize well. A lunar year (consisting of 12 lunar cycles, or lunations, each 29

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Feel free chime in any there Nmain

No thanks. I'll just put you back on ignore with niche and houstonfirstword. Your continued juvenile posts, Jekyl and Hyde behavior, long pastes and $1000 extortionist bribes just don't impress me that much.

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No thanks. I'll just put you back on ignore with niche and houstonfirstword. Your continued juvenile posts, Jekyl and Hyde behavior, long pastes and $1000 extortionist bribes just don't impress me that much.

...because nothing says maturity quite like putting your fingers in your ears and going "LALALALALALALALALA!" <_<

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No thanks. I'll just put you back on ignore with niche and houstonfirstword. Your continued juvenile posts, Jekyl and Hyde behavior, long pastes and $1000 extortionist bribes just don't impress me that much.

Spoken as predicted, crawl back into your hole where you belong, and while you're in there produce the source of the so called "paste", I'll bet you can't, know why, because there is no source. I am not a C&P kinda person, you just get in over your head, and then run for cover, and start with the insults, and personal attacks. Yet accuse someone else of the same. Keep me on ignore as long as you live for all I care. And it's "Jekyll".

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Still no snow here in the City of Boston this season. Nothing. It reached 69 degrees yesterday. Today dropped into the lower 50s with bright sunshine but even that is quite a bit higher than normal.

I had heard that "El Nino" was going to cause the Mountain West states to get a lot of snow, New England to be very mild and dry, and the Southeast to be cooler and wet. That seems to be ringing true.

My only concern is that we seem to be having "El Nino" winters much more often than in the past. Isn't that due to rising Pacific Ocean temps?

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I spoke with my cousin in Fairfax Virginia and he says (and he turned 25 yesterday) that it was the first time in his lifetime that he has seen a winter in that city without snow this long. It did not snow in November, December, or up to today in January.

So there have been lots of oddities this winter.

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